CentOS 6.6 nginx PHP 配置
/************************************************************************* * CentOS 6.6 nginx PHP 配置 * 说明: * 在VPS上安装nginx PHP配置,以供有些时候无聊使用。 * * 2016-11-26 深圳 南山平山村 曾剑锋 ************************************************************************/ 一、参考文档: 1. CentOS 6.5 yum安装配置lnmp服务器(Nginx+PHP+MySQL) http://blog.csdn.net/lane_l/article/details/20235909 2. PHP-FPM does not automatically start after reboot http://serverfault.com/questions/459728/php-fpm-does-not-automatically-start-after-reboot 3. OpenBSD.Nginx.MySQL.PHP环境搭建手册 http://www.360doc.com/content/10/1211/11/4330887_77027995.shtml 二、安装: yum install php yum install php-mysql php-gd libjpeg* php-imap php-ldap php-odbc php-pear php-xml php-xmlrpc php-mbstring php-mcrypt php-bcmath php-mhash libmcrypt libmcrypt-devel php-fpm 三、测试php-cgi: php-cgi -b 四、后台运行php-cgi: 1. /etc/rc.d/init.d/php-fpm start 2. chkconfig php-fpm on 五、nginx配置: [root@localhost /]# cat /etc/nginx/conf.d/php.conf server { listen 8080; server_name localhost; #charset koi8-r; #access_log /var/log/nginx/log/host.access.log main; location / { root /home/zengjf/www; index index.php index.html index.htm; } #error_page 404 /404.html; # redirect server error pages to the static page /50x.html # error_page 500 502 503 504 /50x.html; location = /50x.html { root /usr/share/nginx/html; } # proxy the PHP scripts to Apache listening on # #location ~ \.php$ { # proxy_pass; #} # pass the PHP scripts to FastCGI server listening on # location ~ \.php$ { root /home/zengjf/www; fastcgi_pass; fastcgi_index index.php; fastcgi_param SCRIPT_FILENAME $document_root/$fastcgi_script_name; include fastcgi_params; } # deny access to .htaccess files, if Apache's document root # concurs with nginx's one # #location ~ /\.ht { # deny all; #} } [root@localhost /]#
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