总时间限制: 1000ms 内存限制: 65536kB 描述 一天早上,你起床的时候想:“我编程序这么牛,为什么不能靠这个赚点小钱呢?”因此你决定编写一个小游戏。 游戏在一个分割成w * h个正方格子的矩形板上进行。如图所示,每个正方格子上可以有一张游戏卡片,当然也可以没有。 当下面的情况满足时,我们认为两个游戏卡片之间有一条路径相连: 路径只包含水平或者竖直的直线段。路径不能穿过别的游戏卡片。但是允许路径临时的离开矩形板。下面是一个例子: 这里在 (1, 3)和 (4, 4)处的游戏卡片是可以相连的。而在 (2, 3) 和 (3, 4) 处的游戏卡是不相连的,因为连接他们的每条路径都必须要穿过别的游戏卡片。 你现在要在小游戏里面判断是否存在一条满足题意的路径能连接给定的两个游戏卡片。 输入 输入包括多组数据。一个矩形板对应一组数据。每组数据包括的第一行包括两个整数w和h (1 <= w, h <= 75),分别表示矩形板的宽度和长度。下面的h行,每行包括w个字符,表示矩形板上的游戏卡片分布情况。使用‘X’表示这个地方有一个游戏卡片;使用空格表示这个地方没有游戏卡片。 之后的若干行上每行上包括4个整数x1, y1, x2, y2 (1 <= x1, x2 <= w, 1 <= y1, y2 <= h)。给出两个卡片在矩形板上的位置(注意:矩形板左上角的坐标是(1, 1))。输入保证这两个游戏卡片所处的位置是不相同的。如果一行上有4个0,表示这组测试数据的结束。 如果一行上给出w = h = 0,那么表示所有的输入结束了。 输出 对每一个矩形板,输出一行“Board #n:”,这里n是输入数据的编号。然后对每一组需要测试的游戏卡片输出一行。这一行的开头是“Pair m: ”,这里m是测试卡片的编号(对每个矩形板,编号都从1开始)。接下来,如果可以相连,找到连接这两个卡片的所有路径中包括线段数最少的路径,输出“k segments.”,这里k是找到的最优路径中包括的线段的数目;如果不能相连,输出“impossible.”。 每组数据之后输出一个空行。 样例输入 5 4 XXXXX X X XXX X XXX 2 3 5 3 1 3 4 4 2 3 3 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 样例输出 Board #1: Pair 1: 4 segments. Pair 2: 3 segments. Pair 3: impossible.
观察图中的2 2和11这两对数字,它们代表只有一条线段的两种情况。这非常简单,从SP沿着4个方向搜索,直到达到一个非空的方块。为了便于检测是否达到DP,我们的线段终点是非空方块。以2为例,线段为P1=(0,0);P2=(1,0)。需要注意的是,以4为SP向左搜索时,紧邻的是2,此时无法构成有效线段。那么,接下来就是更复杂的情况——第一次搜索没有达到DP,即需要转弯的情况,例如下图中的7:
Public Class Setting Public Shared mapheight As Integer = 16 '地图横向大小 Public Shared mapweigth As Integer = 16 '地图纵向大小 Public Shared outerroad As Boolean = True '地图外围是否有通路 Public Shared objtypecount As Integer = 8 '图片种类数 Public Shared imageheight As Integer = 40 '图片宽度 Public Shared imageweigth As Integer = 40 '图片高度 Public Shared maxlinecount As Integer = -1 '连线允许的最多转弯次数 End Class
Friend Class Map Friend Shared map()() As Integer Shared Sub Initialization() '初始化地图(和外围道路) ReDim map(Setting.mapheight + 3) For i As Integer = 0 To Setting.mapheight + 3 ReDim map(i)(Setting.mapweigth + 3) Next '初始化围墙,如果没有外围道路,则外围道路也初始化为围墙。 For y As Integer = 0 To Setting.mapheight + 3 map(y)(0) = Integer.MaxValue map(y)(Setting.mapweigth + 3) = Integer.MaxValue If Not Setting.outerroad Then map(y)(1) = Integer.MaxValue map(y)(Setting.mapweigth + 2) = Integer.MaxValue End If Next For x As Integer = 0 To Setting.mapweigth + 3 map(0)(x) = Integer.MaxValue map(Setting.mapheight + 3)(x) = Integer.MaxValue If Not Setting.outerroad Then map(1)(x) = Integer.MaxValue map(Setting.mapheight + 2)(x) = Integer.MaxValue End If Next End Sub Friend Shared Sub CreateNewData() Dim rnd As New Random Dim curid = 1, x, y, tmpval, tmpy, tmpx As Integer '依次填写图像编号 For y = 2 To Setting.mapheight + 1 For x = 2 To Setting.mapweigth + 1 If curid = Setting.objtypecount Then curid = 1 Else curid += 1 End If map(y)(x) = curid Next Next '随机化图像编号 For y = 2 To Setting.mapheight + 1 For x = 2 To Setting.mapweigth + 1 tmpx = rnd.Next(2, Setting.mapweigth) tmpy = rnd.Next(2, Setting.mapheight) tmpval = map(y)(x) map(y)(x) = map(tmpy)(tmpx) map(tmpy)(tmpx) = tmpval Next Next End Sub Friend Shared Sub Remove(p1 As Point, p2 As Point) map(p1.Y + Core.offset.Y)(p1.X + Core.offset.X) = 0 map(p2.Y + Core.offset.Y)(p2.X + Core.offset.X) = 0 End Sub Friend Shared Function Show() As Bitmap Dim font As Font = New Font("宋体", 20) Dim result As Bitmap = New Bitmap(Setting.imageweigth * Setting.mapweigth, Setting.imageheight * Setting.mapheight) Dim gr As Graphics = Graphics.FromImage(result) gr.Clear(Color.Green) Dim s As String For y = 2 To Setting.mapheight + 1 s = String.Empty For x = 2 To Setting.mapweigth + 1 If map(y)(x) <> 0 Then gr.DrawString(map(y)(x), font, SystemBrushes.WindowText, New PointF((x - 2) * Setting.imageweigth + 10, (y - 2) * Setting.imageheight + 10)) End If Next Next Return result End Function End Class
Friend Class Core Private Shared dir() As Point = {New Point(1, 0), New Point(0, 1)} Friend Shared offset As Point = New Point(2, 2) Friend Shared Function SearchPath(ByRef map()() As Integer, sp As Point, dp As Point, maxlinecount As Integer) As List(Of Line) sp += offset dp += offset Dim result As New List(Of Line) If map(sp.Y)(sp.X) <> 0 AndAlso map(sp.Y)(sp.X) = map(dp.Y)(dp.X) Then '检测线队列.这是一个以线段数(转折数)为基准的BFS Dim que As New Queue(Of Line) Dim tab(Setting.mapweigth + 3, Setting.mapheight + 3, 1) As Line For i As Integer = 0 To 1 For Each line As Line In GetLineByPoint(map, sp, i, 0, dp) If line.dp = dp Then result.Add(New Line(sp - offset, dp - offset, line.curdir, line.depth)) Return result Else que.Enqueue(line) SetTab(tab, line) End If Next Next Dim cl As Line While que.Count <> 0 cl = que.Dequeue For Each line As Line In GetLineByLine(map, tab, cl, dp, maxlinecount) If line.dp = dp Then GetPath(tab, sp, line, result) Return result Else que.Enqueue(line) SetTab(tab, line) End If Next End While End If Return result End Function Private Shared Function GetDirByLine(line As Line) As Point Dim result As Point = dir(line.curdir) Dim tmp As Point = line.sp - line.dp If (tmp.X + tmp.Y) > 0 Then result = Point.Empty - result End If Return result End Function Private Shared Sub SetTab(ByRef tab(,,) As Line, line As Line) Dim curdir = GetDirByLine(line) Dim cp As Point = line.sp Do tab(cp.X, cp.Y, line.curdir) = line cp += curdir Loop Until cp = line.dp End Sub Private Shared Sub GetPath(tab(,,) As Line, sp As Point, line As Line, ByRef result As List(Of Line)) Dim cl As Line = line Dim lastsp As Point = line.dp Do result.Add(New Line(cl.sp - offset, lastsp - offset, cl.curdir, cl.depth)) lastsp = cl.sp cl = tab(lastsp.X, lastsp.Y, 1 - cl.curdir) Loop Until cl.sp = sp result.Add(New Line(cl.sp - offset, lastsp - offset, cl.curdir, cl.depth)) End Sub Private Shared Function GetLineByPoint(ByRef map()() As Integer, sp As Point, dirid As Integer, depth As Integer, dp As Point) As List(Of Line) Dim result As New List(Of Line) Dim cp As Point cp = sp + dir(dirid) If cp = dp Then result.Add(New Line(sp, dp, dirid, depth)) Return result Else While (map(cp.Y)(cp.X) = 0) cp += dir(dirid) End While If sp + dir(dirid) <> cp Then result.Add(New Line(sp, cp, dirid, depth)) End If End If cp = sp - dir(dirid) If cp = dp Then result.Add(New Line(sp, dp, dirid, depth)) Return result Else