文献选择 阅读与管理

Ⅰ.How to 'Survey' the Article

  • Read the Title and Keyword,
  • Read the abstract
  • Read the conclusions.


Ⅱ. How to Read the Article

  • Look at the tables and figures ( including captions). 

    This is really what was done in the work. This does not take much time so it is worthing looking before really getting into the details which will slow down the reading.

  • Read the introduction 

    This is the backgroud needed and why the study was done.

  • Read the results and discussion.

    This is the heart of the paper. 正常的到此即停。如果非常相关,需要继续看实验部分。

  • Read the experimental.

      This is how they did the work. You only get to this point if you are really interested and need to understand excatly what was done to better understand the meaning of             the data  and its interpretation.

Ⅲ. Write Notes



    注:Surevey or Reading a paper 花费30s左右。深度探索需要更久

posted @ 2020-06-01 15:29  月夜_1  阅读(169)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报