The cows play the child's game of hopscotch in a non-traditional way. Instead of a linear set of numbered boxes into which to hop, the cows create a 5 阅读全文
题意:有t个团队的人正在排一个长队。每次新来一个人时,如果他有队友在队伍里,那么这个新人会插队到最后一个队友的身后;否则他就排到长队的末尾。 ENQUEUX x: 编号为x人进入长队。 DEQUEUX: 长队的队首出队。 STOP: 停止模拟。 用两个队列,一个是长队,一个是各个团队的队列。 阅读全文
ManyareasofComputerScienceusesimple,abstractdomainsforbothanalyticalandempiricalstudies. For example, an early AI study of planning and robotics (STRI 阅读全文
In a serious attempt to downsize (reduce) the dole queue, The New National Green Labour Rhinoceros Party has decided on the following strategy. Every 阅读全文