区域采样在计算机图形学中是一种非常普遍的算法。考虑一个二维图,在(x, y)处的值受(x, y)位置的周围值的影响,诸如(x+1, y),(x-1, y),(x, y+1),以及(x, y-1)。我们的水波模拟实际上在三个维度上工作,但我们将在后面谈到这点。
ResultMap[x, y] := (SourceMap[x, y] + SourceMap[x+1, y] + SourceMap[x-1, y] + SourceMap[x, y+1] + SourceMap[x, y-1]) DIV 5;
用直白的话来说,(x, y)的值依赖于周围值的平均值。[译者注:这边的值是指像素值,或像素各个分量到值,(x, y)的像素值由其周围5个点的像素值的算术平均数计算得到。]当然,当你想要模糊图像时事情会变得有一点复杂,不过你获得了这种想法。
创建一个水波模拟基本上是相同的,但是(x, y)处的值以不同的方式计算。之前我提到我们的水波模拟以三个维度进行工作。好吧,我们的第三个维度就是时间。换句话说,在计算我们的水波模拟时,我们必须知道水波在此前一刻看上去像啥。结果图在下一帧中变为源图。
ResultMap[x, y] := ((CurrentSourceMap[x+1, y] + CurrentSourceMap[x-1, y] + CurrentSourceMap[x, y+1] + CurrentSourceMap[x, y-1]) DIV 2) - PreviousResultMap[x, y]
你将注意到首先从当前源图中所获得的四个值被2除。结果产生了两倍的均值。然后,我们将这个值减去在先前结果图中的工作位置(x, y)的值。这产生了一个新值。看图a和图b来获悉这如何影响水波。
水平灰线表示水波的平均高度[译者注:这条线作为考察水波高度走势的基准线,而不是x轴。水平方向可以看作为位置,垂直方向为水波高度。水平方向各个点随时间变化上下起伏。]。如果在(x, y)的先前值比平均值要小,那么水波将向上升到平均水平,正如图a所示的那样。
如果在(x, y)处的先前的值比平均值高,那么正如图b所示的那样,水波将下降到平均水平。
const MAXX = 320; { 水波图的宽度和高度 } MAXY = 240; DAMP = 16; { 阻尼系数 } { 定义水波图WaveMap[frame, x, y]以及帧索引 } var WaveMap: Array[0..1, 0..(MAXX - 1), 0..(MAXY-1)] of SmallInt; CT, NW: SmallInt; procedure UpdateWaveMap; var x, y, n: SmallInt; begin { 跳过边界以允许区域采样 } for y := 1 to MAXY - 1 do begin for x := 1 to MAXX - 1 do begin n := (WaveMap[CT, x-1, y] + WaveMap[CT, x+1, y] + WaveMap[CT, x, y-1] + WaveMap[CT, x, y+1]) div 2 - WaveMap[NW, x, y]; n := n - (n div DAMP); WaveMap[NW, x, y] := n; end; end; end;
Temporary_Value := CT; CT := NW; NW := Temporary_Value;
WaveMap[x, y] := -100;
这通过测量在(x, y)与(x-1, y)之间以及(x, y)和(x, y-1)的高度差来实现。这给了我们单位为1的三角形。角度为arctan(高度差 / 1),或arctan(高度差)。看图d来进行解释:
折射率 = sin(入射光的角度) / sin(折射光的角度)
折射光的角度 = arcsin(sin(入射光的角度) / 折射率)
位移 = tan(折射光的角度) * 高度差
for y:= 1 to MAXY-1 do begin for x := 1 to MAXX-1 do begin xDiff := Trunc(WaveMap[x+1, y] - WaveMap[x, y]); yDiff := Trunc(WaveMap[x, y+1] - WaveMap[x, y]); xAngle := arctan(xDiff); xRefraction = arcsin(sin(xAngle) / rIndex); xDisplace := Trunc(tan(xRefraction) * xDiff); yAngle := arctan(yDiff); yRefraction := arcsin(sin(yAngle) / rIndex); yDisplace := Trunc(tan(yRefraction) * yDiff); if xDiff < 0 then begin { 当前位置为更高值 - 顺时针方向旋转 } if yDiff < 0 then newColor := BackgroundImage[x-xDisplace, y-yDisplace] else newColor := BackgroundImage[x+xDisplace, y+yDisplace] end; TargetImage[x, y] := newColor; end; end;
/* File: RippleModel.m Abstract: Ripple model class that simulates the ripple effect. Version: 1.0 Disclaimer: IMPORTANT: This Apple software is supplied to you by Apple Inc. ("Apple") in consideration of your agreement to the following terms, and your use, installation, modification or redistribution of this Apple software constitutes acceptance of these terms. If you do not agree with these terms, please do not use, install, modify or redistribute this Apple software. In