

1. 界面报 warning: 

16:44:44 WARNING DFM-1 DFM::InputIssue DFM problem with incoming message: SFI EOE message with LVL1ID 415. No such events in the list.

2. 查看DFM的err文件:

37 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:12 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::CleanUp(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:732] DFM problem with the flow of data: No EoE came for this event. Event 462 is timed out after 0 reasks
38 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:13 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::CleanUp(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:732] DFM problem with the flow of data: No EoE came for this event. Event 463 is timed out after 0 reasks
39 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:13 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::CleanUp(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:732] DFM problem with the flow of data: No EoE came for this event. Event 464 is timed out after 0 reasks
40 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:13 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::CleanUp(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:732] DFM problem with the flow of data: No EoE came for this event. Event 465 is timed out after 0 reasks
41 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:13 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::CleanUp(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:732] DFM problem with the flow of data: No EoE came for this event. Event 466 is timed out after 0 reasks
42 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:16 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::CleanUp(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:732] DFM problem with the flow of data: No EoE came for this event. Event 467 is timed out after 0 reasks
43 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:16 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::SubtractEventByL1ID(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:408] DFM problem with incoming message: SFI EOE message with LVL1ID 461. No such events in the list.
44 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:24 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::CleanUp(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:732] DFM problem with the flow of data: No EoE came for this event. Event 468 is timed out after 0 reasks
45 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:26 [DC::StatusWord DFM::LoadBalancer::SubtractEventByL1ID(...) at DFM/src/LoadBalancer.cxx:408] DFM problem with incoming message: SFI EOE message with LVL1ID 462. No such events in the list.

3. 查看SFI的err文件:

3 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:26 [DC::StatusWord EventAssembly::EventCompleted(...) at SFI/src/EventAssembly.cxx:490] Problem with the flow of data: No data fragments at all in event with LVL1ID 462
4 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:26 [DC::StatusWord EventAssembly::EventCompleted(...) at SFI/src/EventAssembly.cxx:490] Problem with the flow of data: No data fragments at all in event with LVL1ID 463
5 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:31 [DC::StatusWord EventAssembly::EventCompleted(...) at SFI/src/EventAssembly.cxx:490] Problem with the flow of data: No data fragments at all in event with LVL1ID 464
6 WARNING 2017-May-18 16:45:31 [DC::StatusWord EventAssembly::EventCompleted(...) at SFI/src/EventAssembly.cxx:490] Problem with the flow of data: No data fragments at all in event with LVL1ID 465
posted @ 2017-05-18 16:50  小荷才楼尖尖角  Views(132)  Comments(0Edit  收藏  举报