Created on 2009-10-29
@author: Administrator
import sys, random
from math import sqrt
from pickle import *
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
def cartesian_matrix(coords):
""" A distance matrix """
matrix = {}
for i, (x1, y1) in enumerate(coords):
for j, (x2, y2) in enumerate(coords):
dx, dy = x1 - x2, y1 - y2
dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
matrix[i, j] = dist
return matrix
def tour_length(matrix, tour):
""" Returns the total length of the tour """
total = 0
num_cities = len(tour)
for i in range(num_cities):
j = (i + 1) % num_cities
city_i = tour[i]
city_j = tour[j]
total += matrix[city_i, city_j]
return total
def write_tour_to_img(coords, tour, img_file):
""" The function to plot the graph """
padding = 20
coords = [(x + padding, y + padding) for (x, y) in coords]
maxx, maxy = 0, 0
for x, y in coords:
maxx = max(x, maxx)
maxy = max(y, maxy)
maxx += padding
maxy += padding
img = Image.new("RGB", (int(maxx), int(maxy)), color=(255, 255, 255))
font = ImageFont.load_default()
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img);
num_cities = len(tour)
for i in range(num_cities):
j = (i + 1) % num_cities
city_i = tour[i]
city_j = tour[j]
x1, y1 = coords[city_i]
x2, y2 = coords[city_j]
d.line((int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2)), fill=(0, 0, 0))
d.text((int(x1) + 7, int(y1) - 5), str(i), font=font, fill=(32, 32, 32))
for x, y in coords:
x, y = int(x), int(y)
d.ellipse((x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5), outline=(0, 0, 0), fill=(196, 196, 196))
del d
img.save(img_file, "PNG")
print "The plot was saved into the %s file." % (img_file,)
cm = []
coords = []
def eval_func(chromosome):
""" The evaluation function """
global cm
return tour_length(cm, chromosome)
def cities_random(cities, xmax=800, ymax=600):
""" get random cities/positions """
coords = []
for i in xrange(cities):
x = random.randint(0, xmax)
y = random.randint(0, ymax)
coords.append((float(x), float(y)))
return coords
class Individual:
score = 0
length = 30
seperator = ' '
def __init__(self, chromosome=None, length=30):
self.chromosome = chromosome or self._makechromosome()
self.length = length
self.score = 0 # set during evaluation
def _makechromosome(self):
"makes a chromosome from randomly selected alleles."
chromosome = []
lst = [i for i in xrange(self.length)]
for i in xrange(self.length):
choice = random.choice(lst)
return chromosome
def evaluate(self, optimum=None):
self.score = eval_func(self.chromosome)
def crossover(self, other):
left, right = self._pickpivots()
p1 = Individual()
p2 = Individual()
c1 = [ c for c in self.chromosome if c not in other.chromosome[left:right + 1]]
p1.chromosome = c1[:left] + other.chromosome[left:right + 1] + c1[left:]
c2 = [ c for c in other.chromosome if c not in self.chromosome[left:right + 1]]
p2.chromosome = c2[:left] + self.chromosome[left:right + 1] + c2[left:]
return p1, p2
def mutate(self):
"swap two element"
left, right = self._pickpivots()
temp = self.chromosome[left]
self.chromosome[left] = self.chromosome[right]
self.chromosome[right] = temp
def _pickpivots(self):
left = random.randint(0, self.length - 2)
right = random.randint(left, self.length - 1)
return left, right
def __repr__(self):
"returns string representation of self"
return '<%s chromosome="%s" score=%s>' % \
self.seperator.join(map(str, self.chromosome)), self.score)
def copy(self):
twin = self.__class__(self.chromosome[:])
twin.score = self.score
return twin
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.score, other.score)
class Environment:
size = 0
def __init__(self, population=None, size=100, maxgenerations=1000, newindividualrate=0.6,
crossover_rate=0.90, mutation_rate=0.1):
self.size = size
self.population = self._makepopulation()
self.maxgenerations = maxgenerations
self.newindividualrate = newindividualrate
self.crossover_rate = crossover_rate
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
for individual in self.population:
self.generation = 0
self.minscore = sys.maxint
self.minindividual = None
write_tour_to_img(coords, self.population[0].chromosome, "TSPstart.png")
print "No PIL detected,can not plot the graph"
def _makepopulation(self):
return [Individual() for i in range(0, self.size)]
def run(self):
for i in range(1, self.maxgenerations + 1):
print "Generation no:" + str(i)
for j in range(0, self.size):
curscore = self.population[j].score
if curscore < self.minscore:
self.minscore = curscore
self.minindividual = self.population[j]
print "Best individual:", self.minindividual
if random.random() < self.crossover_rate:
children = []
newindividual = int(self.newindividualrate * self.size / 2)
for i in range(0, newindividual):
selected1 = self._selectrank()
selected2 = self._selectrank()
parent1 = self.population[selected1]
parent2 = self.population[selected2]
child1, child2 = parent1.crossover(parent2)
for i in range(0, newindividual):
#replce with child
totalscore = 0
for k in range(0, self.size):
totalscore += self.population[k].score
randscore = random.random()
addscore = 0
for j in range(0, self.size):
addscore += (self.population[j].score / totalscore)
if addscore >= randscore:
self.population[j] = children[i]
if random.random() < self.mutation_rate:
selected = self._select()
#end loop
for i in range(0, self.size):
curscore = self.population[i].score
if curscore < self.minscore:
self.minscore = curscore
self.minindividual = self.population[i]
print "Result."
