utils - 浏览器搜索 ctrl + f 模拟
utils - 浏览器搜索 ctrl + f 模拟
Cool Javascript Find On This Page...
/* Cool Javascript Find on this Page Ver 5.3 Written by Jeff Baker on September, 8, 2007. Copyright 2014 by Jeff Baker - Version 5.0 created 7/16/2014 Updated 8/16/2021 Ver 5.4f http://www.seabreezecomputers.com/tips/find.htm Paste the following javascript call in your HTML web page where you want a button called "Find on this Page...": <script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="find5.js"> </script> When you click on the button a floating DIV will pop up that will have a text box for users to enter in the text they want to find on the page. WARNING: If you want to place a second "Find on this page..." button somewhere on the same page then use the code below for the second button, otherwise firefox and netscape will not display the text that users type in and it will not find text correctly because there will be two different text input boxes with the same name: <input type="button" value="Find on this page..." onclick="show();"> */ /* You may edit the following variables */ var enable_site_search = 1; // 0 = Don't enable; 1 = Enable site search along with page search var find_window_fixed = 0; // 0 = User can move window with mouse; 1 = Window is fixed at top of screen // Version 5.4f var find_window_background = "white"; // the color of the pop-up window var find_window_border = "blue"; // the border color of pop-up window var find_text_color = "black"; // the color of the text in window var find_title_color = "white"; // color of window title text var find_window_width = 255; // width of window // Version 5.4h - From 245 to 255 //var find_window_height = 85; // height of window - Version 5.3f - No Longer Using var find_root_node = null; // Leave as null to search entire doc or put id of div to search (ex: 'content'). Ver 5.0a - 7/18/2014 /* Do not edit the variables below this line */ // Simple drag object to hold all the variables for dragging var drag = {mousex:0,mousey:0,tempx:'',tempy:'',isdrag:false, drag_obj:null, drag_obj_x:0, drag_obj_y:0}; var find_timer = 0; // used for timer to move window in IE when scrolling // Create highlights array to hold each new span element var highlights = []; // Which find are we currently highlighting var find_pointer = -1; var find_text = ''; // Global variable of searched for text var found_highlight_rule = 0; // whether there is a highlight css rule var found_selected_rule = 0; // whether there is a selected css rule if (!find_window_fixed) { // Version 5.4f document.onmousedown = MouseDown; document.onmousemove = MouseMove; document.onmouseup = MouseUp; /*document.ontouchstart = MouseDown; document.ontouchmove = MouseMove; document.ontouchend = MouseUp;*/ document.addEventListener("touchstart", MouseDown, false); // Version 5.4g - Added just to match touchmove document.addEventListener("touchmove", MouseMove, { passive: false }); // Version 5.4g - { passive: false } Needed to prevent iphone from scrolling screen on drag document.addEventListener("touchend", MouseUp, false); // Version 5.4g - Added just to match touchmove } function highlight(word, node) { if (!node) node = document.body; //var re = new RegExp(word, "i"); // regular expression of the search term // Ver 5.3c - Not using regular expressions search now for (node=node.firstChild; node; node=node.nextSibling) { //console.log(node.nodeName); if (node.nodeType == 3) // text node { var n = node; //console.log(n.nodeValue); var match_pos = 0; //for (match_pos; match_pos > -1; n=after) { //match_pos = n.nodeValue.search(re); // Ver 5.3b - Now NOT using regular expression because couldn't search for $ or ^ match_pos = n.nodeValue.toLowerCase().indexOf(word.toLowerCase()); // Ver 5.3b - Using toLowerCase().indexOf instead if (match_pos > -1) // if we found a match { var before = n.nodeValue.substr(0, match_pos); // split into a part before the match var middle = n.nodeValue.substr(match_pos, word.length); // the matched word to preserve case //var after = n.splitText(match_pos+word.length); var after = document.createTextNode(n.nodeValue.substr(match_pos+word.length)); // and the part after the match var highlight_span = document.createElement("span"); // create a span in the middle if (found_highlight_rule == 1) highlight_span.className = "highlight"; else highlight_span.