Unit   Function   Summary
System   Abs   Gives the absolute value of a number (-ve sign is removed)
System   Addr   Gives the address of a variable, function or procedure
SysUtils   AnsiCompareStr   Compare two strings for equality
SysUtils   AnsiCompareText   Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
StrUtils   AnsiContainsStr   Returns true if a string contains a substring
StrUtils   AnsiEndsStr   Returns true if a string ends with a substring
StrUtils   AnsiIndexStr   Compares a string with a list of strings - returns match index
StrUtils   AnsiLeftStr   Extracts characters from the left of a string
SysUtils   AnsiLowerCase   Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
StrUtils   AnsiMatchStr   Returns true if a string exactly matches one of a list of strings
StrUtils   AnsiMidStr   Returns a substring from the middle characters of a string
SysUtils   AnsiPos   Find the position of one string in another
StrUtils   AnsiReplaceStr   Replaces a part of one string with another
StrUtils   AnsiReverseString   Reverses the sequence of letters in a string
StrUtils   AnsiRightStr   Extracts characters from the right of a string
StrUtils   AnsiStartsStr   Returns true if a string starts with a substring
SysUtils   AnsiUpperCase   Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
Math   ArcCos   The Arc Cosine of a number, returned in radians
Math   ArcSin   The Arc Sine of a number, returned in radians
System   ArcTan   The Arc Tangent of a number, returned in radians
System   Assigned   Returns true if a reference is not nil
System   BeginThread   Begins a separate thread of code execution
Classes   Bounds   Create a TRect value from top left and size values
StdConvs   CelsiusToFahrenheit   Convert a celsius temperature into fahrenheit
SysUtils   ChangeFileExt   Change the extension part of a file name
System   Chr   Convert an integer into a character
SysUtils   CompareStr   Compare two strings to see which is greater than the other
SysUtils   CompareText   Compare two strings for equality, ignoring case
Math   CompareValue   Compare numeric values with a tolerance
System   Concat   Concatenates one or more strings into one string
ConvUtils   Convert   Convert one measurement value to another
System   Copy   Create a copy of part of a string or an array
System   Cos   The Cosine of a number
SysUtils   CreateDir   Create a directory
SysUtils   CurrToStr   Convert a currency value to a string
SysUtils   CurrToStrF   Convert a currency value to a string with formatting
SysUtils   Date   Gives the current date
SysUtils   DateTimeToFileDate   Convert a TDateTime value to a File date/time format
SysUtils   DateTimeToStr   Converts TDateTime date and time values to a string
SysUtils   DateToStr   Converts a TDateTime date value to a string
DateUtils   DayOfTheMonth   Gives day of month index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
DateUtils   DayOfTheWeek   Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
DateUtils   DayOfTheYear   Gives the day of the year for a TDateTime value (ISO 8601)
SysUtils   DayOfWeek   Gives day of week index for a TDateTime value
DateUtils   DaysBetween   Gives the whole number of days between 2 dates
DateUtils   DaysInAMonth   Gives the number of days in a month
DateUtils   DaysInAYear   Gives the number of days in a year
DateUtils   DaySpan   Gives the fractional number of days between 2 dates
Math   DegToRad   Convert a degrees value to radians
SysUtils   DeleteFile   Delete a file specified by its file name
SysUtils   DirectoryExists   Returns true if the given directory exists
SysUtils   DiskFree   Gives the number of free bytes on a specified drive
SysUtils   DiskSize   Gives the size in bytes of a specified drive
StrUtils   DupeString   Creates a string containing copies of a substring
SysUtils   EncodeDate   Build a TDateTime value from year, month and day values
DateUtils   EncodeDateTime   Build a TDateTime value from day and time values
SysUtils   EncodeTime   Build a TDateTime value from hour, min, sec and msec values
DateUtils   EndOfADay   Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a day
DateUtils   EndOfAMonth   Generate a TDateTime value set to the very end of a month
System   Eof   Returns true if a file opened with Reset is at the end
System   Eoln   Returns true if the current text file is pointing at a line end
System   Exp   Gives the exponent of a number
SysUtils   ExtractFileDir   Extracts the dir part of a full file name
SysUtils   ExtractFileDrive   Extracts the drive part of a full file name
SysUtils   ExtractFileExt   Extracts the extension part of a full file name
