vi /etc/init.d/mountsharedir.sh
2. 用update-rc.d命令注册此启动脚本
sudo update-rc.d mountsharedir.sh start 99 2 3 4 5 S .
A common system administration error is to delete the links with the thought that this will "disable" the service, i.e., that this will prevent the service from being started. However, if all links have been deleted then the next time the package is upgraded, the package's postinst script will run update-rc.d again and this will rein-stall links at their factory default locations. The correct way to disable services is to configure the service as stopped in all runlevels in which it is started by default. In the System V init system this means renaming
the service's symbolic links from S to K.
Insert links using the defaults:
update-rc.d foobar defaults
Equivalent command using explicit argument sets:
update-rc.d foobar start 20 2 3 4 5 . stop 20 0 1 6 .
More typical command using explicit argument sets:
update-rc.d foobar start 30 2 3 4 5 . stop 70 0 1 6 .
Insert links at default runlevels when B requires A
update-rc.d script_for_A defaults 80 20
update-rc.d script_for_B defaults 90 10
Insert a link to a service that (presumably) will not be needed by any other daemon
update-rc.d top_level_app defaults 98 02
Insert links for a script that requires services that start/stop at sequence number 20
update-rc.d script_depends_on_svc20 defaults 21 19
Remove all links for a script (assuming foobar has been deleted already):
update-rc.d foobar remove
Example of disabling a service:
update-rc.d -f foobar remove
update-rc.d foobar stop 20 2 3 4 5 .
Example of a command for installing a system initialization-and-shutdown script:
update-rc.d foobar start 45 S . stop 31 0 6 .
Example of a command for disabling a system initialization-and-shutdown script:
update-rc.d -f foobar remove
update-rc.d foobar stop 45 S .