

    listen      8082;
    server_name yii2.dev;
    access_log logs/yii2.access.log;
    error_log logs/yii2.error.log error;
    root /home/admin/web/nginx/html/basic/web/;
    location / {
            index  index.html index.php;
            if (!-e $request_filename){
                rewrite ^/(.*) /index.php?r=$1 last;


'urlManager' => [
            'enablePrettyUrl' => true, 
            'enableStrictParsing' => false,
            'showScriptName' => false,
            'rules' => [
                '<module:\w+>/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<module>/<controller>/view',
                '<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<controller>/view',


Whether to enable pretty URLs. 
Instead of putting all parameters in the query string part of a URL,
pretty URLs allow using path info to represent some of the parameters and can thus produce more user-friendly URLs,
such as "/news/Yii-is-released", instead of "/index.php?r=news/view&id=100".
Whether to enable strict parsing. 
If strict parsing is enabled, the incoming requested URL must match at least one of the $rules in order to be treated as a valid request.
Otherwise, the path info part of the request will be treated as the requested route. This property is used only when $enablePrettyUrl is true.
Whether to show entry script name in the constructed URL. Defaults to true. This property is used only if $enablePrettyUrl is true.
The rules for creating and parsing URLs when $enablePrettyUrl is true. This property is used only if $enablePrettyUrl is true.
Each element in the array is the configuration array for creating a single URL rule.
The configuration will be merged with $ruleConfig first before it is used for creating the rule object.
enableStrictParsing,showScriptName,rules 要生效必须设置enablePrettyUrl=true.
http://yii2.dev:8082/admin/default/1 其中Module:admin controller:default action:view id:1 符合规则:'<module:\w+>/<controller:\w+>/<id:\d+>' => '<module>/<controller>/view',

posted @ 2014-10-17 13:45  zaric  阅读(502)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报