Kafka consumer Job异常重置offset
Kafka consumer 任务出现异常的时候如何保证数据的质量?在以往的经验中,为了保证数据的精准一次,使用mysql表记录下程序异时数据的partition和offset,任务重启的时候查询下mysql 表中是否有程序异常的记录,如果有就从mysql表中取出对应partition的offset,重置consumer的消费。以下案例为使用Kafka consumer消费kafka的数据,ETL之后写入HBase。
1 package scala.com.qsq.report.consumer 2 3 import java.sql.ResultSet 4 import java.text.SimpleDateFormat 5 import java.util 6 import java.util.{Date, Properties} 7 import com.qsq.config.LoadConfig 8 import com.qsq.utils.hbase.HbaseClientObj 9 import com.qsq.utils.jdbc.C3p0Pools 10 import com.qsq.utils.JsonUtils 11 import com.qsq.utils.constant.Constants 12 import kafka.common.{OffsetAndMetadata, TopicAndPartition} 13 import kafka.consumer._ 14 15 import scala.collection.mutable.ArrayBuffer 16 17 object MyConsumer { 18 19 def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = { 20 val HBASE_A_RT_CREDIT = "bee:a_user" 21 22 val dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") 23 24 // kafka参数 25 val props = new Properties() 26 val zk = LoadConfig.getProperties(Constants.START_ENV_REALTIME, "kafka.zookeeper.quorum") 27 props.put("zookeeper.connect", zk) 28 props.put("group.id", "call_group") 29 props.put("auto.offset.reset", "largest") 30 props.put("fetch.message.max.bytes", "50000000") 31 props.put("replica.fetch.max.bytes", "50000000") 32 val config = new ConsumerConfig(props) 33 34 // 创建consumer 35 val consumer = kafka.consumer.Consumer.createJavaConsumerConnector(config) 36 var hashMap = new util.HashMap[TopicAndPartition, OffsetAndMetadata]() 37 val conn = C3p0Pools.getConnection() 38 39 // 查询mysql表中记录 40 val res: ResultSet = C3p0Pools.query(conn, """ SELECT * FROM shop.kafka_topic_info WHERE topics = ? AND type = 1 """, Array("u-rall")) 41 42 // 有上次失败的记录 43 while ( res.next() ) { 44 println("恢复topic : " + res.getString("topics")) 45 println("恢复partition: " + res.getInt("partitions")) 46 println("恢复offset: " + res.getLong("offsets")) 47 hashMap.put(TopicAndPartition(res.getString("topics") ,res.getInt("partitions")), OffsetAndMetadata( res.getLong("offsets") )) 48 } 49 conn.close() 50 51 if (!hashMap.isEmpty) { 52 println("恢复offset---------------------- " ) 53 consumer.commitOffsets( hashMap, true ) 54 } 55 56 registerShutdownHook() 57 // 开启3个线程 58 run(3) 59 def run(numThread: Int) = { 60 61 println("run----------------------") 62 val topicMap = new util.HashMap[String, Integer]() 63 topicMap.put("u-rall", numThread) 64 val decoder = new kafka.serializer.StringDecoder(null) 65 val topicStreams = consumer.createMessageStreams(topicMap, decoder, decoder) 66 val consumerStreams = topicStreams.values().iterator() 67 while (consumerStreams.hasNext) { 68 val streams: util.List[KafkaStream[String, String]] = consumerStreams.next() 69 (0 until streams.size()).foreach(i => { 70 val stream = streams.get(i).iterator 71 new Thread(new Runnable { 72 override def run(): Unit = { 73 while (stream.hasNext()) { 74 val mam = stream.next 75 val message: String = mam.message() 76 77 try { 78 if (message.size > 0) { 79 80 val jsonMsgObj = JsonUtils.getObjectFromJson(message) 81 val id = jsonMsgObj.getOrDefault("id", "").toString 82 val identity = jsonMsgObj.getOrDefault("identity", "").toString 83 val dataMsg = ArrayBuffer[(String, AnyRef)]() 84 dataMsg += (("id", id)) 85 dataMsg += (("identity", identity)) 86 dataMsg += (("data", message)) 87 dataMsg += (("create_time", dateFormat.format(new Date()))) 88 89 HbaseClientObj.getInstance().init(HBASE_A_RT_CREDIT) 90 HbaseClientObj.getInstance().put(id, "cf", dataMsg) 91 92 // 记录消息信息 93 val partition: Int = mam.partition 94 println("partition = " + partition + " time: " + dateFormat.format(new Date())) 95 val offset: Long = mam.offset 96 println("offset = " + offset + " time: " + dateFormat.format(new Date())) 97 val topic:String = mam.topic 98 println("topic = " + topic + " time: " + dateFormat.format(new Date())) 99 100 try { 101 // 更新mysql 102 C3p0Pools.execute( 103 """ 104 |INSERT INTO shop.kafka_topic_info 105 |( type, topics, partitions, offsets, create_date, update_date ) 106 |VALUES 107 |( '1', ?, ?, ?, NOW(), NOW() ) 108 |ON DUPLICATE KEY UPDATE partitions = VALUES(partitions), offsets = VALUES(offsets), update_date = NOW() 109 """.stripMargin, Array(topic, partition, offset)) 110 } catch { 111 case e: Exception => 112 println( s"failed save to mysql ${e}" ) 113 } 114 115 } 116 } catch { 117 case e: Exception => 118 e.printStackTrace() 119 println(s"failed consumer message ${e}") 120 121 } 122 } 123 } 124 }).start() 125 }) 126 } 127 } 128 129 130 def release(): Unit = { 131 try { 132 println("release consumer...") 133 consumer.shutdown 134 } catch { 135 case e: Exception => println(s"failed release consumer ${e}") 136 } 137 } 138 139 def registerShutdownHook(): Unit = { 140 Runtime.getRuntime.addShutdownHook(new Thread() { 141 override def run(): Unit = { 142 release 143 } 144 }) 145 } 146 147 Thread.sleep(10000) 148 } 149 }
使用Kafka consumer的好处是比较轻量级,在数据量可控的情况下,占用资源少,采用mysql来记录异常的offset信息虽然带来额外的系统开销,却能使数据更加可靠,可以指定从任意的offset开始消费,方便灵活。