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; highlight_span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(middle)); // insert word as textNode in new span n.nodeValue = before; // Turn node data into before n.parentNode.insertBefore(after, n.nextSibling); // insert after n.parentNode.insertBefore(highlight_span, n.nextSibling); // insert new span highlights.push(highlight_span); // add new span to highlights array highlight_span.id = "highlight_span"+highlights.length; node=node.nextSibling; // Advance to next node or we get stuck in a loop because we created a span (child) } } } else // if not text node then it must be another element { // nodeType 1 = element if (node.nodeType == 1 && node.nodeName.match(/textarea|input/i) && node.type.match(/textarea|text|number|search|email|url|tel/i) && !getStyle(node, "display").match(/none/i)) textarea2pre(node); else { if (node.nodeType == 1 && !getStyle(node, "visibility").match(/hidden/i)) // Dont search in hidden elements if (node.nodeType == 1 && !getStyle(node, "display").match(/none/i)) // Dont search in display:none elements highlight(word, node); } } } } // end function highlight(word, node) function unhighlight() { for (var i = 0; i < highlights.length; i++) { var the_text_node = highlights[i].firstChild; // firstChild is the textnode in the highlighted span var parent_node = highlights[i].parentNode; // the parent element of the highlighted span // First replace each span with its text node nodeValue if (highlights[i].parentNode) { highlights[i].parentNode.replaceChild(the_text_node, highlights[i]); if (i == find_pointer) selectElementContents(the_text_node); // ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 - select current find parent_node.normalize(); // The normalize() method removes empty Text nodes, and joins adjacent Text nodes in an element normalize(parent_node); // Ver 5.2 - 3/10/2015 - normalize() is incorrect in IE. It will combine text nodes but may leave empty text nodes. So added normalize(node) function below } } // Now reset highlights array highlights = []; find_pointer = -1; // ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 } // end function unhighlight() function normalize(node) { //http://stackoverflow.com/questions/22337498/why-does-ie11-handle-node-normalize-incorrectly-for-the-minus-symbol if (!node) { return; } if (node.nodeType == 3) { while (node.nextSibling && node.nextSibling.nodeType == 3) { node.nodeValue += node.nextSibling.nodeValue; node.parentNode.removeChild(node.nextSibling); } } else { normalize(node.firstChild); } normalize(node.nextSibling); } function findit(dir) // Version 5.4f - Added dir { // put the value of the textbox in string var string = document.getElementById('fwtext').value; dir = dir || 1; // 1 = next; 2 = prev // Version 5.4 - Site search if (enable_site_search && document.getElementById("find_site_search").checked) { var website = window.location.hostname; // Or replace with your website. Ex: example.com var url = "https://www.google.com/search?q=site%3A"+website+"+"+string; window.open(url, "coolfind"); return; } // 8-9-2010 Turn DIV to hidden just while searching so doesn't find the text in the window findwindow.style.visibility = 'hidden'; //findwindow.style.display = 'none'; // if the text has not been changed and we have previous finds if (find_text.toLowerCase() == document.getElementById('fwtext').value.toLowerCase() && find_pointer >= 0) { if (dir == 1) findnext(); // Find the next occurrence // Version 5.4f - Added if (dir == 1) else findprev(); // Version 5.4f - Added else findprev(); } else { unhighlight(); // Remove highlights of any previous finds if (string == '') // if empty string { find_msg.innerHTML = ""; findwindow.style.visibility = 'visible'; return; } find_text = string; // Ver 5.0a - 7/18/2014. Next four lines because find_root_node won't exist until doc loads if (find_root_node != null) var node = document.getElementById(find_root_node); else var node = null; highlight(string, node); // highlight all occurrences of search string if (highlights.length > 0) // if we found occurences { find_pointer = -1; if (dir == 1) findnext(); // Find the next occurrence // Version 5.4f - Added if (dir == 1) else findprev(); // Version 5.4f - Added else findprev(); } else { find_msg.innerHTML = "0 of 0"; // ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 - changed from "Not Found". Version 5.4h - Changed from <b>0 of 0</b> to 0 of 0 find_pointer = -1; } } findwindow.style.visibility = 'visible'; //findwindow.style.display = 'block'; } // end function findit() function findnext() { var current_find; if (find_pointer != -1) // if not first find { current_find = highlights[find_pointer]; // Turn current find back to yellow if (found_highlight_rule == 1) current_find.className = "highlight"; else current_find.