SysUtils   ExtractFileName   Extracts the name part of a full file name
SysUtils   ExtractFilePath   Extracts the path part of a full file name
StdConvs   FahrenheitToCelsius   Convert a fahrenheit temperature into celsius
SysUtils   FileAge   Get the last modified date/time of a file without opening it
SysUtils   FileDateToDateTime   Converts a file date/time format to a TDateTime value
SysUtils   FileExists   Returns true if the given file exists
SysUtils   FileGetAttr   Gets the attributes of a file
System   FilePos   Gives the file position in a binary or text file
SysUtils   FileSearch   Search for a file in one or more directories
SysUtils   FileSetAttr   Sets the attributes of a file
SysUtils   FileSetDate   Set the last modified date and time of a file
System   FileSize   Gives the size in records of an open file
SysUtils   FindClose   Closes a successful FindFirst file search
SysUtils   FindCmdLineSwitch   Determine whether a certain parameter switch was passed
SysUtils   FindFirst   Finds all files matching a file mask and attributes
SysUtils   FindNext   Find the next file after a successful FindFirst
SysUtils   FloatToStr   Convert a floating point value to a string
SysUtils   FloatToStrF   Convert a floating point value to a string with formatting
SysUtils   ForceDirectories   Create a new path of directories
SysUtils   Format   Rich formatting of numbers and text into a string
SysUtils   FormatCurr   Rich formatting of a currency value into a string
SysUtils   FormatDateTime   Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
SysUtils   FormatFloat   Rich formatting of a floating point number into a string
System   Frac   The fractional part of a floating point number
SysUtils   GetCurrentDir   Get the current directory (drive plus directory)
System   GetLastError   Gives the error code of the last failing Windows API call
System   GetMem   Get a specified number of storage bytes
System   Hi   Returns the hi-order byte of a (2 byte) Integer
System   High   Returns the highest value of a type or variable
DateUtils   IncDay   Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of days
DateUtils   IncMillisecond   Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of milliseconds
DateUtils   IncMinute   Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of minutes
SysUtils   IncMonth   Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of months
DateUtils   IncSecond   Increments a TDateTime variable by + or - number of seconds
DateUtils   IncYear   Increments a TDateTime variable by a number of years
Dialogs   InputBox   Display a dialog that asks for user text input, with default
Dialogs   InputQuery   Display a dialog that asks for user text input
System   Int   The integer part of a floating point number as a float
SysUtils   IntToHex   Convert an Integer into a hexadecimal string
SysUtils   IntToStr   Convert an integer into a string
System   IOResult   Holds the return code of the last I/O operation
Math   IsInfinite   Checks whether a floating point number is infinite
SysUtils   IsLeapYear   Returns true if a given calendar year is a leap year
System   IsMultiThread   Returns true if the code is running multiple threads
Math   IsNaN   Checks to see if a floating point number holds a real number
SysUtils   LastDelimiter   Find the last position of selected characters in a string
System   Length   Return the number of elements in an array or string
System   Ln   Gives the natural logarithm of a number
System   Lo   Returns the low-order byte of a (2 byte) Integer
Math   Log10   Gives the log to base 10 of a number
System   Low   Returns the lowest value of a type or variable
SysUtils   LowerCase   Change upper case characters in a string to lower case
Math   Max   Gives the maximum of two integer values
Math   Mean   Gives the average for a set of numbers
Dialogs   MessageDlg   Displays a message, symbol, and selectable buttons
Dialogs   MessageDlgPos   Displays a message plus buttons at a given screen position
Math   Min   Gives the minimum of two integer values
DateUtils   MonthOfTheYear   Gives the month of the year for a TDateTime value
SysUtils   Now   Gives the current date and time
System   Odd   Tests whether an integer has an odd value
System   Ord   Provides the Ordinal value of an integer, character or enum
System   ParamCount   Gives the number of parameters passed to the current program
System   ParamStr   Returns one of the parameters used to run the current program
System   Pi   The mathematical constant
Classes   Point   Generates a TPoint value from X and Y values
