



[backup] ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’

[nfs] ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’

[web] ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’ ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’ ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’

[db] ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’

[lb] ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’ ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’

[prometheus] ansible_ssh_pass=‘1’

(传输)for i in 5 6 7 8 9 31 41 51 71;do sshpass -p1 ssh-copy-id -i /root/.ssh/id_rsa.pub root@172.16.1.$i -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no;done


#################ansible部署backup剧本编写: --- - hosts: backup remote_user: root roles: - backup 1)#安装rsync - name: Install Rsyncd Server yum: name: rsync state: present 2)#创建用户组 - name: Create www Group group: name: www gid: 1000 #创建/用户 - name: Create www User user: name: www group: www uid: 1000 create_home: false shell: /sbin/nologin 3)#rsync配置文件推送 - name: Rsync Config template: src: rsyncd.conf.j2 dest: /etc/rsynd.conf owner: root 4)#推送密码文件 - name: Create Passwd File template: src: rsync.passwd.j2 dest: /etc/rsync.passwd owner: root mode: 600 #推送配置文件 - name: Create conf File template: src: rsyncd.conf.j2 dest: /etc/rsyncd.conf owner: root mode: 600 #配置文件授权 - name: chown rsync.passwd shell: chmod 600 /etc/rsync.passwd - name: chown rsyncd.conf shell: chmod 600 /etc/rsyncd.conf 5)#创建backup目录 - name: Create backup Directory file: path: /backup mode: 0755 owner: www group: www state: directory recurse: yes - name: Create bac_database Directory file: path: /backup/database mode: 0755 owner: www group: www state: directory recurse: yes - name: Create bac_web Directory file: path: /backup/web mode: 0755 owner: www group: www state: directory recurse: yes 6)#启动rsync服务 - name: Start Rsyncd Server systemd: name: rsyncd state: started


#################ansible部署nfs剧本编写: - hosts: nfs remote_user: root roles: - nfs 1)#安装nfs - name: install nfs-utils yum: name: nfs-utils state: present #安装nfs - name: install rpcbind yum: name: rpcbind state: present 2)#创建用户 - name: Create www User user: name: www uid: 1000 create_home: false shell: /sbin/nologin #推送配置文件 - name: create nfs conf_file template: src: exrorts.j2 dest: /etc/exports owner: root 3)#推送密码文件 - name: create rsync passwd_file template: src: rsync.passwd.j2 dest: /etc/rsync.passwd #owner: www #mode: 600 #notify: restart rsyncd #授权密码文件 - name: chmod rsync.passwd shell: chmod 600 /etc/rsync.passwd - name: chown rsync.passwd shell: chown root.root /etc/rsync.passwd #创建挂载目录并授权 - name: Create nfs Directory file: path: /nfs state: directory owner: www group: www #mode: 755 recurse: yes 4)#创建web目录 - name: Create nfs_web Directory file: path: /nfs/web state: directory owner: www group: www # mode: 755 recurse: yes #创建conf目录 - name: Create nfs_conf Directory file: path: /nfs/conf state: directory owner: www group: www # mode: 755 recurse: yes #常见database目录 - name: Create nfs_database Directory file: path: /nfs/database state: directory owner: www group: www #mode: 755 recurse: yes #创建download目录 - name: Create nfs_download Directory file: path: /nfs/download state: directory owner: www group: www # mode: 755 recurse: yes #清除web目录残留文件 - name: rm web file shell: rm -rf /nfs/web/* #指定解压项目文件 - name: scp test_file unarchive: remote_src: no src: /hzl/hzl/test.zip dest: /nfs/web/ # wner: www # mode: 755 #更改项目文件权限 - name: chown shell: chown -R www.www /nfs/ 5)#启动nfs-server - name: Start NFS Server systemd: name: nfs-server state: started enabled: yes 6)#推送解压指定的目录 - name: scp sersync file unarchive: src: sersync2.5.4_64bit_binary_stable_final.tar.gz #使用软件包 dest: /usr/local/ #推送sersync模板文件 - name: create sersync file template: src: confxml.xml.j2 dest: /usr/local/GNU-Linux-x86/confxml.xml #force: yes #启动sersync守护进程 - name: start sersync shell: /usr/local/GNU-Linux-x86/sersync2 -dro /usr/local/GNU-Linux-x86/confxml.xml


