apisix 源码简单分析(未完)
apisix与kong类似,基于openresty 构建的api网关,抽象了route、service、upstream、plugin、consumer等数据模型。基本可以将apisix看作是kong的重构,运用大量LuaJIT、OpenResty技巧优化性能、简化复杂数据结构、替换etcd为存储引擎,其核心也是利用Lua Nginx Module提供的 _by_lua 添加Hook
2 基本流程
2.1 源码结构
$ tree -L 2 . ├── apisix │ ├── admin # Admin API │ ├── api_router.lua │ ├── balancer # 负载均衡器 │ ├── balancer.lua │ ├── cli # CLI, Lua 脚本 │ ├── constants.lua # 常量 │ ├── consumer.lua │ ├── control │ ├── core # 主要是封装的公共方法 │ ├── core.lua │ ├── debug.lua │ ├── discovery # 服务发现, 支持 consul, eruka, dns │ ├── http │ ├── init.lua # _by_lua 函数入口 │ ├── patch.lua │ ├── plugin_config.lua │ ├── plugin.lua # 插件 │ ├── plugins │ ├── router.lua # Router │ ├── schema_def.lua # jsonschema 定义 │ ├── script.lua │ ├── ssl │ ├── ssl.lua │ ├── stream │ ├── timers.lua # timer 封装 │ ├── upstream.lua │ └── utils ├── bin │ └── apisix # apisix CLI, shell 脚本 ├── ci # CI 脚本 ├── conf # 默认配置文件 ├── deps ├── docs ├── Makefile # 快捷指令 ├── rockspec # luarocks 包管理 ├── t # Test::Nginx 测试 └── utils # Shell 脚本 |
2.2 启动流程
- 在启动过程中会默认使用luajit进行启动 https://github.com/LuaJIT/LuaJIT
- 调用 popen 执行cmd 命令
- 使用 luasocket 发起请求
- 使用 sink 进行流处理 http://lua-users.org/wiki/FiltersSourcesAndSinks
- 创建etcd prefix, value 为 init
3 请求生命周期
3.1 ctx
ngx.ctx apisix 使用 lua-var-nginx-module Nginx C模块和FFI https://github.com/api7/lua-var-nginx-module 获取变量。在没有开启Nginx C模块的情况下,用缓存ngx.var获取的结果,在不同生命周期中传递。
request 使用lua tablepool 获取 table,避免频繁分配内存
function _M.set_vars_meta(ctx) -- 从 table 池中获取/创建一个 hash 长度为 32 的 table local var = tablepool.fetch("ctx_var", 0, 32) if not var._cache then var._cache = {} end -- 通过 resty.core.base 获取原始 request C 指针 (?) -- ref: https://github.com/openresty/lua-resty-core/blob/master/lib/resty/core/base.lua var._request = get_request() -- 绑定元表 setmetatable(var, mt) -- 缓存到 ngx ctx 中 ctx.var = var end |
-- 用 ngx.ctx table 缓存 headers, 避免再进行一次 ffi 调用 local function _headers(ctx) if not ctx then ctx = ngx.ctx.api_ctx end local headers = ctx.headers if not headers then headers = get_headers() ctx.headers = headers end return headers end |
etcd 对于 apisix 类似,postgresql 之于 kong,其内部使用 lua-resty-etcd 作为客户端,使用timer 定时执行和长轮询获取跟踪etcd中数据变化
4.1 初始化
其主要逻辑分为以下俩个部分,且这部分逻辑在 init_by_lua 执行,fork到其他子进程
读取etcd数据到全局单例的lua table
function _M.init() local local_conf, err = config_local.local_conf() if not local_conf then return nil, err end if table.try_read_attr(local_conf, "apisix", "disable_sync_configuration_during_start") then return true end -- don't go through proxy during start because the proxy is not available local etcd_cli, prefix, err = etcd_apisix.new_without_proxy() if not etcd_cli then return nil, "failed to start a etcd instance: " .. err end -- insert lua table local res, err = readdir(etcd_cli, prefix, create_formatter(prefix)) if not res then return nil, err end return true end |
对数据格式化,存入lua table中
local function create_formatter(prefix) return function (res) res.body.nodes = {} local dirs if is_http then dirs = constants.HTTP_ETCD_DIRECTORY else dirs = constants.STREAM_ETCD_DIRECTORY end local curr_dir_data local curr_key for _, item in ipairs(res.body.kvs) do if curr_dir_data then if core_str.has_prefix(item.key, curr_key) then -- 插入lua table table.insert(curr_dir_data, etcd_apisix.kvs_to_node(item)) goto CONTINUE end curr_dir_data = nil end local key = sub_str(item.key, #prefix + 1) if dirs[key] then -- single item loaded_configuration[key] = { body = etcd_apisix.kvs_to_node(item), headers = res.headers, } else local key = sub_str(item.key, #prefix + 1, #item.key - 1) -- ensure the same key hasn't been handled as single item if dirs[key] and not loaded_configuration[key] then loaded_configuration[key] = { body = { nodes = {}, }, headers = res.headers, } curr_dir_data = loaded_configuration[key].body.nodes curr_key = item.key end end ::CONTINUE:: end return res end end |