Classes   PointsEqual   Compares two TPoint values for equality
System   Pos   Find the position of one string in another
System   Pred   Decrement an ordinal variable
Printers   Printer   Returns a reference to the global Printer object
Dialogs   PromptForFileName   Shows a dialog allowing the user to select a file
Types   PtInRect   Tests to see if a point lies within a rectangle
Math   RadToDeg   Converts a radian value to degrees
System   Random   Generate a random floating point or integer number
Math   RandomRange   Generate a random integer number within a supplied range
DateUtils   RecodeDate   Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable
DateUtils   RecodeTime   Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable
Classes   Rect   Create a TRect value from 2 points or 4 coordinates
SysUtils   RemoveDir   Remove a directory
SysUtils   RenameFile   Rename a file or directory
System   Round   Rounds a floating point number to an integer
System   SeekEof   Skip to the end of the current line or file
System   SeekEoln   Skip to the end of the current line or file
FileCtrl   SelectDirectory   Display a dialog to allow user selection of a directory
SysUtils   SetCurrentDir   Change the current directory
System   Sin   The Sine of a number
System   SizeOf   Gives the storage byte size of a type or variable
System   Slice   Creates a slice of an array as an Open Array parameter
System   Sqr   Gives the square of a number
System   Sqrt   Gives the square root of a number
System   StringOfChar   Creates a string with one character repeated many times
SysUtils   StringReplace   Replace one or more substrings found within a string
System   StringToWideChar   Converts a normal string into a WideChar 0 terminated buffer
SysUtils   StrScan   Searches for a specific character in a constant string
SysUtils   StrToCurr   Convert a number string into a currency value
SysUtils   StrToDate   Converts a date string into a TDateTime value
SysUtils   StrToDateTime   Converts a date+time string into a TDateTime value
SysUtils   StrToFloat   Convert a number string into a floating point value
SysUtils   StrToInt   Convert an integer string into an Integer value
SysUtils   StrToInt64   Convert an integer string into an Int64 value
SysUtils   StrToInt64Def   Convert a string into an Int64 value with default
SysUtils   StrToIntDef   Convert a string into an Integer value with default
SysUtils   StrToTime   Converts a time string into a TDateTime value
StrUtils   StuffString   Replaces a part of one string with another
System   Succ   Increment an ordinal variable
Math   Sum   Return the sum of an array of floating point values
Math   Tan   The Tangent of a number
SysUtils   Time   Gives the current time
SysUtils   TimeToStr   Converts a TDateTime time value to a string
DateUtils   Tomorrow   Gives the date tomorrow
SysUtils   Trim   Removes leading and trailing blanks from a string
SysUtils   TrimLeft   Removes leading blanks from a string
SysUtils   TrimRight   Removes trailing blanks from a string
System   Trunc   The integer part of a floating point number
System   UpCase   Convert a Char value to upper case
SysUtils   UpperCase   Change lower case characters in a string to upper case
Variants   VarType   Gives the current type of a Variant variable
System   WideCharToString   Copies a null terminated WideChar string to a normal string
SysUtils   WrapText   Add line feeds into a string to simulate word wrap
DateUtils   Yesterday   Gives the date yesterday
  SysUtils   Abort   Aborts the current processing with a silent exception
System   Append   Open a text file to allow appending of text to the end
SysUtils   AppendStr   Concatenate one string onto the end of another
System   Assign   Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
System   AssignFile   Assigns a file handle to a binary or text file
Printers   AssignPrn   Treats the printer as a text file - an easy way of printing text
SysUtils   Beep   Make a beep sound
System   BlockRead   Reads a block of data records from an untyped binary file
System   BlockWrite   Writes a block of data records to an untyped binary file
System   Break   Forces a jump out of a single loop
System   ChDir   Change the working drive plus path for a specified drive
System   Close   Closes an open file
System   CloseFile   Closes an open file
System   Continue   Forces a jump to the next iteration of a loop
SysUtils   DateTimeToString   Rich formatting of a TDateTime variable into a string
System   Dec   Decrement an ordinal variable
SysUtils   DecodeDate   Extracts the year, month, day values from a TDateTime var.