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; } find_pointer++; if (find_pointer >= highlights.length) // if we reached the end find_pointer = 0; // go back to first find var display_find = find_pointer+1; find_msg.innerHTML = display_find+" of "+highlights.length; current_find = highlights[find_pointer]; // Turn selected find orange or add .find_selected css class to it if (found_selected_rule == 1) current_find.className = "find_selected"; else current_find.style.backgroundColor = "orange"; //highlights[find_pointer].scrollIntoView(); // Scroll to selected element setTimeout(function(){ scrollToPosition(highlights[find_pointer]); }, 250); // Version 5.4f - Android chrome was not scrolling to first find because keyboard taking too long to close? } // end findnext() // This function is to find backwards by pressing the Prev button function findprev() { var current_find; if (highlights.length < 1) return; if (find_pointer != -1) // if not first find { current_find = highlights[find_pointer]; // Turn current find back to yellow if (found_highlight_rule == 1) current_find.className = "highlight"; else current_find.style.backgroundColor = "yellow"; } find_pointer--; if (find_pointer < 0) // if we reached the beginning find_pointer = highlights.length-1; // go back to last find var display_find = find_pointer+1; find_msg.innerHTML = display_find+" of "+highlights.length; current_find = highlights[find_pointer]; // Turn selected find orange or add .find_selected css class to it if (found_selected_rule == 1) current_find.className = "find_selected"; else current_find.style.backgroundColor = "orange"; //highlights[find_pointer].scrollIntoView(); // Scroll to selected element setTimeout(function(){ scrollToPosition(highlights[find_pointer]); }, 250); // Version 5.4f - Android chrome was not scrolling to first find because keyboard taking too long to close? } // end findprev() // This function looks for the ENTER key (13) // while the find window is open, so that if the user // presses ENTER it will do the find next function checkkey(e) { var keycode; if (window.event) // if ie keycode = window.event.keyCode; else // if Firefox or Netscape keycode = e.which; //find_msg.innerHTML = keycode; if (keycode == 13) // if ENTER key { // ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 - Blur on search so keyboard closes on iphone and android if (window.event && event.srcElement.id.match(/fwtext/i)) event.srcElement.blur(); else if (e && e.target.id.match(/fwtext/i)) e.target.blur(); findit(); // call findit() function (like pressing NEXT) } else if (keycode == 27) // ESC key // Ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 { hide(); // Close find window on escape key pressed } } // end function checkkey() // This function makes the findwindow DIV visible // so they can type in what they want to search for function show() { // Object to hold textbox so we can focus on it // so user can just start typing after "find" button // is clicked var textbox = document.getElementById('fwtext'); // Make the find window visible findwindow.style.visibility = 'visible'; //fwtext.style.visibility = 'visible'; // Put cursor focus in the text box textbox.focus(); textbox.select(); // ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 - Select the text to search for textbox.setSelectionRange(0, 9999); // ver. 5.3 - 5/15/2015 - iOS woould not select without this // Call timer to move textbox in case they scroll the window if (!find_window_fixed) find_timer = setInterval('move_window();', 500); // Version 5.4f - Added if (!find_window_fixed) // Setup to look for keypresses while window is open document.onkeydown = checkkey; } // end function show() // This function makes the findwindow DIV hidden // for when they click on close function hide() { unhighlight(); // Remove highlights of any previous finds - ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 findwindow.style.visibility = 'hidden'; // turn off timer to move window on scrolling clearTimeout(find_timer); // Make document no longer look for enter key document.onkeydown = null; } // end function hide() // This function resets the txt selection pointer to the // beginning of the body so that we can search from the // beginning for the new search string when somebody // enters new text in the find box function resettext() { if (find_text.toLowerCase() != document.getElementById('fwtext').value.toLowerCase()) unhighlight(); // Remove highlights of any previous finds } // end function resettext() // This function makes the find window jump back into view // if they scroll while it is open or if the page automatically // scrolls when it is hightlighting the next found text function move_window() { //var findwindow = document.getElementById('findwindow'); // get current left, top and height of find_window var fwtop = parseFloat(findwindow.style.top); var