当月的所有周日 倒计时显示当年剩下的天时分秒 公历转农历(.net)
<script type="text/javascript">
var year = new Date().getFullYear();
var month = new Date().getMonth();
var result = [];
for(var i = 1; i <= 31; i++){
var weekday = new Date(year, month, i).getDay();
if(weekday == 0 || weekday == 6 ){
document.write((month + 1) + "月:" + result.join(","));
<script type="text/javascript">
function onKeyPrice(t)
var stmp = "";
var ms = t.value.replace(/[^\d\.]/g,"").replace(/(\.\d{2}).+$/,"$1").replace(/^0+([1-9])/,"$1").replace(/^0+$/,"0");
var txt = ms.split(".");
txt[0] = txt[0].replace(/(\d)(\d{3}(,|$))/,"$1,$2");
t.value = stmp = txt[0]+(txt.length>1?"."+txt[1]:"");
<input name="" type="text" onkeyup="onKeyPrice(this);" />
<asp:TextBox ID="TextBox1" runat="server" onkeyup="onKeyPrice(this);"></asp:TextBox>
商品A 28天8小时6分53秒
商品b 28天8小时6分53秒
商品C 28天8小时6分53秒
商品D 28天8小时6分53秒
<div id='divs'>
<div>商品A <span> </span> </div><br>
<div>商品b <span> </span> </div><br>
<div>商品C <span> </span> </div><br>
<div>商品D <span> </span> </div></div>
<div id='CountMsg'> </div>
<script language="JavaScript">
function GetRTime(){
var EndTime= new Date("10/11/2009"); //截止时间(月 日 年)
var NowTime = new Date();
var nMS =EndTime.getTime() - NowTime.getTime();
var nD =Math.floor(nMS/(1000 * 60 * 60 * 24));
var nH=Math.floor(nMS/(1000*60*60)) % 24;
var nM=Math.floor(nMS/(1000*60)) % 60;
var nS=Math.floor(nMS/1000) % 60;
var Remain=document.getElementById("divs").getElementsByTagName('SPAN');
if(nD>= 0){
for(var i=0;i <Remain.length;i++){
else {
剩余时间:<span id='Countdown456'></span> <br />
var liftoffTime456 = new Date(2010,5-1,28,17,0,0);
var serverdate = new Date(2010,5-1,26,16,43,56);
var localdate = new Date();
var jtime = localdate-serverdate;
$(function() {
$('#Countdown456').countdown({alwaysExpire: true, until: liftoffTime456, format: 'DHMS', timezone: +8, onExpiry:function(){ liftOff('456')} });
//parentID = "#TeamTime"
//<span id="TeamTime"><em>20</em>天<em>7</em>小时<em>3</em>分<em>2</em>秒</span>
function getLeaveTime(parentID) {
$.each(parentID, function(i, n) {
function getLeavaSingleTime(parentID) {
var tid = parentID + ">em";
if ($(tid).text()=='') {
else {
var sec = $(tid).eq(3).text();
var min = $(tid).eq(2).text();
var hou = $(tid).eq(1).text();
var day = $(tid).eq(0).text();
if (Number(sec) > 0)
else {
if (Number(min) > 0)
else {
if (Number(hou) > 0)
else {
if (Number(day) > 0)
else {
function calculateCountdown() {
//The current date and time
var todaysDate = new Date();
/*The date and time of the target date in Greenwich Mean Time (year, month-1, day of month, hours in 24-hour notation, minutes, seconds, milliseconds). The "month-1" can trip you up if you're not carefully. So, for example, May is 4.*/
var targetDate = new Date(2008, 10, 25, 13, 0, 0, 0);
//var str = "2008/10/22 09:21:00";
/*The getTimezoneOffset function returns the number of minutes west of GMT the browser is. For example, a browser in the New York EST timezone would be 300 minutes off of GMT. NOTE: does not factor in Daylight Saving Time.*/
var timezoneOffset = (todaysDate.getTimezoneOffset() * 60) * 1000;
/*Factor in the time zone of the web browser before determine the time between now and the conference start time.*/
var timeDifference = (targetDate - timezoneOffset) - todaysDate;
//Now calculate the days, hours, minutes, and seconds from the time difference
var countDown = new Array(4);
countDown[0] = Math.floor((((timeDifference / 1000) / 60) / 60) / 24);
countDown[1] = Math.floor((((timeDifference / 1000) / 60) / 60) % 24);
countDown[2] = Math.floor(((timeDifference / 1000) / 60) % 60);
countDown[3] = Math.floor((timeDifference / 1000) % 60);
//Output the result
return countDown;
} //end of the calculateCountdown function
static string SolarToChineseLunisolarDate(DateTime solarDateTime)
System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar cal = new System.Globalization.ChineseLunisolarCalendar();
int year = cal.GetYear(solarDateTime);
int month = cal.GetMonth(solarDateTime);
int day = cal.GetDayOfMonth(solarDateTime);
int leapMonth = cal.GetLeapMonth(year);
return string.Format("农历{0}{1}({2})年{3}{4}月{5}{6}"
, "甲乙丙丁戊己庚辛壬癸"[(year - 4) % 10]
, "子丑寅卯辰巳午未申酉戌亥"[(year - 4) % 12]
, "鼠牛虎兔龙蛇马羊猴鸡狗猪"[(year - 4) % 12]
, month == leapMonth ? "闰" : ""
, "无正二三四五六七八九十冬腊"[leapMonth > 0 && leapMonth <= month ? month - 1 : month]
, "初十廿三"[day / 10]
, "日一二三四五六七八九"[day % 10]
string 农历 = SolarToChineseLunisolarDate(DateTime.Today);