consideration of your agreement to abide by the following terms, and subject to these terms, Apple grants you a personal, non-exclusive license, under Apple's copyrights in this original Apple software (the "Apple Software"), to use, reproduce, modify and redistribute the Apple Software, with or without modifications, in source and/or binary forms; provided that if you redistribute the Apple Software in its entirety and without modifications, you must retain this notice and the following text and disclaimers in all such redistributions of the Apple Software. Neither the name, trademarks, service marks or logos of Apple Inc. may be used to endorse or promote products derived from the Apple Software without specific prior written permission from Apple. Except as expressly stated in this notice, no other rights or licenses, express or implied, are granted by Apple herein, including but not limited to any patent rights that may be infringed by your derivative works or by other works in which the Apple Software may be incorporated. The Apple Software is provided by Apple on an "AS IS" basis. APPLE MAKES NO WARRANTIES, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING WITHOUT LIMITATION THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF NON-INFRINGEMENT, MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE, REGARDING THE APPLE SOFTWARE OR ITS USE AND OPERATION ALONE OR IN COMBINATION WITH YOUR PRODUCTS. IN NO EVENT SHALL APPLE BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE, REPRODUCTION, MODIFICATION AND/OR DISTRIBUTION OF THE APPLE SOFTWARE, HOWEVER CAUSED AND WHETHER UNDER THEORY OF CONTRACT, TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE), STRICT LIABILITY OR OTHERWISE, EVEN IF APPLE HAS BEEN ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. Copyright (C) 2013 Apple Inc. All Rights Reserved. */ #import "RippleModel.h" @interface RippleModel () { unsigned int screenWidth; unsigned int screenHeight; unsigned int poolWidth; // 水平方向所要绘制的网格数 unsigned int poolHeight; // 垂直方向所要绘制的网格数 unsigned int touchRadius; // 手指触摸屏幕后初始的水波半径 unsigned int meshFactor; // 网格宽度(iPhone上默认设置为4;iPad上默认设置为8) float texCoordFactorS; // 用于将纹理坐标规格化的水平方向上的单位宽度 float texCoordOffsetS; // 纹理水平方向的偏移;此偏移由于可能要针对高度做规格化而产生的位置偏差 float texCoordFactorT; // 用于将纹理坐标规格化的垂直方向上的单位高度 float texCoordOffsetT; // 纹理垂直方向的偏移;此偏移由于可能要针对宽度做规格化而产生的位置偏差 // ripple coefficients float *rippleCoeff; // 水波系数表,实际长度为float[2*touchRadius+1][2*touchRadius+1] // ripple simulation buffers float *rippleSource; // 源水波 float *rippleDest; // 目的水波 // data passed to GL GLfloat *rippleVertices; // 水波顶点坐标;每个元素为struct {float x, y;};类型 GLfloat *rippleTexCoords; // 水波纹理坐标;每个元素为struct {float s, t;};类型 GLushort *rippleIndicies; } @end @implementation RippleModel - (void)initRippleMap { // +2 for padding the border memset(rippleSource, 0, (poolWidth+2)*(poolHeight+2)*sizeof(float)); memset(rippleDest, 0, (poolWidth+2)*(poolHeight+2)*sizeof(float)); } // 在以(2 * touchRadius + 1)为边长的正方形的内切圆内计算各个像素点所对应的水波振幅系数 - (void)initRippleCoeff { // 一共(2 * touchRadius + 1)行 for (int y=0; y <= 2*touchRadius; y++) { // 每行有(2 * touchRadius + 1)个点 for (int x=0; x <= 2*touchRadius; x++) { // 当前点到圆心(touchRadius, touchRadius)的距离。 // 若当前点正好在圆心上,则distance为0。 float distance = sqrt((x-touchRadius)*(x-touchRadius)+(y-touchRadius)*(y-touchRadius)); if (distance <= touchRadius) { // 若当前点在内切圆的范围内,则计算该点的系数。 float factor = distance / touchRadius; // 该因子的取值范围是[0, 1] // goes from -512 -> 0 // 赋值给当前点的系数。系数的确定是通过由中心点(touchRadius, touchRadius)作为起始点,在正方形内切圆范围内作cos波形扩散。 // 使用余弦是因为它是偶函数,正好与y轴(这里表示水波的振幅)对称。这里的余弦函数的取值范围是[-1, 1],并且正好是半个周期,由于distance的范围是[0, 1]。 // 这里可以看到使用-cos(factor * π)因为在起始点处(也就是手指点下去的那一点),初始波的振幅是向下(负方向)绝对值最大的。 // 然后获得的振幅加1,再乘以256,使得最终值定格在[-512, 0],用于量化。 rippleCoeff[y*(touchRadius*2+1)+x] = -(cos(factor*M_PI)+1.f) * 256.f; } else { // 内切圆边界外的系数设为0 rippleCoeff[y*(touchRadius*2+1)+x] = 0.f; } } } } // 初始化网格 - (void)initMesh { // 先针对网格初始化顶点坐标以及纹理坐标 for (int i=0; i<poolHeight; i++) { for (int j=0; j<poolWidth; j++) { // v[i, j].x = j * (2 / (w - 1)) - 1; 将屏幕横坐标规格化到[-1, 1],第0列时为-1 rippleVertices[(i*poolWidth+j)*2+0] = -1.f + j*(2.f/(poolWidth-1)); // v[i, j].y = 1 - i * (2 / (h - 1)); 将屏幕纵坐标规格化到[-1, 1],第h-1行时为-1 rippleVertices[(i*poolWidth+j)*2+1] = 1.f - i*(2.f/(poolHeight-1)); // 这里的纹理宽高为640x480,而显示的时候以屏幕宽高(竖屏)方式展示,因此这里需要将纹理坐标做一个转置 // 使得s为垂直方向,t为水平方向。以下分别为水波网格中各个顶点设置相应的纹理坐标 rippleTexCoords[(i*poolWidth+j)*2+0] = (float)i/(poolHeight-1) * texCoordFactorS + texCoordOffsetS; rippleTexCoords[(i*poolWidth+j)*2+1] = (1.f - (float)j/(poolWidth-1)) * texCoordFactorT + texCoordFactorT; } } // 设置水波顶点索引;这里采用GL_TRIANGLE_STRIP方式渲染 // 由于iOS系统所支持的GPU支持前一条带的最后一点重复一次,后一条带第一个点重复一次能形成新的一个三角条带,所以以下的emit extra index就是做这个操作 unsigned int index = 0; for (int i=0; i<poolHeight-1; i++) { for (int j=0; j<poolWidth; j++) { // 对于偶数行 if (i%2 == 0) { // emit extra index to create degenerate triangle if (j == 0) { // 发射额外的索引来创建退化的三角形(多取一次(i, j)这一点) rippleIndicies[index] = i*poolWidth+j; index++; } // 取(i, j)点的位置 rippleIndicies[index] = i*poolWidth+j; index++; // 取(i+1, j)点的位置 rippleIndicies[index] = (i+1)*poolWidth+j; index++; // emit extra index to create degenerate triangle if (j == (poolWidth-1)) { // 发射额外的索引来创建退化的三角形(多取一次(i+1, j)这一点) rippleIndicies[index] = (i+1)*poolWidth+j; index++; } } else // 对于奇数行 { // emit extra index to create degenerate triangle if (j == 0) { // 发射额外的索引来创建退化的三角形(多取一次(i+1, j)这一点) rippleIndicies[index] = (i+1)*poolWidth+j; index++; } // 取(i+1, j)点的位置 rippleIndicies[index] = (i+1)*poolWidth+j; index++; // 取(i, j)点的位置 rippleIndicies[index] = i*poolWidth+j; index++; // emit