print self.minindividual
def _select(self):
totalscore = 0
for i in range(0, self.size):
totalscore += self.population[i].score
randscore = random.random()*(self.size - 1)
addscore = 0
selected = 0
for i in range(0, self.size):
addscore += (1 - self.population[i].score / totalscore)
if addscore >= randscore:
selected = i
return selected
def _selectrank(self, choosebest=0.9):
if random.random() < choosebest:
return random.randint(0, self.size * self.newindividualrate)
return random.randint(self.size * self.newindividualrate, self.size - 1)
def _printpopulation(self):
for i in range(0, self.size):
print "Individual ", i, self.population[i]
def main_run():
global cm, coords
#get cities's coords
coords = [(553.0, 132.0), (167.0, 381.0), (395.0, 51.0), (416.0, 101.0), (575.0, 351.0), (243.0, 347.0), (218.0, 415.0), (247.0, 86.0), (404.0, 286.0), (209.0, 462.0), (23.0, 204.0), (54.0, 492.0), (350.0, 405.0), (689.0, 78.0), (729.0, 543.0), (429.0, 371.0), (472.0, 64.0), (316.0, 570.0), (297.0, 570.0), (261.0, 198.0), (559.0, 272.0), (684.0, 224.0), (13.0, 548.0), (146.0, 93.0), (125.0, 558.0), (499.0, 414.0), (510.0, 503.0), (55.0, 234.0), (454.0, 144.0), (381.0, 0.0)]
cm = cartesian_matrix(coords)
ev = Environment()
write_tour_to_img(coords, ev.minindividual.chromosome, "TSPresult.png")
print "No PIL detected,can not plot the graph"
if __name__ == "__main__":
Created on 2009-10-29
@author: Administrator
import sys, random
from math import sqrt
from pickle import *
from PIL import Image, ImageDraw, ImageFont
def cartesian_matrix(coords):
""" A distance matrix """
matrix = {}
for i, (x1, y1) in enumerate(coords):
for j, (x2, y2) in enumerate(coords):
dx, dy = x1 - x2, y1 - y2
dist = sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy)
matrix[i, j] = dist
return matrix
def tour_length(matrix, tour):
""" Returns the total length of the tour """
total = 0
num_cities = len(tour)
for i in range(num_cities):
j = (i + 1) % num_cities
city_i = tour[i]
city_j = tour[j]
total += matrix[city_i, city_j]
return total
def write_tour_to_img(coords, tour, img_file):
""" The function to plot the graph """
padding = 20
coords = [(x + padding, y + padding) for (x, y) in coords]
maxx, maxy = 0, 0
for x, y in coords:
maxx = max(x, maxx)
maxy = max(y, maxy)
maxx += padding
maxy += padding
img = Image.new("RGB", (int(maxx), int(maxy)), color=(255, 255, 255))
font = ImageFont.load_default()
d = ImageDraw.Draw(img);
num_cities = len(tour)
for i in range(num_cities):
j = (i + 1) % num_cities
city_i = tour[i]
city_j = tour[j]
x1, y1 = coords[city_i]
x2, y2 = coords[city_j]
d.line((int(x1), int(y1), int(x2), int(y2)), fill=(0, 0, 0))
d.text((int(x1) + 7, int(y1) - 5), str(i), font=font, fill=(32, 32, 32))
for x, y in coords:
x, y = int(x), int(y)
d.ellipse((x - 5, y - 5, x + 5, y + 5), outline=(0, 0, 0), fill=(196, 196, 196))
del d
img.save(img_file, "PNG")
print "The plot was saved into the %s file." % (img_file,)
cm = []
coords = []
def eval_func(chromosome):
""" The evaluation function """
global cm
return tour_length(cm, chromosome)
def cities_random(cities, xmax=800, ymax=600):
""" get random cities/positions """
coords = []
for i in xrange(cities):
x = random.randint(0, xmax)
y = random.randint(0, ymax)
coords.append((float(x), float(y)))
return coords
class Individual:
score = 0
length = 30
seperator = ' '
def __init__(self, chromosome=None, length=30):
self.chromosome = chromosome or self._makechromosome()
self.length = length
self.score = 0 # set during evaluation
def _makechromosome(self):
"makes a chromosome from randomly selected alleles."
