开源播放器 Banshee 发表 1.0 beta 2

新版本供给了对收集视频和PodCast的优秀支撑.SuSE/Ubuntu/Fedora Linux用户可以从源中直接安置,也可以下载安置包和源码自己弄.


  • View the release notes
  • Banshee 1.0 Beta 2 Source (bz2)
  • openSUSE 10.3 users can
  • Foresight 2.0 users: Use PackageKit or Conary to install banshee-1
  • Ubuntu users should go to the Banshee team's PPA
  • Note: you might get Beta 1 until Beta 2 packages are up

下载:Banshee 1.0 Beta 2 (0.99.2)

前导发轫:cnbeta 作者:cnbeta

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posted @ 2011-03-07 12:56  蓝色的天空III  阅读(138)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报