Zim 0.18

Toy Posted in Apps

Zim 可以称之为桌面端的 Wiki 软件,无论是记载条记,还是拾掇整顿质料,该软件都希罕很是有帮手。Zim 在昨天放出了新的版本 0.18,添加了一些新的特性,且修正了许多错误。

以下是 Zim 0.18 的更新记载,供大师参考:

* Added “Update Link” feature when moving
* Fine-tuned auto-linking behavior
* Added “Copy Media” option for export
* Added dialog to choose format for InsertDate
* Added label and button for current date to Calendar
* Fixed various win32 specific bugs
* Fixed application hangs due to utf8 in page names
* Added keybindings Shift-^L and for the side pane ^L and ^C to copy and paste links
* Enabled drag-n-drop linking and ordering from the side pane
* It is now possible to set a size for embedded images
* Added –iconify and –geometry commandline switches
* Added preliminary txt2tags export support
* Added prelimenary support for multiple interface profiles
* Merged Zim::Page::Text with Zim::Page - changing api for page

Download Zim 0.18

版权声明: 原创作品,容许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章 原始来由 、作者信息和本声明。不然将究查功令责任。

posted @ 2011-03-07 12:36  蓝色的天空III  阅读(201)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报