DateUtils   DecodeDateTime   Breaks a TDateTime variable into its date/time parts
SysUtils   DecodeTime   Break a TDateTime value into individual time values
System   Delete   Delete a section of characters from a string
System   Dispose   Dispose of storage used by a pointer type variable
System   EndThread   Terminates a thread with an exit code
System   Erase   Erase a file
System   Exclude   Exclude a value in a set variable
System   Exit   Exit abruptly from a function or procedure
System   FillChar   Fills out a section of storage with a fill character or byte value
System   Flush   Flushes buffered text file data to the file
SysUtils   FreeAndNil   Free memory for an object and set it to nil
System   FreeMem   Free memory storage used by a variable
System   GetDir   Get the default directory (drive plus path) for a specified drive
SysUtils   GetLocaleFormatSettings   Gets locale values for thread-safe functions
System   Halt   Terminates the program with an optional dialog
System   Inc   Increment an ordinal variable
System   Include   Include a value in a set variable
System   Insert   Insert a string into another string
System   MkDir   Make a directory
System   Move   Copy bytes of data from a source to a destination
System   New   Create a new pointer type variable
FileCtrl   ProcessPath   Split a drive/path/filename string into its constituent parts
System   Randomize   Reposition the Random number generator next value
System   Read   Read data from a binary or text file
System   ReadLn   Read a complete line of data from a text file
System   ReallocMem   Reallocate an existing block of storage
System   Rename   Rename a file
SysUtils   ReplaceDate   Change only the date part of a TDateTime variable
SysUtils   ReplaceTime   Change only the time part of a TDateTime variable
System   Reset   Open a text file for reading, or binary file for read/write
System   ReWrite   Open a text or binary file for write access
System   RmDir   Remove a directory
System   RunError   Terminates the program with an error dialog
System   Seek   Move the pointer in a binary file to a new record position
System   SetLength   Changes the size of a string, or the size(s) of an array
System   SetString   Copies characters from a buffer into a string
Dialogs   ShowMessage   Display a string in a simple dialog with an OK button
Dialogs   ShowMessageFmt   Display formatted data in a simple dialog with an OK button
Dialogs   ShowMessagePos   Display a string in a simple dialog at a given screen position
System   Str   Converts an integer or floating point number to a string
System   Truncate   Truncates a file size - removes all data after the current position
System   Val   Converts number strings to integer and floating point values
System   Write   Write data to a binary or text file
System   WriteLn   Write a complete line of data to a text file
System   AnsiChar   A character type guaranteed to be 8 bits in size
System   AnsiString   A data type that holds a string of AnsiChars
System   Boolean   Allows just True and False values
System   Byte   An integer type supporting values 0 to 255
System   Cardinal   The basic unsigned integer type
System   Char   Variable type holding a single character
System   Comp   A 64 bit signed integer
System   Currency   A floating point type with 4 decimals used for financial values
System   Double   A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
System   Extended   The floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
System   Int64   A 64 bit sized integer - the largest in Delphi
System   Integer   The basic Integer type
System   LongInt   An Integer whose size is guaranteed to be 32 bits
System   LongWord   A 32 bit unsigned integer
System   PAnsiChar   A pointer to an AnsiChar value
System   PAnsiString   Pointer to an AnsiString value
System   PChar   A pointer to an Char value
System   PCurrency   Pointer to a Currency value
System   PDateTime   Pointer to a TDateTime value
System   PExtended   Pointer to a Extended floating point value
System   PInt64   Pointer to an Int64 value
System   Pointer   Defines a general use Pointer to any memory based data
System   PShortString   A pointer to an ShortString value
System   PString   Pointer to a String value
System   PVariant   Pointer to a Variant value
System   PWideChar   Pointer to a WideChar
System   PWideString   Pointer to a WideString value
System   Real   A floating point type supporting about 15 digits of precision
System   Real48   The floating point type with the highest capacity and precision
System   ShortInt   An integer type supporting values -128 to 127
System   ShortString   Defines a string of up to 255 characters
System   Single   The smallest capacity and precision floating point type
System   SmallInt   An Integer type supporting values from -32768 to 32767
System   String   A data type that holds a string of characters
Classes   TBits   An object that can hold an infinite number of Boolean values
ConvUtils   TConvType   Defines a measurement type as used by Convert
System   TDateTime   Data type holding a date and time value
System   Text   Defines a file as a text file
System   TextFile   Declares a file type for storing lines of text
SysUtils   TFloatFormat   Formats for use in floating point number display functions
