在 Windows 中安插 Debian

Toy Posted in Apps

之前本站曾引见过基于 Windows 的 Ubuntu 安插步调,而今有开发者住手了一个相通的项目 Debian-Installer Loader,使之在 Windows 中安插 Debian 独霸细碎成为了幻想。

该安插步调是为没有光驱或 USB 引导才气、不知若何烧录 ISO 或设置装备铺排 BIOS、需求当即迁移到 Debian 细碎、以及支撑 Debina 的 Windows 用户而准备的。不外,也有用户针对此项目提出了质疑:

Well, I wonder who is next and who really needs these windows based installers? I personally think that developers should make some better things, like adding winmodem, wifi or some printer drivers to the distro, rather thean creating windows installer. Will we expect a MacOS based installer for Linux soon???


Download Debian-Installer Loader

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posted @ 2011-03-07 13:35  蓝色的天空III  阅读(111)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报