
 Toy Posted in Apps, BitTorrent ClientRSSTrackback

Azureus 于明天不日推出了一个更新版,其版本号为。该版本为波动版本,除了一些纤细的改善之外,也搜罗对之前版本中所存在错误的批改。

Azureus 的刊行注记如下:

FEATURE: Core | Alerts can now be shown in individual message popup boxes [amc1]
FEATURE: Core | Alerts can now be suppressed and shown on demand [amc1]
FEATURE: Core | Per-peer upload/download speed limits [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Per-category upload/download speed limits [Parg]
FEATURE: Core | Per-torrent super-seeding via MyTorrents context menu [Parg]
FEATURE: UI | Option to auto-download and install updates [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | Overall piece map for Piece View [TuxPaper]
FEATURE: UI | New “Peer ID” columns in the Peers View [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugins can now add their own status indicators on the status bar [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugins can now add menu items to the system tray, download bars, menu bar [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Plugins can now remove menu items that are created (allows for dynamic menus) [amc1]
FEATURE: Plug | Added extra methods on DownloadManager making it easier to listen to download events [amc1]

CHANGE: Core | Include msvcr71.dll in Windows installation bundles, for compatibility with Java6 [Nolar]
CHANGE: Plug | Added full set of config parameter methods for completeness [amc1]

BUGFIX: Plug | UPnP plugin now correctly attempts to remove existing mappings if they are in the way of new mappings [amc1]
BUGFIX: Core | Fix Re-adding a torrent causing “1-” or “-1″ directories or files [TuxPaper]
BUGFIX: Core | Fixed bug where files were sometimes moved into a subdirectory, where the directory name was only one character long [amc1]
BUGFIX: Plug | Fixed bug where some plugin menu items didn’t appear under certain conditions [amc1]

FEATURE: Columns auto-hide when there’s not enough room for them to display nicely
FEATURE: Added Quality column to “Last Downloads” and “Library” views
FEATURE: Warn on trying to delete paid for content
FEATURE: Ability to use cache peers
FEATURE: Auto-download updates
FEATURE: Filtering for Library view

CHANGE: Warn when trying to play a piece of content that’s been removed from the filesystem
CHANGE: Font size tweaks for some fonts that need to fit into a specific area (like buttons and tabs)

BUGFIX: Fixed versions prior to sometimes thinking they were originally 2.5.0.x

安放提醒:把下载归来的 Azureus3.0.0.8.jar 文件更名为 Azureus2.jar,然后更换原文件即可。该方式合用于 Linux 和 Windows 体系。

Download Azureus

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posted @ 2011-03-07 12:36  蓝色的天空III  阅读(143)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报