fwleft = parseFloat(findwindow.style.left); // var fwheight = parseFloat(findwindow.style.height); // Version 5.3f - Was returning NaN in Chrome - changed to below var fwheight = parseFloat(findwindow.offsetHeight); // Version 5.3f // get current top and bottom position of browser screen if (document.documentElement.scrollTop) // Needed if you use doctype loose.htm var current_top = document.documentElement.scrollTop; else var current_top = document.body.scrollTop; // ver 2.3c 9/14/2013 var current_bottom = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) + current_top; // get current left and right position of browser if (document.documentElement.scrollLeft) // Needed if you use doctype loose.htm var current_left = document.documentElement.scrollLeft; else var current_left = document.body.scrollLeft; // ver 2.3c 9/14/2013 var current_right = (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) + current_left; //find_msg.innerHTML = current_right + ',' + current_left; // Only move window if it is out of the view if (fwtop < current_top) { // move window to current_top findwindow.style.top = current_top + 30 +'px'; } else if (fwtop > current_bottom - fwheight) { // move to current_bottom // findwindow.style.top = current_bottom - fwheight + 'px'; // Version 5.4h - Removed findwindow.style.top = current_top + 30 +'px'; // Version 5.4h - Added because iPhone does not support scrollIntoView behavior and block so it was covering finds at bottom } // Only move left position if out of view if (fwleft < current_left || fwleft > current_right) { findwindow.style.left = current_left + 'px'; } /* var find_msg = document.getElementById('find_msg'); find_msg.innerHTML = 'find window: ' + fwtop + ' curr_bottom: ' + current_bottom; */ } // end function move_window() function MouseDown(event) { drag.tempx = drag.tempy = ''; // For single click on object if (!event) event = window.event; // 10/5/2014 - ver 5.0d - for older IE <= 9 var fobj = event.target || event.srcElement; // The element being clicked on (FF || IE) // get current screen scrollTop and ScrollLeft var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; // ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 - Let users highlight textareas and inputs by not dragging them if (typeof fobj.nodeName != "undefined") if (fobj.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "input" || fobj.nodeName.toLowerCase() == "textarea") return true; // If parent or grandparents of obj is a dragme item then make the parent the fobj for (fobj; fobj; fobj=fobj.parentNode) { // 7/30/2014 ver 5.0b if (fobj.className) if (String(fobj.className).match(/dragme/i)) break; } // If parent of obj is a dragme item then make the parent the fobj /*if (fobj.parentNode.className) if (fobj.parentNode.className.match(/dragme/i)) fobj = fobj.parentNode;*/ if (fobj) // 7/30/2014 ver 5.0b if (fobj.className.match(/dragme/i)) // Only drag objects that have class="dragme" { //fobj.style.zIndex = parseInt(getStyle(fobj, "z-index"))+1; // Make sure dragged object is in front // ^ ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 - May have caused IE 8 Invalid Argument // If there was a previous object dragged then push it back on the screen //if (drag.drag_obj) // drag.drag_obj.style.zIndex = parseInt(getStyle(fobj, "z-index"))-1; // ^ ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 - May have caused IE 8 Invalid Argument //if (document.getElementById('find_msg')) // document.getElementById('find_msg').innerHTML = getStyle(fobj, "z-index"); drag.isdrag = true; // Tell mouseMove we are dragging drag.drag_obj = fobj; // Put dragged element into global variable drag.drag_obj_x = parseInt(drag.drag_obj.offsetLeft); // get current x of element drag.drag_obj_y = parseInt(drag.drag_obj.offsetTop); // get current y of element // Add scrollTop and scrollLeft to recorded mouse position drag.mousex = event.clientX + scrollLeft; drag.mousey = event.clientY + scrollTop; /* if touchevents from iphone */ if (event.type == "touchstart") if(event.touches.length == 1) { // Only deal with one finger var touch = event.touches[0]; // Get the information for finger #1 var node = touch.target; // Find the node the drag started from (redundant) // node.style.position = "absolute"; drag.mousex = touch.pageX; // includes scroll offset drag.mousey = touch.pageY; // includes scroll offset } return true; // 8/25/2014 version 5.0c (Now all buttons and onclick work on iphone and android) } } // end function MouseDown(event) function MouseMove(event) { if (drag.isdrag) { // Use 'event' above because IE only uses event and FF can use anything if (!event) event = window.event; // 10/5/2014 - ver 5.0d - for