#####################ansible部署web剧本编写: - hosts: web remote_user: root roles: - web 1)#yum安装epel源 - name: yum install epel yum: name: epel-release state: present - name: yum repolist shell: yum repolist #推送安装包 - name: scp php_rpm file unarchive: remote_src: no src: php.tar.gz #安装php软件压缩包 dest: /opt owner: root #php源推送 - name: scp php.repo file copy: src: php.repo #配置php的yum源 dest: /etc/yum.repos.d/ owner: root force: yes #刷新repo源 - name: yum makecache shell: yum makecache 2)#安装nfs及rpcbind - name: install nfs-utils yum: name: nfs-utils state: present state: present - name: install rpcbind yum: name: rpcbind state: present #启动nfs-server - name: Start nfs Server shell: systemctl restart nfs rpcbind # - name: Start rpcbind Server # systemd: # name: rpcbind # state: started # enabled: yes #安装nginx - name: install nginx yum: name: nginx state: present #安装php - name: install php shell: yum -y install php71w php71w-cli php71w-common php71w-devel php71w-embedded php71w-gd php71w-mcrypt php71w-mbstring php71w-pdo php71wxml php71w-fpm php71w-mysqlnd php71w-opcache php71w-pecl-memcached php71wpecl-redis php71w-pecl-mongodb #本地安装php - name: install php-fpm shell: yum localinstall -y /opt/*rpm #使用本地软件包安装php 3)#创建用户组 - name: create www group group: name: www gid: 1000 #创建用户 - name: create www user user: name: www uid: 1000 group: www 4)#创建挂载目录 - name: Create code Directory file: path: /code state: directory owner: www group: www # mode: 755 recurse: yes #使用nfs挂载web - name: Mount NFS Server mount: path: /code src: fstype: nfs opts: defaults state: mounted #使用nfs挂载conf - name: Mount conf_file NFS Server mount: path: /etc/nginx/conf.d/ src: fstype: nfs opts: defaults state: mounted 5)#nginx配置文件推送 - name: scp nginx_conf file template: remote_src: no src: ./nginx.conf.j2 dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf owner: root #推送配置文件 - name: scp hzl_conf file copy: src: hzl.conf dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/hzl.conf owner: www force: yes #php配置文件推送 - name: scp php_conf file copy: src: /hzl/hzl/www.conf dest: /etc/php-fpm.d/www.conf owner: root force: yes 6)#启动nginx - name: Start nginx Server service: name: nginx state: started enabled: yes #启动php-server - name: Start php Server service: name: php-fpm.service state: started enabled: yes


#####################ansible部署mariadb剧本编写: - hosts: db remote_user: root roles: - db 1)#安装epel源 - name: install epel repo shell: yum install -y epel-release #使用URL安装epel # shell: yum install -y https://dl.fedoraproject.org/pub/epel/epel-release-latest-7.noarch.rpmll 2)#安装redis - name: install redis yum: name: redis state: present #安装mariadb - name: install mariadb yum: name: mariadb,mariadb-server state: present #安装nfs - name: install nfs yum: name: nfs-utils,rpcbind state: present #安装rpcbind - name: install rpcbind yum: name: nfs-utils,rpcbind state: present #启动nfs与rpcbind - name: start nfs server service: name: nfs state: started enabled: yes #启动nfs与rpcbind - name: start rpcbind server service: name: rpcbind.service state: started enabled: yes 3)#用户创建 - name: Create vhost User user: name: mysql group: mysql shell: /sbin/nologin system: yes 4)#启动redis服务 - name: Start redis Service service: name: redis state: started #启动mariadb服务 - name: Start mariadb Server service: name: mariadb state: started enabled: yes 5)#数据库登录 - name: create mysql_admind user shell: mysqladmin -uroot password '888' #新安装的数据库首次登录 #创建数据库管理用户并授权 - name: create database user shell: mysql -uhzl -p888 -e "grant all on *.* to hzl@'%' identified by '888';" # shell: mysql -uroot -p123 -e "grant all privileges on *.* to 'hzl'@'%' identified by '888' with grant option;" #刷新用户权限 - name: shell: mysql -uhzl -p888 -e "flush privileges;" #数据库库创建 - name: shell: mysql -uhzl -p888 -e "create database word;"


