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03 2011 档案
enums in C# 转
摘要:1、关于enum的定义enum Fabric{Cotton = 1,Silk = 2,Wool = 4,Rayon = 8,Other = 128}2、符号名和常数值的互相转换 Fabric fab = Fabric.Cotton; int fabNum = (int)fab;//转换为常数值。必须使用强制转换。 Fabric fabString = (Fabric)1;//常数值转换成符号名。如果使用ToString(),则是((Fabric)1).ToString(),注意必须有括号。 string fabType = fab.ToString();//显示符号名 string fabVa 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-03-28 11:21 武胜-阿伟 阅读(781) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
mysql 比例查询
posted @ 2011-03-28 10:53 武胜-阿伟 阅读(3) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑
Export/Import CSV files with MySQL
摘要:Export/Import CSV files with MySQL – No external tool required Loading data from and to CSV or other TAB DELIMITED or similar file format is essential in day to day operation. With MySQL it is easy to load data into table using files and exporting data into CSV files is quite easy. No need to use an 阅读全文
posted @ 2011-03-08 15:24 武胜-阿伟 阅读(4236) 评论(0) 推荐(0) 编辑

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