浅拷贝(Shallow Copy):指对象的字段被拷贝,而字段引用的对象不会被拷贝,拷贝的对象和源对象只是名称相同,但是他们共用一个实体。
深拷贝(deep copy):对对象实例中字段引用的对象也进行拷贝。
import copy from collections import OrderedDict class Book: def __init__(self, name, authors, price, **rest): '''rest的例子有:出版商、长度、标签、出版日期''' self.name = name self.authors = authors self.price = price # 单位为美元 self.__dict__.update(rest) def __str__(self): mylist = [] ordered = OrderedDict(sorted(self.__dict__.items())) for i in ordered.keys(): mylist.append('{}: {}'.format(i, ordered[i])) if i == 'price': mylist.append('$') mylist.append('\n') return ''.join(mylist) class Prototype: def __init__(self): self.objects = dict() def register(self, identifier, obj): self.objects[identifier] = obj def unregister(self, identifier): del self.objects[identifier] def clone(self, identifier, **attr): found = self.objects.get(identifier) if not found: raise ValueError('Incorrect object identifier: {}'.format(identifier)) obj = copy.deepcopy(found) obj.__dict__.update(attr) return obj def main(): b1 = Book('The C Programming Language', ('Brian W. Kernighan', 'Dennis M.Ritchie'), price=118, publisher='Prentice Hall', length=228, publication_date='1978-02-22', tags=('C', 'programming', 'algorithms', 'data structures')) prototype = Prototype() cid = 'k&r-first' prototype.register(cid, b1) b2 = prototype.clone(cid, name='The C Programming Language(ANSI)', price=48.99, length=274, publication_date='1988-04-01', edition=2) for i in (b1, b2): print(i) print("ID b1 : {} != ID b2 : {}".format(id(b1), id(b2))) if __name__ == '__main__': main() """ >>> python3 prototype.py authors: ('Brian W. Kernighan', 'Dennis M. Ritchie') length: 228 name: The C Programming Language price: 118$ publication_date: 1978-02-22 publisher: Prentice Hall tags: ('C', 'programming', 'algorithms', 'data structures') authors: ('Brian W. Kernighan', 'Dennis M. Ritchie') edition: 2 length: 274 name: The C Programming Language (ANSI) price: 48.99$ publication_date: 1988-04-01 publisher: Prentice Hall tags: ('C', 'programming', 'algorithms', 'data structures') ID b1 : 140004970829304 != ID b2 : 140004970829472 """