Polycarp is a beginner programmer. He is studying how to use a command line. Polycarp faced the following problem. There are n files in a directory an 阅读全文
A group of n friends enjoys playing popular video game Toda 2. There is a rating system describing skill level of each player, initially the rating of 阅读全文
A. Links and Pearls 题解:~~~没啥说的,没有pearls也算YES!!! B. Marlin 题解:k是偶数,好办。k是奇数,分类讨论,如果k<=n-2,放在中间。如果k>n-2,第三排第1个位置和第n-2个位置放上‘#’(0到n-1)。至于为啥子,拿笔画一下就明白了。 C. 阅读全文