chromosome = []
lst = [i for i in xrange(self.length)]
for i in xrange(self.length):
choice = random.choice(lst)
return chromosome
def evaluate(self, optimum=None):
self.score = eval_func(self.chromosome)
def crossover(self, other):
left, right = self._pickpivots()
p1 = Individual()
p2 = Individual()
c1 = [ c for c in self.chromosome if c not in other.chromosome[left:right + 1]]
p1.chromosome = c1[:left] + other.chromosome[left:right + 1] + c1[left:]
c2 = [ c for c in other.chromosome if c not in self.chromosome[left:right + 1]]
p2.chromosome = c2[:left] + self.chromosome[left:right + 1] + c2[left:]
return p1, p2
def mutate(self):
"swap two element"
left, right = self._pickpivots()
temp = self.chromosome[left]
self.chromosome[left] = self.chromosome[right]
self.chromosome[right] = temp
def _pickpivots(self):
left = random.randint(0, self.length - 2)
right = random.randint(left, self.length - 1)
return left, right
def __repr__(self):
"returns string representation of self"
return '<%s chromosome="%s" score=%s>' % \
self.seperator.join(map(str, self.chromosome)), self.score)
def copy(self):
twin = self.__class__(self.chromosome[:])
twin.score = self.score
return twin
def __cmp__(self, other):
return cmp(self.score, other.score)
class Environment:
size = 0
def __init__(self, population=None, size=100, maxgenerations=1000, newindividualrate=0.6,
crossover_rate=0.90, mutation_rate=0.1):
self.size = size
self.population = self._makepopulation()
self.maxgenerations = maxgenerations
self.newindividualrate = newindividualrate
self.crossover_rate = crossover_rate
self.mutation_rate = mutation_rate
for individual in self.population:
self.generation = 0
self.minscore = sys.maxint
self.minindividual = None
write_tour_to_img(coords, self.population[0].chromosome, "TSPstart.png")
print "No PIL detected,can not plot the graph"
def _makepopulation(self):
return [Individual() for i in range(0, self.size)]
def run(self):
for i in range(1, self.maxgenerations + 1):
print "Generation no:" + str(i)
for j in range(0, self.size):
curscore = self.population[j].score
if curscore < self.minscore:
self.minscore = curscore
self.minindividual = self.population[j]
print "Best individual:", self.minindividual
if random.random() < self.crossover_rate:
children = []
newindividual = int(self.newindividualrate * self.size / 2)
for i in range(0, newindividual):
selected1 = self._selectrank()
selected2 = self._selectrank()
parent1 = self.population[selected1]
parent2 = self.population[selected2]
child1, child2 = parent1.crossover(parent2)
for i in range(0, newindividual):
#replce with child
totalscore = 0
for k in range(0, self.size):
totalscore += self.population[k].score
randscore = random.random()
addscore = 0
for j in range(0, self.size):
addscore += (self.population[j].score / totalscore)
if addscore >= randscore:
self.population[j] = children[i]
if random.random() < self.mutation_rate:
selected = self._select()
#end loop
for i in range(0, self.size):
curscore = self.population[i].score
if curscore < self.minscore:
self.minscore = curscore
self.minindividual = self.population[i]
print "Result."
print self.minindividual
def _select(self):
totalscore = 0
for i in range(0, self.size):
totalscore += self.population[i].score
randscore = random.random()*(self.size - 1)
addscore = 0
selected = 0
for i in range(0, self.size):
addscore += (1 - self.population[i].score / totalscore)
if addscore >= randscore:
selected = i
return selected
def _selectrank(self, choosebest=0.9):
if random.random() < choosebest:
return random.randint(0, self.size * self.newindividualrate)
return random.randint(self.size * self.newindividualrate, self.size - 1)
def _printpopulation(self):
for i in range(0, self.size):
print "Individual ", i, self.population[i]
def main_run():
global cm, coords
#get cities's coords
coords = [(553.0, 132.0), (167.0, 381.0), (395.0, 51.0), (416.0, 101.0), (575.0, 351.0), (243.0, 347.0), (218.0, 415.0), (247.0, 86.0), (404.0, 286.0), (209.0, 462.0), (23.0, 204.0), (54.0, 492.0), (350.0, 405.0), (689.0, 78.0), (729.0, 543.0), (429.0, 371.0), (472.0, 64.0), (316.0, 570.0), (297.0, 570.0), (261.0, 198.0), (559.0, 272.0), (684.0, 224.0), (13.0, 548.0), (146.0, 93.0), (125.0, 558.0), (499.0, 414.0), (510.0, 503.0), (55.0, 234.0), (454.0, 144.0), (381.0, 0.0)]
cm = cartesian_matrix(coords)
ev = Environment()
write_tour_to_img(coords, ev.minindividual.chromosome, "TSPresult.png")
print "No PIL detected,can not plot the graph"
if __name__ == "__main__":