function calendar($date)
//If no parameter is passed use the current date.
if($date == null)
$date = getDate();
$day = $date["mday"];
$month = $date["mon"];
$month_name = $date["month"];
$year = $date["year"];
$this_month = getDate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
$next_month = getDate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year));
//Find out when this month starts and ends.
$first_week_day = $this_month["wday"];
$days_in_this_month = round(($next_month[0] - $this_month[0]) / (60 * 60 * 24));
$calendar_html = "<table style=\"background-color:666699; color:ffffff;\">";
$calendar_html .= "<tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"center\" style=\"background-color:9999cc; color:000000;\">" .
$month_name . " " . $year . "</td></tr>";
$calendar_html .= "<tr>";
//Fill the first week of the month with the appropriate number of blanks.
for($week_day = 0; $week_day < $first_week_day; $week_day++)
$calendar_html .= "<td style=\"background-color:9999cc; color:000000;\"> </td>";
$week_day = $first_week_day;
for($day_counter = 1; $day_counter <= $days_in_this_month; $day_counter++)
$week_day %= 7;
if($week_day == 0)
$calendar_html .= "</tr><tr>";
//Do something different for the current day.
if($day == $day_counter)
$calendar_html .= "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . $day_counter . "</b></td>";
$calendar_html .= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color:9999cc; color:000000;\"> " .
$day_counter . " </td>";
$calendar_html .= "</tr>";
$calendar_html .= "</table>";
function calendar($date)
//If no parameter is passed use the current date.
if($date == null)
$date = getDate();
$day = $date["mday"];
$month = $date["mon"];
$month_name = $date["month"];
$year = $date["year"];
$this_month = getDate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
$next_month = getDate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month + 1, 1, $year));
//Find out when this month starts and ends.
$first_week_day = $this_month["wday"];
$days_in_this_month = round(($next_month[0] - $this_month[0]) / (60 * 60 * 24));
$calendar_html = "<table style=\"background-color:666699; color:ffffff;\">";
$calendar_html .= "<tr><td colspan=\"7\" align=\"center\" style=\"background-color:9999cc; color:000000;\">" .
$month_name . " " . $year . "</td></tr>";
$calendar_html .= "<tr>";
//Fill the first week of the month with the appropriate number of blanks.
for($week_day = 0; $week_day < $first_week_day; $week_day++)
$calendar_html .= "<td style=\"background-color:9999cc; color:000000;\"> </td>";
$week_day = $first_week_day;
for($day_counter = 1; $day_counter <= $days_in_this_month; $day_counter++)
$week_day %= 7;
if($week_day == 0)
$calendar_html .= "</tr><tr>";
//Do something different for the current day.
if($day == $day_counter)
$calendar_html .= "<td align=\"center\"><b>" . $day_counter . "</b></td>";
$calendar_html .= "<td align=\"center\" style=\"background-color:9999cc; color:000000;\"> " .
$day_counter . " </td>";
$calendar_html .= "</tr>";
$calendar_html .= "</table>";