


2. ControlTemplate


上一篇我们提到,FrameworkElement子类要想生成自己的visual tree,就必须自定义一个模板给TemplateInternal属性。一个FrameworkElement子类元素的visual tree完全取决其提供给TemplateInternal属性的实际模板。



public static readonly DependencyProperty TemplateProperty = DependencyProperty.Register( "Template", typeof(ControlTemplate), typeof(Control), new FrameworkPropertyMetadata( (ControlTemplate) null, // default value FrameworkPropertyMetadataOptions.AffectsMeasure, new PropertyChangedCallback(OnTemplateChanged))); /// <summary> /// Template Property /// </summary> public ControlTemplate Template { get { return _templateCache; } set { SetValue(TemplateProperty, value); } } // Internal Helper so the FrameworkElement could see this property internal override FrameworkTemplate TemplateInternal { get { return Template; } } // Internal Helper so the FrameworkElement could see the template cache internal override FrameworkTemplate TemplateCache { get { return _templateCache; } set { _templateCache = (ControlTemplate) value; } } // Internal helper so FrameworkElement could see call the template changed virtual internal override void OnTemplateChangedInternal(FrameworkTemplate oldTemplate, FrameworkTemplate newTemplate) { OnTemplateChanged((ControlTemplate)oldTemplate, (ControlTemplate)newTemplate); } // Property invalidation callback invoked when TemplateProperty is invalidated private static void OnTemplateChanged(DependencyObject d, DependencyPropertyChangedEventArgs e) { Control c = (Control) d; StyleHelper.UpdateTemplateCache(c, (FrameworkTemplate) e.OldValue, (FrameworkTemplate) e.NewValue, TemplateProperty); }


    internal static void UpdateTemplateCache(
      FrameworkElement fe,
      FrameworkTemplate oldTemplate,
      FrameworkTemplate newTemplate,
      DependencyProperty templateProperty)
        DependencyObject d = fe;// Update the template cache
        fe.TemplateCache = newTemplate;
        // Do template property invalidations. Note that some of the invalidations may be callouts
        // that could turn around and query the template property on this node. Hence it is essential
        // to update the template cache before we do this operation.
        StyleHelper.DoTemplateInvalidations(fe, oldTemplate);

        // Now look for triggers that might want their EnterActions or ExitActions
        //  to run immediately.
        StyleHelper.ExecuteOnApplyEnterExitActions(fe, null, newTemplate);







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