4.2 数据校验
schema_def.lua 定义存储数据结构schema 校验规则
core/schema.lua 使用 LRU 缓存校验器
load_full_data 函数家加载数据结构所需的 etcd kvs, 并进行数据转换、校验、格式化、执行回调
local function load_full_data(self, dir_res, headers) local err local changed = false if self.single_item then self.values = new_tab(1, 0) self.values_hash = new_tab(0, 1) local item = dir_res local data_valid = item.value ~= nil if data_valid and self.item_schema then data_valid, err = check_schema(self.item_schema, item.value) if not data_valid then log.error("failed to check item data of [", self.key, "] err:", err, " ,val: ", json.encode(item.value)) end end if data_valid and self.checker then data_valid, err = self.checker(item.value) if not data_valid then log.error("failed to check item data of [", self.key, "] err:", err, " ,val: ", json.delay_encode(item.value)) end end if data_valid then changed = true insert_tab(self.values, item) self.values_hash[self.key] = #self.values item.clean_handlers = {} if self.filter then self.filter(item) end end self:upgrade_version(item.modifiedIndex) else -- here dir_res maybe res.body.node or res.body.list -- we need make values equals to res.body.node.nodes or res.body.list local values = (dir_res and dir_res.nodes) or dir_res if not values then values = {} end -- 创建table 缓存新数据 self.values = new_tab(#values, 0) self.values_hash = new_tab(0, #values) for _, item in ipairs(values) do local key = short_key(self, item.key) local data_valid = true if type(item.value) ~= "table" then data_valid = false log.error("invalid item data of [", self.key .. "/" .. key, "], val: ", item.value, ", it should be an object") end -- schema校验新数据 if data_valid and self.item_schema then data_valid, err = check_schema(self.item_schema, item.value) if not data_valid then log.error("failed to check item data of [", self.key, "] err:", err, " ,val: ", json.encode(item.value)) end end -- 自定义 checker 检查 if data_valid and self.checker then data_valid, err = self.checker(item.value) if not data_valid then log.error("failed to check item data of [", self.key, "] err:", err, " ,val: ", json.delay_encode(item.value)) end end -- 自定义 filter 函数过滤 if data_valid then changed = true insert_tab(self.values, item) self.values_hash[key] = #self.values item.value.id = key item.clean_handlers = {} if self.filter then self.filter(item) end end -- etcd 更新 mvcc self:upgrade_version(item.modifiedIndex) end end if headers then self:upgrade_version(headers["X-Etcd-Index"]) end if changed then self.conf_version = self.conf_version + 1 end self.need_reload = false end |
load_full_data 执行流程
4.3 后台数据同步
利用etcd watch 机制进行数据变更的同步
local function _automatic_fetch(premature, self) if premature then return end if not (health_check.conf and health_check.conf.shm_name) then -- used for worker processes to synchronize configuration local _, err = health_check.init({ shm_name = health_check_shm_name, fail_timeout = self.health_check_timeout, max_fails = 3, retry = true, }) if err then log.warn("fail to create health_check: " .. err) end end local i = 0 while not exiting() and self.running and i <= 32 do i = i + 1 local ok, err = xpcall(function() if not self.etcd_cli then local etcd_cli, err = get_etcd() if not etcd_cli then error("failed to create etcd instance for key [" .. self.key .. "]: " .. (err or "unknown")) end self.etcd_cli = etcd_cli end -- 同步数据 local ok, err = sync_data(self) if err then if string.find(err, err_etcd_unhealthy_all) then local reconnected = false while err and not reconnected and i <= 32 do local backoff_duration, backoff_factor, backoff_step = 1, 2, 6 for _ = 1, backoff_step do i = i + 1 ngx_sleep(backoff_duration) _, err = sync_data(self) if not err or not string.find(err, err_etcd_unhealthy_all) then log.warn("reconnected to etcd") reconnected = true break end backoff_duration = backoff_duration * backoff_factor log.error("no healthy etcd endpoint available, next retry after " .. backoff_duration .. "s") end end elseif err ~= "timeout" and err ~= "Key not found" and self.last_err ~= err then log.error("failed to fetch data from etcd: ", err, ", ", tostring(self)) end if err ~= self.last_err then self.last_err = err self.last_err_time = ngx_time() else if ngx_time() - self.last_err_time >= 30 then self.last_err = nil end end -- etcd watch timeout is an expected error, so there is no need for resync_delay if err ~= "timeout" then ngx_sleep(self.resync_delay + rand() * 0.5 * self.resync_delay) end elseif not ok then -- no error. reentry the sync with different state ngx_sleep(0.05) end end, debug.traceback) if not ok then log.error("failed to fetch data from etcd: ", err, ", ", tostring(self)) ngx_sleep(self.resync_delay + rand() * 0.5 * self.resync_delay) break end end if not exiting() and self.running then ngx_timer_at(0, _automatic_fetch, self) end end |
4.4 配置同步
封装 _automatic_fetch逻辑提供给 routes、plugins、services 等数据结构使用,每个结构都监听自己的prefix,同步数据并执行回调,通常在回调逻辑上触发更新,例如重新构建Router、重新构建 plugins table。
function _M.new(key, opts) local local_conf, err = config_local.local_conf() if not local_conf then return nil, err end local etcd_conf = local_conf.etcd local prefix = etcd_conf.prefix local resync_delay = etcd_conf.resync_delay if not resync_delay or resync_delay < 0 then resync_delay = 5 end local health_check_timeout = etcd_conf.health_check_timeout if not health_check_timeout or health_check_timeout < 0 then health_check_timeout = 10 end local automatic = opts and opts.automatic local item_schema = opts and opts.item_schema local filter_fun = opts and opts.filter local timeout = opts and opts.timeout local single_item = opts and opts.single_item local checker = opts and opts.checker local obj = setmetatable({ etcd_cli = nil, key = key and prefix .. key, automatic = automatic, item_schema = item_schema, checker = checker, sync_times = 0, running = true, conf_version = 0, values = nil, need_reload = true, routes_hash = nil, prev_index = 0, last_err = nil, last_err_time = nil, resync_delay = resync_delay, health_check_timeout = health_check_timeout, timeout = timeout, single_item = single_item, filter = filter_fun, }, mt) if automatic then -- timer 定时获取数据 if not key then return nil, "missing `key` argument" end -- 从单例 table 获取 etcd 数据,进行处理 if loaded_configuration[key] then local res = loaded_configuration[key] loaded_configuration[key] = nil -- tried to load log.notice("use loaded configuration ", key) local dir_res, headers = res.body, res.headers -- 加载并校验数据, 过滤数据 load_full_data(obj, dir_res, headers) end -- 定时器自动同步 ngx_timer_at(0, _automatic_fetch, obj) else local etcd_cli, err = get_etcd() if not etcd_cli then return nil, "failed to start a etcd instance: " .. err end obj.etcd_cli = etcd_cli end if key then created_obj[key] = obj- end return obj end |
5 Router
6 Balancer
7 Plugin
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