
#script for Design Compiler
# Language  : TCL
# Usage     :
#           1) make sure the lib in the current directory
#           2) if you have the file .synopsys_dc.setup,
#              set synopsys_dc_setup_file 1,
#              if not, set synopsys_dc_setup_file 0
#           3) change Step 3 : Variables to what you want
#              Especially : top module name, clock name,
#              reset name, all files name, and period
#           4) typing dc_shell-t -f run_72.tcl | tee -i run.log


set synopsys_dc_setup_file 0
# Step 1 :
# Setting Up path and library:
# If you have edited the file .synopsys_dc.setup, then you can skip over this step
if { $synopsys_dc_setup_file == 0} {
set search_path [list /home/chanshi/dc/library/smic /home/chanshi/dc/rfid/source /home/chanshi/dc/script]
set target_library  {typical.db}
#set target_library  {CSM35OS142_typ.db};
# if you want use typical library,change to typical.db
#set link_library  [list {*} ram_interp_typical_syn.db ram_458_typical_syn.db typical.db]
set link_library  [list {*} $target_library]
#set symbol_library  {csm18ic.sdb csm18io.sdb}
#set synthetic_library  {dw_foundation.sldb};
# Design Ware
set command_log_file   "command.log"

# Step 2 :
# Compile Swithes
#set verilogout_no_tri                  true ;
# if inout used, tri net will be used
#通过将三态(tri)逻辑声明成线网(wire)来确保网表中不会出现三态逻辑,因为一些布线工具很难读取包含tri、tran源语、assign语句 的网表,对于“inout”类型的port,DC产生tri wire 语句和tran 源语,对于tri,还会产生assign语句
set test_default_scan_style          multiplexed_flip_flop
#设置扫描链的类型,还可以通过set_scan_configuration -style来设置
set link_force_case                  case_insensitive
define_name_rules VLSI_NET -allowed "a-zA-Z0-9_" -first_restricted "0-9_" -type net -max_length 256
define_name_rules VLSI_CELL -allowed "a-zA-Z0-9_" -first_restricted "0-9_" -type cell -max_length 256
define_name_rules VLSI_PORT -allowed "a-zA-Z0-9_" -first_restricted "0-9_" -type port -max_length 256
define_name_rules TAN_RULE -allowed "a-zA-Z0-9_" -first_restricted "0-9_\[]" -max_length 256 -map {{{"*cell*", "mycell"}, {"*-return", "myreturn"}}};
set hdlin_check_no_latch "true"
set hdlin_merge_nested_conditional_statements "true"
#顾名思义,是否把嵌套的if融合,默认值是false,就是对于嵌套的条件语句(if或case语句)中的每一个if和case都推断出一个选择器,这 种做法有利于把某些迟到的条件判断信号(late arriving signals)安排到离输出最近的选择器上(进而有利于减小延迟),如果设成true,就会把这些选择器融合成一个大的选择器,这样所有的选择信号到输 出的距离都是相同的

# Step 3 :
# Define Variables
set active_design "whole_modules";
# Top module name
source files.tcl;
# All RTL source_files (verilog)
set clock_name "clk";
# Name of clock
set reset_name "reset";
# Name of reset
set clk_period  70.0
# Desired Clock Period = 1000/Frequence
set clk_uncertainty_setup [expr $clk_period/200];
#设置时钟不确定性,这里只设置了相对于建立时间的不确定性,就是时钟上升沿有可能提前 clk_uncertainty_setup(时钟偏差和时钟抖动之和)到来,dc要提前clk_uncertainty_setup检查建立时间是否满足
# Uncertainty of clock
set clk_latency [expr $clk_period/10];
# Network Latency of clock
#考虑reg1+combo1--------combo2_input+reg2+combo2_output----------- combo3+reg3的模型来解释input_delay和output_delay,中间的 combo2_input+reg2+combo2_output是要综合的模块
set input_delay [expr $clk_period/4];
#设置输入延迟,设置一个外部输入(组合逻辑combo1)用了多少时间(即从时钟上升沿到输入数据到来经历的延迟),dc计算还有多少时间留给内部组合 逻辑combo2_input,例如时钟周期为10ns,input_delay是4ns,则还有(6-tsu)留给内部组合逻辑 combo2_input
# Input Delay of all input ports except clock
set output_delay [expr $clk_period/4];
#设置输出延迟,设置一个外部输出(组合逻辑combo3)用了多少时间(即外部组合逻辑的延迟),dc计算有多少时间留给内部组合逻辑 combo2_output,例如时钟周期为10ns,output_delay为4ns,则还有(6-Tclk2Q)留给内部组合逻辑 combo2_output
# Output Delay of all output ports
set area_desired 0;
set wire_load_model "smic18_wl20";
# Model of the intra net
set output_load "typical/NAND2BX1/AN" ;
#为了精确地计算输出电路的时间,需要设置端口负载(输出或输入的外部电容负载),就是为所有输出端口指定一个负载,综合时dc就会认为这里有一个这样的 负载(并不是说综合时在这里强制添加一个电容),dc综合时就会选择满足这个负载的器件,例如假设已经知道某输出端口要驱动的是一个反相器,那么把输出负 载设置成这个反相器的输入负载即可,当然可以设置成很大,这样dc就会用驱动能力很大的器件,来满足所有单元被驱动。这个指令的作用是在布图前综合过程中 设置模块输出端口的容性负载和往连线上反标注布图后提取的电容信息,这里选取某一器件的某一引脚的负载作为output load,也就是dc认为所有输出端口要达到能驱动这个引脚
# model of the output_load
set synthesis_reports  {/home/chanshi/dc/report};
#name of report directory
sh  mkdir $synthesis_reports;
set timing_report       "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_timing.rpt"
set timing_max20_report "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_timing_max20.rpt"
set area_report         "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_area.rpt"
set references_report   "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_references.rpt"
set cell_report         "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_cell.rpt"
set constraint_report   "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_constraint.rpt"
set power_report        "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_power.rpt"
set check_syntax_report "$synthesis_reports/$active_design\_check_design.rpt"
set synthesis_netlist  {/home/chanshi/dc/result};
#name of outfile directory
sh  mkdir $synthesis_netlist;
set out_netlist         "$synthesis_netlist/$active_design.v";
set out_db              "$synthesis_netlist/$active_design.db";
set out_sdf             "$synthesis_netlist/$active_design.sdf";
set out_sdc             "$synthesis_netlist/$active_design.sdc";