extra index to create degenerate triangle if (j == (poolWidth-1)) { // 发射额外的索引来创建退化的三角形(多取一次(i, j)这一点) rippleIndicies[index] = i*poolWidth+j; index++; } } } } } - (GLfloat *)getVertices { return rippleVertices; } - (GLfloat *)getTexCoords { return rippleTexCoords; } - (GLushort *)getIndices { return rippleIndicies; } - (unsigned int)getVertexSize { return poolWidth*poolHeight*2*sizeof(GLfloat); } - (unsigned int)getIndexSize { return (poolHeight-1)*(poolWidth*2+2)*sizeof(GLushort); } - (unsigned int)getIndexCount { return [self getIndexSize]/sizeof(*rippleIndicies); } - (void)freeBuffers { free(rippleCoeff); free(rippleSource); free(rippleDest); free(rippleVertices); free(rippleTexCoords); free(rippleIndicies); } - (id)initWithScreenWidth:(unsigned int)width screenHeight:(unsigned int)height meshFactor:(unsigned int)factor touchRadius:(unsigned int)radius textureWidth:(unsigned int)texWidth textureHeight:(unsigned int)texHeight { self = [super init]; if (self) { screenWidth = width; screenHeight = height; meshFactor = factor; poolWidth = width/meshFactor; poolHeight = height/meshFactor; touchRadius = radius; // 将纹理坐标规格化 // 这里的纹理宽高为640x480,而显示的时候以屏幕宽高(竖屏)方式展示,因此后期处理需要将纹理坐标做一个转置 if ((float)screenHeight/screenWidth < (float)texWidth/texHeight) { texCoordFactorS = (float)(texHeight*screenHeight)/(screenWidth*texWidth); texCoordOffsetS = (1.f - texCoordFactorS)/2.f; texCoordFactorT = 1.f; texCoordOffsetT = 0.f; } else { texCoordFactorS = 1.f; texCoordOffsetS = 0.f; texCoordFactorT = (float)(screenWidth*texWidth)/(texHeight*screenHeight); texCoordOffsetT = (1.f - texCoordFactorT)/2.f; } rippleCoeff = (float *)malloc((touchRadius*2+1)*(touchRadius*2+1)*sizeof(float)); // +2 for padding the border rippleSource = (float*)malloc((poolWidth+2)*(poolHeight+2)*sizeof(float)); rippleDest = (float*)malloc((poolWidth+2)*(poolHeight+2)*sizeof(float)); rippleVertices = (GLfloat*)malloc(poolWidth*poolHeight*2*sizeof(GLfloat)); rippleTexCoords = (GLfloat*)malloc(poolWidth*poolHeight*2*sizeof(GLfloat)); rippleIndicies = (GLushort*)malloc((poolHeight-1)*(poolWidth*2+2)*sizeof(GLushort)); if (!rippleCoeff || !rippleSource || !rippleDest || !rippleVertices || !rippleTexCoords || !rippleIndicies) { [self freeBuffers]; return nil; } [self initRippleMap]; [self initRippleCoeff]; [self initMesh]; } return self; } // 每次刷新视图时调用此方法 - (void)runSimulation { dispatch_queue_t queue = dispatch_get_global_queue(DISPATCH_QUEUE_PRIORITY_DEFAULT, 0); // first pass for simulation buffers... // 第一遍,用于计算水波模拟的目标值。