SysUtils   TFormatSettings   A record for holding locale values for thread-safe functions
Classes   TList   General purpose container of a list of objects
System   TObject   The base class type that is ancestor to all other classes
Dialogs   TOpenDialog   Displays a file selection dialog
Types   TPoint   Holds X and Y integer values
Dialogs   TPrintDialog   Class that creates a printer selection and control dialog
Types   TRect   Holds rectangle coordinate values
SysUtils   TReplaceFlags   Defines options for the StringReplace routine
Dialogs   TSaveDialog   Displays a dialog for selecting a save file name
SysUtils   TSearchRec   Record used to hold data for FindFirst and FindNext
Classes   TStringList   Holds a variable length list of strings
SysUtils   TSysCharSet   Characters used by supplied string parsing functions
System   TThreadFunc   Defines the function to be called by BeginThread
System   Variant   A variable type that can hold changing data types
System   WideChar   Variable type holding a single International character
System   WideString   A data type that holds a string of WideChars
System   Word   An integer type supporting values 0 to 65535
System   AbstractErrorProc   Defines a proc called when an abstract method is called
System   CmdLine   Holds the execution text used to start the current program
SysUtils   CurrencyDecimals   Defines decimal digit count in the Format function
SysUtils   CurrencyFormat   Defines currency string placement in curr display functions
SysUtils   CurrencyString   The currency string used in currency display functions
SysUtils   DateSeparator   The character used to separate display date fields
SysUtils   DecimalSeparator   The character used to display the decimal point
System   ErrorAddr   Sets the error address when an application terminates
System   ExitCode   Sets the return code when an application terminates
System   FileMode   Defines how Reset opens a binary file
System   Input   Defines the standard input text file
SysUtils   LongDateFormat   Long version of the date to string format
SysUtils   LongDayNames   An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
SysUtils   LongMonthNames   An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = January
SysUtils   LongTimeFormat   Long version of the time to string format
SysUtils   NegCurrFormat   Defines negative amount formatting in currency displays
Variants   Null   A variable that has no value
System   Output   Defines the standard output text file
System   RandSeed   Reposition the Random number generator next value
System   Result   A variable used to hold the return value from a function
System   Self   Hidden parameter to a method - refers to the containing object
SysUtils   ShortDateFormat   Compact version of the date to string format
SysUtils   ShortDayNames   An array of days of the week names, starting 1 = Sunday
SysUtils   ShortMonthNames   An array of days of the month names, starting 1 = Jan
SysUtils   ShortTimeFormat   Short version of the time to string format
ConvUtils   TConvFamily   Defines a family of measurement types as used by Convert
SysUtils   ThousandSeparator   The character used to display the thousands separator
SysUtils   TimeAMString   Determines AM value in DateTimeToString procedure
SysUtils   TimePMString   Determines PM value in DateTimeToString procedure
SysUtils   TimeSeparator   The character used to separate display time fields
SysUtils   TwoDigitYearCenturyWindow   Sets the century threshold for 2 digit year string conversions
Math   Infinity   Floating point value of infinite size
System   MaxInt   The maximum value an Integer can have
System   MaxLongInt   The maximum value an LongInt can have
SysUtils   MinsPerDay   Gives the number of minutes in a day
SysUtils   MonthDays   Gives the number of days in a month
Math   NaN   Not a real number
System   Nil   A pointer value that is defined as undetermined
SysUtils   SecsPerDay   Gives the number of seconds in a day
Variants   VarTypeMask   Mask for the meta-type part of a Variant variable
   $A   Determines whether data is aligned or packed
    $Align   Determines whether data is aligned or packed
    $AppType   Determines the application type : GUI or Console
    $B   Whether to short cut and and or operations
    $BoolEval   Whether to short cut and and or operations
    $D   Determines whether application debug information is built
    $DebugInfo   Determines whether application debug information is built
    $Define   Defines a compiler directive symbol - as used by IfDef
    $DefinitionInfo   Determines whether application symbol information is built
    $Else   Starts the alternate section of an IfDef or IfNDef
    $EndIf   Terminates conditional code compilation
    $ExtendedSyntax   Controls some Pascal extension handling
    $H   Treat string types as AnsiString or ShortString
    $Hints   Determines whether Delphi shows compilation hints
    $I   Allows code in an include file to be incorporated into a Unit
    $IfDef   Executes code if a conditional symbol has been defined
    $IfNDef   Executes code if a conditional symbol has not been defined
    $IfOpt   Tests for the state of a Compiler directive
    $Include   Allows code in an include file to be incorporated into a Unit
    $IOChecks   When on, an IO operation error throws an exception
    $L   Determines what application debug information is built
