
Sub fileCreate2()

Dim folderPath, fileName, s As String
Dim fs, fo, fc, f As Object

folderPath = "C:\Users\ofu1\Desktop\ログ"
Open folderPath & "\" & "test02.txt" For Output As #1
Print #1, "fdsaf"

Close #1

End Sub


Sub fileCreate2()

Dim folderPath, fileName, s As String
Dim fs, fo, fc, f As Object

folderPath = "C:\Users\ofu1\Desktop\ログ"
Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fo = fs.GetFolder(folderPath)

Set f = fo.createTextFile("test01.txt", True)
f.WriteLine ("This is a test.")


End Sub

Sub fileListOpen()

Dim folderPath, fileName, s As String
Dim fs, fo, fc, f As Object

folderPath = "C:\Users\ofu1\Desktop\A帳票設計書修正\設計書_SRA16_BK"

Set fs = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")
Set fo = fs.GetFolder(folderPath)
strFile = InputBox("Enter the full name of the file:")
Set fc = fo.Files
For Each f In fc
Workbooks.Open f
With ActiveWorkbook

End With
ActiveWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=True

End Sub


posted @ 2017-04-11 13:51  Ouka傅  阅读(342)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报