Windows gitweb安装

 *                        Windows gitweb安装
 * 说明:
 *     git仓库通过浏览器进行代码review是不错的选择,尝试一下gitweb,感觉速度有点慢;
 *                                2019-3-31 深圳 宝安西乡 曾剑锋

    1. Windows上搭建GitWeb
    2. 安装并测试Gitweb

    1. 下载xampp,利用其中的apache作为Web Server;
    2. gitweb在git安装相对路径:<git install path>\Git\mingw64\share\gitweb
    3. httpd.conf最后添加如下内容
        # Config to make the gitweb CGI available through Apache.
        Alias /gitweb "D:\Software\git\install\Git\mingw64\share\gitweb"
        <Directory "D:\Software\git\install\Git\mingw64\share\gitweb">
            AddHandler cgi-script .cgi
            <Files ~ "\.cgi$">
                Options +ExecCGI
            AllowOverride None
            Require all granted
            DirectoryIndex gitweb.cgi
    4. 下载CGI.PM:,存放到:<git install path>\Git\usr\lib\perl5\vendor_perl
    5. 修改<git install path>\Git\mingw64\share\gitweb\gitweb.cgi


        # core git executable to use
        # this can just be "git" if your webserver has a sensible PATH
        our $GIT = "D:/Software/git/install/Git/bin/git.exe";

        # absolute fs-path which will be prepended to the project path
        our $projectroot = "/D/zengjf/SWDev/github";
    6. 如果出现长时间访问未刷新页面,可能目录访问权限的问题,在git shell中执行:chmod 777 -R <your repositories>
    7. 如果觉得原生的gitweb主题不好看,可以替换:


posted on 2019-03-31 14:23  zengjf  阅读(582)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
