ftp客户端访问分布式存储 目录不及时更新问题

google:The FTP protocol has no concept of notifications, so there is no way for an FTP server to make an FTP client automatically refresh a listing when the content of a directory changes. The client needs to re-poll the listing periodically. A web browser won't do that automatically, you would have to write/find a browser plugin to force it. Or stop using a web browser to display an FTP server's listing, use an actual FTP client instead, preferably one that has timer capabilities built-in.

大致内容就是ftp协议自身的原因,server端在目录信息变更后无法告知其他客户端去自动刷新目录,需要有自动刷新的插件,或者用一个有自动刷新功能的ftp client软件去访问ftp目录。


posted @ 2022-07-29 15:13  zed99  阅读(365)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报