older IE <= 9 drag.tempx = event.clientX; // record new mouse position x drag.tempy = event.clientY; // record new mouse position y // get current screen scrollTop and ScrollLeft var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; // Add scrollTop and scrollLeft to drag.tempx and drag.tempy drag.tempx += scrollLeft; drag.tempy += scrollTop; drag.drag_obj.style.position = 'absolute'; /* if touchevents from iphone */ if (event.type == "touchmove") if(event.touches.length == 1) { // Only deal with one finger var touch = event.touches[0]; // Get the information for finger #1 var node = touch.target; // Find the node the drag started from // node.style.position = "absolute"; drag.tempx = touch.pageX; // includes scroll offset drag.tempy = touch.pageY; // includes scroll offset // find_msg.innerHTML = event.type; // Version 5.4g - Test msg event.preventDefault(); // Version 5.4g - Stop iphone from scrolling page event.stopImmediatePropagation(); // Version 5.4g - Stop iphone from scrolling page } //if (document.getElementById('find_msg')) // document.getElementById('find_msg').innerHTML = drag.tempx+", "+drag.tempy; // Dragged element position = old position + new mouse position - old mouse position drag.drag_obj.style.left = drag.drag_obj_x + drag.tempx - drag.mousex + "px"; // 7/30/2014 ver 5.0b drag.drag_obj.style.top = drag.drag_obj_y + drag.tempy - drag.mousey + "px"; // 7/30/2014 ver 5.0b return false; } } // end function MouseMove(event) function MouseUp() { if (drag.isdrag == true) { if (drag.tempx == '' && drag.tempy == '') { //if (document.getElementById('find_msg')) // document.getElementById('find_msg').innerHTML += " You clicked!"; } } drag.isdrag = false; } function isOnScreen(el) // Version 5.4d { /* This checks to see if an element is within the current user viewport or not */ var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; var screenHeight = window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight; // Version 1.2.0 var screenWidth = window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth; // Version 1.2.0 var scrollBottom = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) + scrollTop; var scrollRight = (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) + scrollLeft; var onScreen = false; /* New way: el.getBoundingClientRect always returns left, top, right, bottom of an element relative to the current screen viewport */ var rect = el.getBoundingClientRect(); if (rect.bottom >= 0 && rect.right >= 0 && rect.top <= screenHeight && rect.left <= screenWidth) // Version 1.2.0 - Changed from scrollBottom and scrollRight return true; else { // Verison 1.0.2 - Calculate how many pixels it is offscreen var distance = Math.min(Math.abs(rect.bottom), Math.abs(rect.right), Math.abs(rect.top - screenHeight), Math.abs(rect.left - screenWidth)); return -Math.abs(distance); // Version 1.0.2 - Return distance as a negative. Used to return false if off screen } } function scrollToPosition(field) { // This function scrolls to the DIV called 'edited' // It is called with onload. 'edited' only exists if // they just edited a comment or the last comment // if they just sent a comment var scrollLeft = document.body.scrollLeft || document.documentElement.scrollLeft; var scrollTop = document.body.scrollTop || document.documentElement.scrollTop; var scrollBottom = (window.innerHeight || document.documentElement.clientHeight || document.body.clientHeight) + scrollTop; var scrollRight = (window.innerWidth || document.documentElement.clientWidth || document.body.clientWidth) + scrollLeft; if (field) { if (isOnScreen(field) != true) // Version 5.4d { //window.scrollTo(elemPosX ,elemPosY); var isSmoothScrollSupported = 'scrollBehavior' in document.documentElement.style; if(isSmoothScrollSupported) { field.scrollIntoView({ behavior: "smooth", block: "center" }); } else { //fallback to prevent browser crashing field.scrollIntoView(false); } } //window.scrollTo((field.getBoundingClientRect().left + scrollLeft) - ((scrollRight-scrollLeft)/2), (field.getBoundingClientRect().top + scrollTop) - ((scrollBottom-scrollTop)/2)); } } // end function scrollToPosition() /* It is not possible to get certain styles set in css such as display using the normal javascript. So we have to use this function taken from: http://www.quirksmode.org/dom/getstyles.html */ function getStyle(el,styleProp) { // if el is a string of the id or the actual object of the element var x = (document.getElementById(el)) ? document.getElementById(el) : el; if (x.currentStyle) // IE var y = x.currentStyle[styleProp]; else if (window.getComputedStyle) // FF var y = document.defaultView.getComputedStyle(x,null).getPropertyValue(styleProp); return