@NamedNativeQuery 自定义分页

interface FoobarEntityRepository extends JpaRepository<FoobarEntity, Integer> {
    Page findFoobarsSpecialQuery(String someParameter, final Pageable pageable);

    @SqlResultSetMapping(name = "SqlResultSetMapping.count", columns = @ColumnResult(name = "cnt"))
            name = "FoobarEntity.findFoobarsSpecialQuery",
            resultClass = DailyPictureEntity.class,
            query = "Select * from foobars f where someValue = :someParameter "
            name = "FoobarEntity.findFoobarsSpecialQuery.count",
            resultSetMapping = "SqlResultSetMapping.count",
            query = "Select count(*) as cnt from foobars f where someValue = :someParameter "
FoobarEntity {

The trick is to specify the count query with the suffix .count. This works also with the Spring Data @Query annotation.

Notice that you need a SQL result set mapping for the count query, though.

posted @ 2021-02-28 20:02  zhh  阅读(238)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报