    $LocalSymbols   Determines what application debug information is built
    $LongStrings   Treat string types as AnsiString or ShortString
    $MinEnumSize   Sets the minimum storage used to hold enumerated types
    $O   Determines whether Delphi optimises code when compiling
    $Optimization   Determines whether Delphi optimises code when compiling
    $OverFlowChecks   Determines whether Delphi checks integer and enum bounds
    $Q   Determines whether Delphi checks integer and enum bounds
    $R   Determines whether Delphi checks array bounds
    $RangeChecks   Determines whether Delphi checks array bounds
    $ReferenceInfo   Determines whether symbol reference information is built
    $Resource   Defines a resource file to be included in the application linking
    $UnDef   Undefines a compiler directive symbol - as used by IfDef
    $Warnings   Determines whether Delphi shows compilation warnings
    $X   Controls some Pascal extension handling
    $Y   Determines whether application symbol information is built
    $Z   Sets the minimum storage used to hold enumerated types
    Abstract   Defines a class method only implemented in subclasses
    Default   Defines default processing for a property
    Dynamic   Allows a class method to be overriden in derived classes
System   Export   Makes a function or procedure in a DLL externally available
    Index   Principally defines indexed class data properties
    Out   Identifies a routine parameter for output only
    Overload   Allows 2 or more routines to have the same name
    Override   Defines a method that replaces a virtual parent class method
    Private   Starts the section of private data and methods in a class
    Protected   Starts a section of class private data accesible to sub-classes
    Public   Starts an externally accessible section of a class
    Published   Starts a published externally accessible section of a class
    Virtual   Allows a class method to be overriden in derived classes
    And   Boolean and or bitwise and of two arguments
    Array   A data type holding indexable collections of data
    As   Used for casting object references
    Begin   Keyword that starts a statement block
    Case   A mechanism for acting upon different values of an Ordinal
    Class   Starts the declaration of a type of object class
    Const   Starts the definition of fixed data values
    Constructor   Defines the method used to create an object from a class
    Destructor   Defines the method used to destroy an object
    Div   Performs integer division, discarding the remainder
    Do   Defines the start of some controlled action
    DownTo   Prefixes an decremental for loop target value
    Else   Starts false section of if, case and try statements
    End   Keyword that terminates statement blocks
    Except   Starts the error trapping clause of a Try statement
    File   Defines a typed or untyped file
    Finally   Starts the unconditional code section of a Try statement
    For   Starts a loop that executes a finite number of times
System   Function   Defines a subroutine that returns a value
    Goto   Forces a jump to a label, regardless of nesting
    If   Starts a conditional expression to determine what to do next
    Implementation   Starts the implementation (code) section of a Unit
    In   Used to test if a value is a member of a set
    Inherited   Used to call the parent class constructor or destructor method
System   Interface   Used for Unit external definitions, and as a Class skeleton
    Is   Tests whether an object is a certain class or ascendant
    Mod   Performs integer division, returning the remainder
    Not   Boolean Not or bitwise not of one arguments
System   Object   Allows a subroutine data type to refer to an object method
    Of   Linking keyword used in many places
    On   Defines exception handling in a Try Except clause
    Or   Boolean or or bitwise or of two arguments
    Packed   Compacts complex data types into minimal storage
System   Procedure   Defines a subroutine that does not return a value
System   Program   Defines the start of an application
System   Property   Defines controlled access to class fields
    Raise   Raise an exception
    Record   A structured data type - holding fields of data
    Repeat   Repeat statements until a ternmination condition is met
    Set   Defines a set of up to 255 distinct values
    Shl   Shift an integer value left by a number of bits
    Shr   Shift an integer value right by a number of bits
    Then   Part of an if statement - starts the true clause
    ThreadVar   Defines variables that are given separate instances per thread
    To   Prefixes an incremental for loop target value
    Try   Starts code that has error trapping
    Type   Defines a new category of variable or process
    Unit   Defines the start of a unit file - a Delphi module
    Until   Ends a Repeat control loop
    Uses   Declares a list of Units to be imported
    Var   Starts the definition of a section of data variables
    While   Repeat statements whilst a continuation condition is met
    With   A means of simplifying references to structured variables
    Xor   Boolean Xor or bitwise Xor of two arguments
posted on 2011-10-22 19:59  zeroengine  阅读(522)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报