While (map(cp.Y)(cp.X) = 0) cp -= dir(dirid) End While If sp - dir(dirid) <> cp Then result.Add(New Line(sp, cp, dirid, depth)) End If End If Return result End Function Private Shared Function GetLineByLine(ByRef map()() As Integer, tab(,,) As Line, line As Line, dp As Point, maxlinecount As Integer) As List(Of Line) Dim result As New List(Of Line) If line.depth = maxlinecount Then Return result End If Dim curdir As Point = GetDirByLine(line) Dim cp As Point = line.sp + curdir Do If tab(cp.X, cp.Y, 1 - line.curdir) Is Nothing Then result.AddRange(GetLineByPoint(map, cp, 1 - line.curdir, line.depth + 1, dp)) End If cp += curdir Loop Until cp = line.dp Return result End Function '实现传统连连看提示功能。这里用一个非常不负责任的方式来实现:随便找一个能在两折之内连起来的。 Friend Shared Function SimpleSearchPath(map()() As Integer) As List(Of Line) Dim result As New List(Of Line) Dim typemap(Setting.objtypecount - 1) As List(Of Point) Dim i, j, x, y As Integer For i = 0 To Setting.objtypecount - 1 typemap(i) = New List(Of Point) Next For y = 2 To Setting.mapheight + 1 For x = 2 To Setting.mapweigth + 1 i = map(y)(x) If i <> 0 Then typemap(i - 1).Add(New Point(x - offset.X, y - offset.Y)) End If Next Next For Each pntlst As List(Of Point) In typemap For i = 0 To pntlst.Count - 2 For j = i + 1 To pntlst.Count - 1 result = SearchPath(map, pntlst(i), pntlst(j), -1) If result.Count <> 0 Then Return result End If Next Next Next Return result End Function End Class Friend Class Line Public sp As Point Public dp As Point Public curdir As Integer Public depth As Integer Sub New(s As Point, d As Point, dirid As Integer, depth As Integer) sp = s dp = d Me.curdir = dirid Me.depth = depth End Sub End Class
Public Class Form1 Private Sub Button1_Click(sender As Object, e As EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Map.Initialization() Map.CreateNewData() Map.Rearrange() Panel1.BackgroundImage = Map.Show() End Sub Dim core As New Core Dim sp As Point Private Sub Panel1_MouseClick(sender As Object, e As MouseEventArgs) Handles Panel1.MouseClick Dim ls As List(Of Line) If sp = Point.Empty Then sp = e.Location Else ls = core.SearchPath(Map.map, s2m(sp), s2m(e.Location), Setting.maxlinecount) If ls IsNot Nothing AndAlso ls.Count > 0 Then Map.Remove(ls(0).dp, ls(ls.Count - 1).sp) Debug.Print(ls.Count & " " & ls(0).ToString & " " & ls(ls.Count - 1).ToString) Panel1.BackgroundImage = Map.Show() End If sp = Point.Empty End If End Sub Function s2m(p As Point) As Point Return New Point(p.X \ Setting.imageweigth, p.Y \ Setting.imageheight) End Function Private Sub Button2_Click(sender As System.Object, e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim ls As List(Of Line) = core.SimpleSearchPath(Map.map) If ls IsNot Nothing AndAlso ls.Count > 0 Then Map.Remove(ls(0).dp, ls(ls.Count - 1).sp) Debug.Print(ls.Count & " " & ls(0).ToString & " " & ls(ls.Count - 1).ToString) Panel1.BackgroundImage = Map.Show() End If End Sub End Class
Public Shared maxlinecount As Integer = -1 '连线允许的最多转弯次数
Public Shared maxlinecount As Integer = 2 '连线允许的最多转弯次数