###########################ansible部署slb剧本编写: - hosts: lb remote_user: root roles: - lb 1)#安装nginx - name: install nginx yum: name: nginx state: present #安装keepalived - name: install keepalived yum: name: keepalived state: present 2)#创建用户组 - name: create www group group: name: www gid: 1000 #创建用户 - name: create www user user: name: www uid: 1000 group: www 3)#nginx配置文件推送 - name: scp nginx Config template: src: ./nginx.conf.j2 dest: /etc/nginx/nginx.conf owner: www - name: scp nginx Config template: src: ./hzl.conf.j2 dest: /etc/nginx/conf.d/hzl.conf owner: www #推送keepalived配置文件 - name: scp 01keepalived conf_file template: src: ./keepalived.conf.j2 dest: /etc/keepalived/keepalived.conf - name: scp track_script template: src: ./check_web.sh.j2 dest: /etc/keepalived/check_web.sh #加入定时任务 - name: create crontab cron: minute: '*' job: /etc/keepalived/ name: check_web.sh disabled: yes 4)#启动nginx - name: Start nginx Server service: name: nginx state: started enabled: yes #启动keepalived - name: start keepalived service: name: keepalived.service state: started enabled: yes



#########################ansible部署prometheus剧本编写: - hosts: prometheus remote_user: root roles: - prometheus 1)#下载ntpdate - name: ntpdate yum: name: ntpdate state: present #同步time - name: ntpdate time shell: ntpdate ntp.aliyun.com 2)#上传prometheus - name: prometheus unarchive: src: /hzl/hzl/prometheus-2.25.0.linux-amd64.tar.gz dest: /usr/local/ #建立软连接 - name: ln shell: ln -s /usr/local/prometheus-2.25.0.linux-amd64 /usr/local/prometheus 3)#创建系统system启动项目 - name: create system template: src: prometheus.service dest: /etc/systemd/system #system文件编写 [root@m01 /]# cat >> /etc/systemd/system/prometheus.service <<EOF [Unit] Description=Prometheus Monitoring System Documentation=Prometheus Monitoring System [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/prometheus/prometheus \ --config.file=/usr/local/prometheus/prometheus.yml \ --web.listen-address=:9090 [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF #修改prometheus配置文件 - name: scp conf file template: src: prometheus.yml dest: /usr/local/prometheus #重载系统文件 - name: daemon service: daemon_reload: yes 4)#启动prometheus服务 - name: restart service: name: prometheus state: started enabled: yes 5)#上传grafana - name: scp grafana copy: src: /hzl/hzl/grafana-7.3.6-1.x86_64.rpm dest: /opt/ #安装grafana - name: install grafana yum: name: /opt/grafana-7.3.6-1.x86_64.rpm #启动grafana - name: start grafana-server service: name: grafana-server state: started enabled: yes


#####################ansible部署prometheus_web剧本编写: - hosts: web remote_user: root roles: - prometheus_web 1)#下载ntpdate - name: install ntpdate yum: name: ntpdate state: present #同步time - name: ntpdate time shell: ntpdate ntp.aliyun.com 2)#使用node_exproter插件包 - name: scp node_exporter.tar.gz unarchive : src: node_exporter.tar.gz dest: /usr/local/ #添加系统system启动项 - name: scp node-exporter.service copy: src: node-exporter.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/ #启动node_exproter插件 - name: start node-exporter.service service: name: node-exporter.service state: started


#####################ansible部署prometheus_db剧本编写: - hosts: db remote_user: root roles: - prometheus_db 1)#下载ntpdate - name: install ntpdate yum: name: ntpdate state: present #同步time - name: ntpdate time shell: ntpdate ntp.aliyun.com 2)#上传mysqld_exproter插件包 - name: scp mysqld_exporter.tar.gz unarchive : src: mysqld_exporter.tar.gz dest: /usr/local/ 3)#添加系统system启动项 - name: scp mysqld_exporter.service copy: src: mysqld_exporter.service dest: /etc/systemd/system/ #配置文件 [root@m01 files]# cat > mysqld_exporter.service << EOF [Unit] Description=Prometheus [Service] ExecStart=/usr/local/mysqld_exporter/mysqld_exporter \ --config.my-cnf=/usr/local/mysqld_exporter/.my.cnf \ --web.listen-address=:9104 Restart=on-failure [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target EOF 4)#mysqld.exproter配置文件修改 - name: scp conf file copy: src: .my.cnf dest: /usr/local/mysqld_exporter/ #添加mysqld.exproter配置文件 [root@m01 files]# cat .my.cnf [client] host= user=hzl #与database创建的用户及密码一致(获得所有权限) password=888 5)#启动mysqld_exproter - name: start mysqld_exporter.service service: name: mysqld_exporter.service state: started


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