SlickGrid Events
SlickGrid exposes the following events:
- onScroll
- onSort
- onHeaderContextMenu
- onHeaderClick
- onMouseEnter
- onMouseLeave
- onClick
- onDblClick
- onContextMenu
- onKeyDown
- onAddNewRow
- onValidationError
- onViewportChanged
- onColumnsReordered
- onColumnsResized
- onCellChange
- onBeforeEditCell
- onBeforeCellEditorDestroy
- onBeforeDestroy
- onActiveCellChanged
- onActiveCellPositionChanged
- onDragInit
- onDragStart
- onDrag
- onDragEnd
- onSelectedRowsChanged
- onInvalidatedRows
- onCellCssStylesChanged
You can subscribe to the above events using a syntax similar to:
//event handling code.
Event handlers can also be removed with