Different Ways to Add Parentheses

241. Different Ways to Add Parentheses

Total Accepted: 13500 Total Submissions: 43882 Difficulty: Medium

Given a string of numbers and operators, return all possible results from computing all the different possible ways to group numbers and operators. The valid operators are+- and *.

Example 1

Input: "2-1-1".

((2-1)-1) = 0
(2-(1-1)) = 2

Output: [0, 2]

Example 2

Input: "2*3-4*5"

(2*(3-(4*5))) = -34
((2*3)-(4*5)) = -14
((2*(3-4))*5) = -10
(2*((3-4)*5)) = -10
(((2*3)-4)*5) = 10

Output: [-34, -14, -10, -10, 10]

class Solution {
    vector<int> diffWaysToCompute(string input) {
        vector<int> res;
        int input_size = input.size();
        for(int i=0;i<input_size;i++){
                vector<int> res1 = diffWaysToCompute(input.substr(0,i));
                vector<int> res2 = diffWaysToCompute(input.substr(i+1));
                for(auto num1 : res1){
                    for(auto num2:res2){
                            case '+' : res.push_back(num1+num2) ;break;
                            case '-' : res.push_back(num1-num2) ;break;
                            case '*' : res.push_back(num1*num2) ;break;
        return res;


posted @ 2015-12-19 16:07  zengzy  阅读(193)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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