y; } // Create findwindow DIV but make it invisible // It will be turned visible when user clicks on // the "Find on this page..." button function create_div(dleft, dtop, dwidth, dheight) { var info = "To add Cool JavaScript Find to your website go to: https://www.seabreezecomputers.com/tips/find.htm"; // Version 5.4e var position = (find_window_fixed) ? "fixed" : "absolute"; // Version 5.4f var cursor = (find_window_fixed) ? "default" : "move"; // Version 5.4h // This part creates a visible button on the HTML page to // where the script is pasted in the HTML code document.write('<input type="button" value="Find on this page..."' + ' data-info="'+info+'"' // Version 5.4e - Added info // Version 5.4e - Moved out of global into create_div() + ' onclick="show();">'); if (document.documentElement.scrollTop) // Needed if you use doctype loose.htm var current_top = document.documentElement.scrollTop; else var current_top = document.body.scrollTop; if (document.getElementById('findwindow')) { findwindow = document.getElementById('findwindow'); //win_iframe = document.getElementById('win_iframe'); } else { findwindow.id = "findwindow"; findwindow.style.position = position; // Version 5.4f //document.body.appendChild(findwindow); document.body.insertBefore(findwindow, document.body.firstChild); findwindow.className = 'findwindow dragme'; findwindow.style.visibility = 'hidden'; findwindow.setAttribute("data-info", info); // Version 5.4e // findwindow.style.touchAction = "none"; // Version 5.4g - Did not prevent page scrolling on iphone } findwindow.style.backgroundColor = find_window_background; findwindow.style.border = '2px solid ' + find_window_border; findwindow.style.color = find_text_color; findwindow.style.width = find_window_width + 'px'; //findwindow.style.height = + find_window_height + 'px'; // Version 5.3f - No longer using findwindow.style.top = '20px'; findwindow.style.left = '20px'; findwindow.style.padding = '0px'; findwindow.style.zIndex = 2147483647; // Version 5.4e findwindow.style.fontSize = '16px'; // Version 5.4h - Changed from 14px to 16px findwindow.style.overflowX = 'hidden'; //findwindow.style.display = "block"; // This part creates the title bar var string = '<div style="text-align: center' + ';width: 100%' // Version 5.4e Was: // + ';width: ' + (find_window_width-20) + 'px' + ';cursor: ' + cursor // Version 5.4h - Turn mouse arrow to default or move icon + ';color: ' + find_title_color + ';border: 1px solid ' + find_text_color + ';background-color: ' + find_window_border //+ ';float: left' // Version 5.4e + ';" onmouseover="over=1;" onmouseout="over=0;">' + '<span style="font-size: large;">Find Window</span></div>'; // Version 5.4h - Added span with font-size: large // This part creates the closing X string += '<div onclick="hide();" class="close" style="text-align: center' + ';width: ' + (20) + 'px' // Version5.4h - From 16 to 20 + ';cursor: pointer' // make mouse arrow stay an arrow instead of turning to text arrow // version 5.4h - From default to pointer + ';font-weight: bold' + ';background-color: red' + ';border: 1px solid ' + find_text_color + ';position: absolute' // + ';float: right' // Version 5.4e + '; top: 0px; right: 0px ' // Version 5.4e + '; font-size: large ' // Version 5.4h + ';">' + 'X' // write the letter X + '</div>\n'; // Version 5.4h - Removed <br /> // This part creates the instructions and the "find" button string += '<div id="window_body" style="padding: 5px;" data-info="'+info+'">' + '<form style="margin:0px;" onsubmit="return false;"><input type="search" size="25" maxlength="25" id="fwtext"' // Version 5.4h - Added form style="margin:0px;" + ' style="width:100%; font-size:16px;"' // Version 5.4e - // Version 5.4g - Added font-size:16px to prevent iphone from zooming in on focus + ' onchange="resettext();" placeholder="Enter text to find">' + '<input type="button" value=" < " onclick="this.blur(); findit(2);" title="Find Previous">' // Ver 5.4f - Changed Find Next and Find Prev to just < and > - // Version 5.4f Changed findprev() to findit(0) // Version 5.4g - Added title attribute and this.blur() + '<input type="button" value=" > " onclick="this.blur(); findit();" title="Find Next">' // ver 5.3 - 5/15/2015 - added this.blur(); // Version 5.4g - Added title attribute + ' <span id="find_msg"> </span>'; // From <br /> to space if (enable_site_search) { // Version 5.4 string += ' <label><input type="radio" name="search_type" value="page" checked>Page</label>'+ // Version 5.4h - Removed <br /> at beginning '<label><input type="radio" name="search_type" value="site" id="find_site_search">Site</label>'; } string += '</form></div>\n'; // ^ ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 findwindow.innerHTML = string; // Check to see if css rules exist for highlight and find_selected. var sheets = document.styleSheets; for (var i=0; i < sheets.length; i++) { // IE <= 8 uses rules; FF & Chrome and IE 9+ users cssRules try { // Version 5.4c - Fix Firefox "InvalidAccessError: A parameter or an operation is not supported by the underlying object" bug var rules = (sheets[i].rules) ? sheets[i].rules : sheets[i].cssRules; if (rules != null) for (var j=0; j < rules.length; j++) { if (rules[j].selectorText == '.highlight') found_highlight_rule = 1; else if (rules[j].selectorText == '.find_selected') found_selected_rule = 1; } } catch(error) { console.error("Caught Firefox CSS loading error: "+error); } } } // end function create_div() function textarea2pre(el) { // el is the textarea element // If a pre has already been created for this textarea element then use it if (el.nextSibling && el.nextSibling.id && el.nextSibling.id.match(/pre_/i)) var pre = el.nextsibling; else var pre = document.createElement("pre"); var the_text = el.value; // All the text in the textarea // replace <>" with entities the_text = the_text.replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/"/g,'"'); //var text_node = document.createTextNode(the_text); // create text node for pre with text in it //pre.appendChild(text_node); // add text_node to pre pre.innerHTML = the_text; // Copy the complete HTML style from the textarea to the pre var completeStyle = ""; if (typeof getComputedStyle !== 'undefined') // webkit { completeStyle = window.getComputedStyle(el, null).cssText; if (completeStyle != "") // Verison 5.3f - Is empty in IE 10 and Firefox pre.style.cssText = completeStyle; // Everything copies fine in Chrome else { // Version 5.3f - Because cssText is empty in IE 10 and Firefox var style = window.getComputedStyle(el, null); for (var i = 0; i < style.length; i++) { completeStyle += style[i] + ": " + style.getPropertyValue(style[i]) + "; "; } pre.style.cssText = completeStyle; } } else if (el.currentStyle) // IE { var elStyle = el.currentStyle; for (var k in elStyle) { completeStyle += k + ":" + elStyle[k] + ";"; } //pre.style.cssText = completeStyle; pre.style.border = "1px solid black"; // border not copying correctly in IE } el.parentNode.insertBefore(pre, el.nextSibling); // insert pre after textarea // If textarea blur then turn pre back on and textarea off el.onblur = function() { this.style.display = "none"; pre.style.display = "block"; }; // If textarea changes then put new value back in pre el.onchange = function() { pre.innerHTML = el.value.replace(/>/g,'>').replace(/</g,'<').replace(/"/g,'"'); }; el.style.display = "none"; // hide textarea pre.id = "pre_"+highlights.length; // Add id to pre // Set onclick to turn pre off and turn textarea back on and perform a click on the textarea // for a possible onclick="this.select()" for the textarea pre.onclick = function() {this.style.display = "none"; el.style.display = "block"; el.focus(); el.click()}; // this.parentNode.removeChild(this); // old remove pre in onclick function above } // end function textarea2pre(el) // ver 5.1 - 10/17/2014 function selectElementContents(el) { /* http://stackoverflow.com/questions/8019534/how-can-i-use-javascript-to-select-text-in-a-pre-node-block */ if (window.getSelection && document.createRange) { // IE 9 and non-IE var range = document.createRange(); range.selectNodeContents(el); var sel = window.getSelection(); sel.removeAllRanges(); sel.addRange(range); } else if (document.body.createTextRange) { // IE < 9 var textRange = document.body.createTextRange(); textRange.moveToElementText(el); textRange.select(); //textRange.execCommand("Copy"); } } // end function selectElementContents(el) // Create the DIV var findwindow = document.createElement("div"); create_div(); /* 10/5/2015 - To not have a find window that opens but rather to have the find box displayed in the page: 1. Comment out lines 314, 315, 774, 775 and 779 2. Uncomment all the lines below: */ /*var find_content = '<div id="window_body" style="padding: 5px;">' + 'Type in text to find: ' + '<form onsubmit="return false;"><input type="search" size="25" maxlength="25" id="fwtext"' + ' onchange="resettext();">' + '<input type="button" value="Find Prev" onclick="findit(2);">' // Version 5.4f Changed findprev() to findit(0) + '<input id="btn" type="button" value="Find Next" onclick="findit();">' + '</form></div>' + '<div id="find_msg"><br /></div>'; document.write(find_content); document.getElementById('fwtext').onkeydown = checkkey; */ var find_msg = document.getElementById('find_msg');
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