以下操作一共执行poolHeight行 dispatch_apply(poolHeight, queue, ^(size_t y) { // y从0到poolHeight-1 for (int x=0; x<poolWidth; x++) { // * - denotes current pixel // // a // c * d // b // +1 to both x/y values because the border is padded // 这里,当前点的坐标为(x+1, y+1) float a = rippleSource[(y)*(poolWidth+2) + x+1]; float b = rippleSource[(y+2)*(poolWidth+2) + x+1]; float c = rippleSource[(y+1)*(poolWidth+2) + x]; float d = rippleSource[(y+1)*(poolWidth+2) + x+2]; // 这里的(a + b + c + d) / 2 - rippleDest其实是指: // avg = (a + b + c + d) / 4; result = avg + (avg - rippleDest) // 如果当前水波系数值比均值小,那么水波将从平均位置上升 // 如果当前水波系数值比均值大,那么水波将从平均位置下降 float result = (a + b + c + d)/2.f - rippleDest[(y+1)*(poolWidth+2) + x+1]; result -= result/32.f; rippleDest[(y+1)*(poolWidth+2) + x+1] = result; } }); // second pass for modifying texture coord // 第二遍,用于计算纹理坐标进行采样。以下操作一共执行poolHeight行 dispatch_apply(poolHeight, queue, ^(size_t y) { // y从0到poolHeight-1 for (int x=0; x<poolWidth; x++) { // * - denotes current pixel // // a // c * d // b // +1 to both x/y values because the border is padded // 这里,当前点的坐标为(x+1, y+1) float a = rippleDest[(y)*(poolWidth+2) + x+1]; float b = rippleDest[(y+2)*(poolWidth+2) + x+1]; float c = rippleDest[(y+1)*(poolWidth+2) + x]; float d = rippleDest[(y+1)*(poolWidth+2) + x+2]; // 所以这里除以2048再做一次针对纹理坐标偏移的规格化(512 * 4) // 这里纹理是被转置90度的。b-a表征了横向水波的起伏趋势; // c-d表征了纵向水波的起伏趋势;这里a与b以及c与d可以相互交换,即符号相反也没问题 float s_offset = ((b - a) / 2048.f); float t_offset = ((c - d) / 2048.f); // clamp // 将纹理水平与垂直方向的偏移都确保在[-0.5, 0.5]范围内 s_offset = (s_offset < -0.5f) ? -0.5f : s_offset; t_offset = (t_offset < -0.5f) ? -0.5f : t_offset; s_offset = (s_offset > 0.5f) ? 0.5f : s_offset; t_offset = (t_offset > 0.5f) ? 0.5f : t_offset; // 获取当前正常的纹理坐标 float s_tc = (float)y/(poolHeight-1) * texCoordFactorS + texCoordOffsetS; float t_tc = (1.f - (float)x/(poolWidth-1)) * texCoordFactorT + texCoordOffsetT; // 真正获取所要采样的纹理坐标 rippleTexCoords[(y*poolWidth+x)*2+0] = s_tc + s_offset; rippleTexCoords[(y*poolWidth+x)*2+1] = t_tc + t_offset; } }); // 这一步用来交换源水波与目的水波,使得当前的目的水波将作为后一帧的源水波 float *pTmp = rippleDest; rippleDest = rippleSource; rippleSource = pTmp; } // 在手指点的位置处设置rippleSource - (void)initiateRippleAtLocation:(CGPoint)location { // 当前位置所对应的网格索引 unsigned int xIndex = (unsigned int)((location.x / screenWidth) * poolWidth); unsigned int yIndex = (unsigned int)((location.y / screenHeight) * poolHeight); // 以当前位置为圆心,touchRadius为半径,根据水波系数设置水波源 for (int y=(int)yIndex-(int)touchRadius; y<=(int)yIndex+(int)touchRadius; y++) { for (int x=(int)xIndex-(int)touchRadius; x<=(int)xIndex+(int)touchRadius; x++) { // 仅对在网格区域范围内的水波系数和水波源进行操作 if (x>=0 && x<poolWidth && y>=0 && y<poolHeight) { // +1 to both x/y values because the border is padded // 以(xIndex - touchRadius, yIndex - touchRadius)作为起始点,依次获取这个圆范围内的每个点相应的水波系数 // 这个获取顺序与初始化水波的位置顺序一致 // 随后,将这些系数依次映射到水波源相应的网格位置中,并与原来的水波系数相加 rippleSource[(poolWidth+2)*(y+1)+x+1] += rippleCoeff[(y-(yIndex-touchRadius))*(touchRadius*2+1)+x-(xIndex-touchRadius)]; } } } } - (void)dealloc { [self freeBuffers]; } @end