# Step 4 :
# Read design to DC Memory
foreach active_files $files {read_verilog $active_files}
current_design $active_design

#check_design > $check_syntax_report
#if {[check_design] == 0} {
 #     echo "Check Design Error!";
 #     exit;
 #      }
# Step 5 :
# Constraint
#-----Net load------
set_wire_load_model -name $wire_load_model
set_wire_load_mode top
#设置线载模式(top:所有层次中所有连线将继承和顶层模块同样的线载模型,因为顶层电路规模最大,所以连线延迟最大,线载模型最悲 观;enclosed:选择连线所在的子模块的线载模型,子模块电路规模较顶层要小,连线延迟较短;segmented:不常用,用于跨层次边界的连线)
create_clock -name $clock_name -period [expr $clk_period] [get_ports $clock_name]
set_clock_uncertainty -setup $clk_uncertainty_setup [get_clocks $clock_name]
set_clock_latency $clk_latency [get_clocks $clock_name]
set_dont_touch_network [get_clocks $clock_name]
#在优化过程中对时钟网络不进行改变和替换,原因:由于时钟端口的负载很大,DC 会使用 Buffer 来增加其驱动能力。但一般设计者都使用布局布线工具来完成此项工作,所以有必要指示 DC 不要对时钟网络进行修改,可以选中上图中“Don’t touch network”进行设置。
set_dont_touch_network [get_ports $reset_name]
set_ideal_network [get_ports $reset_name]
#set_driving_cell -lib_cell xr02d2 -pin A1 -library CSM35OS142_typ  [all_inputs]
set_driving_cell -lib_cell NAND2BX1 -pin Y [all_inputs]
set_drive 0 [get_ports $clock_name]
#将时钟驱动能力设为无穷大,即将其阻抗设为 0
set_drive 0 [get_ports $reset_name]
#-----input/output delay------
set allin_except_CLK [remove_from_collection [all_inputs] [get_ports clk]]
set_input_delay [expr $input_delay] -clock $clock_name $allin_except_CLK
set_output_delay [expr $output_delay] -clock $clock_name [all_outputs]
#-----Output load------
set_load [load_of $output_load] [all_outputs]
#----- Area ------
#set_max_area $area_desired
#----- insert buffer replace assign ------
set_fix_multiple_port_nets -all -buffer_constants
# Step 6 :
# Compile
# Also can use compile_ultra
compile -map_effort medium -boundary_optimization
#compile -map_effort medium
#-boundary_optimization -area_effort high
#compile -incremental_mapping
# Step 7 :
# Reports (Timing, Area ...)
remove_unconnected_ports [get_cells -hier {*}]
change_names -hierarchy -rules TAN_RULE
report_timing -delay max -max_paths 1 > $timing_report
report_timing -delay max -path end -max_path 80 > $timing_max20_report
report_area > $area_report
report_reference > $references_report
report_cell [get_cells -hier *] > $cell_report
report_constraint -all_violators -verbose > $constraint_report
report_power -analysis_effort high -verbose > $power_report
check_design > $check_syntax_report
# Step 8 :
# Write Files (netlist out)
change_names -rule verilog –hier
write -format verilog -hierarchy -output $out_netlist
write -format db -hierarchy -output $out_db
write_sdf  $out_sdf
write_sdc  $out_sdc




posted @ 2012-08-10 14:52  宙斯黄  阅读(10739)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报