


        /proc/PID/oom_score_adj   #这是一个-1000到1000的值,如果值为-1000,则该进程永远不会被kill

        /proc/PID/oom_ajd               #这是一个-17到+15的值,如果值为-17则表示不能被kill,该参数是为了和旧版本linux内核兼容

        /proc/PID/oom_score           #这个值时系统综合进程的内存消耗量、CPU时间(utime+stime)、存货时间(uptime-start time)和omm_adj计算出的进程得分,消耗内存越多得分越高




root@docker1:/home/z9999# docker run -it --rm lorel/docker-stress-ng --help
Unable to find image 'lorel/docker-stress-ng:latest' locally
latest: Pulling from lorel/docker-stress-ng
Image docker.io/lorel/docker-stress-ng:latest uses outdated schema1 manifest format. Please upgrade to a schema2 image for better future compatibility. More information at https://docs.docker.com/registry/spec/deprecated-schema-v1/
c52e3ed763ff: Pull complete
a3ed95caeb02: Pull complete
7f831269c70e: Pull complete
Digest: sha256:c8776b750869e274b340f8e8eb9a7d8fb2472edd5b25ff5b7d55728bca681322
Status: Downloaded newer image for lorel/docker-stress-ng:latest
stress-ng, version 0.03.11

Usage: stress-ng [OPTION [ARG]]
 --h,  --help             show help
       --affinity N       start N workers that rapidly change CPU affinity
       --affinity-ops N   stop when N affinity bogo operations completed
       --affinity-rand    change affinity randomly rather than sequentially
       --aio N            start N workers that issue async I/O requests
       --aio-ops N        stop when N bogo async I/O requests completed
       --aio-requests N   number of async I/O requests per worker
 -a N, --all N            start N workers of each stress test
 -b N, --backoff N        wait of N microseconds before work starts
 -B N, --bigheap N        start N workers that grow the heap using calloc()
       --bigheap-ops N    stop when N bogo bigheap operations completed
       --bigheap-growth N grow heap by N bytes per iteration
       --brk N            start N workers performing rapid brk calls
       --brk-ops N        stop when N brk bogo operations completed
       --brk-notouch      don't touch (page in) new data segment page
       --bsearch          start N workers that exercise a binary search
       --bsearch-ops      stop when N binary search bogo operations completed
       --bsearch-size     number of 32 bit integers to bsearch
 -C N, --cache N          start N CPU cache thrashing workers
       --cache-ops N      stop when N cache bogo operations completed (x86 only)
       --cache-flush      flush cache after every memory write (x86 only)
       --cache-fence      serialize stores
       --class name       specify a class of stressors, use with --sequential
       --chmod N          start N workers thrashing chmod file mode bits
       --chmod-ops N      stop chmod workers after N bogo operations
 -c N, --cpu N            start N workers spinning on sqrt(rand())
       --cpu-ops N        stop when N cpu bogo operations completed
 -l P, --cpu-load P       load CPU by P %%, 0=sleep, 100=full load (see -c)
       --cpu-method m     specify stress cpu method m, default is all
 -D N, --dentry N         start N dentry thrashing processes
       --dentry-ops N     stop when N dentry bogo operations completed
       --dentry-order O   specify dentry unlink order (reverse, forward, stride)
       --dentries N       create N dentries per iteration
       --dir N            start N directory thrashing processes
       --dir-ops N        stop when N directory bogo operations completed
 -n,   --dry-run          do not run
       --dup N            start N workers exercising dup/close
       --dup-ops N        stop when N dup/close bogo operations completed
       --epoll N          start N workers doing epoll handled socket activity
       --epoll-ops N      stop when N epoll bogo operations completed
       --epoll-port P     use socket ports P upwards
       --epoll-domain D   specify socket domain, default is unix
       --eventfd N        start N workers stressing eventfd read/writes
       --eventfd-ops N    stop eventfd workers after N bogo operations
       --fault N          start N workers producing page faults
       --fault-ops N      stop when N page fault bogo operations completed
       --fifo N           start N workers exercising fifo I/O
       --fifo-ops N       stop when N fifo bogo operations completed
       --fifo-readers N   number of fifo reader processes to start
       --flock N          start N workers locking a single file
       --flock-ops N      stop when N flock bogo operations completed
 -f N, --fork N           start N workers spinning on fork() and exit()
       --fork-ops N       stop when N fork bogo operations completed
       --fork-max P       create P processes per iteration, default is 1
       --fstat N          start N workers exercising fstat on files
       --fstat-ops N      stop when N fstat bogo operations completed
       --fstat-dir path   fstat files in the specified directory
       --futex N          start N workers exercising a fast mutex
       --futex-ops N      stop when N fast mutex bogo operations completed
       --get N            start N workers exercising the get*() system calls
       --get-ops N        stop when N get bogo operations completed
 -d N, --hdd N            start N workers spinning on write()/unlink()
       --hdd-ops N        stop when N hdd bogo operations completed
       --hdd-bytes N      write N bytes per hdd worker (default is 1GB)
       --hdd-direct       minimize cache effects of the I/O
       --hdd-dsync        equivalent to a write followed by fdatasync
       --hdd-noatime      do not update the file last access time
       --hdd-sync         equivalent to a write followed by fsync
       --hdd-write-size N set the default write size to N bytes
       --hsearch          start N workers that exercise a hash table search
       --hsearch-ops      stop when N hash search bogo operations completed
       --hsearch-size     number of integers to insert into hash table
       --inotify N        start N workers exercising inotify events
       --inotify-ops N    stop inotify workers after N bogo operations
 -i N, --io N             start N workers spinning on sync()
       --io-ops N         stop when N io bogo operations completed
       --ionice-class C   specify ionice class (idle, besteffort, realtime)
       --ionice-level L   specify ionice level (0 max, 7 min)
 -k,   --keep-name        keep stress process names to be 'stress-ng'
       --kill N           start N workers killing with SIGUSR1
       --kill-ops N       stop when N kill bogo operations completed
       --lease N          start N workers holding and breaking a lease
       --lease-ops N      stop when N lease bogo operations completed
       --lease-breakers N number of lease breaking processes to start
       --link N           start N workers creating hard links
       --link-ops N       stop when N link bogo operations completed
       --lsearch          start N workers that exercise a linear search
       --lsearch-ops      stop when N linear search bogo operations completed
       --lsearch-size     number of 32 bit integers to lsearch
 -M,   --metrics          print pseudo metrics of activity
       --metrics-brief    enable metrics and only show non-zero results
       --memcpy N         start N workers performing memory copies
       --memcpy-ops N     stop when N memcpy bogo operations completed
       --mmap N           start N workers stressing mmap and munmap
       --mmap-ops N       stop when N mmap bogo operations completed
       --mmap-async       using asynchronous msyncs for file based mmap
       --mmap-bytes N     mmap and munmap N bytes for each stress iteration
       --mmap-file        mmap onto a file using synchronous msyncs
       --mmap-mprotect    enable mmap mprotect stressing
       --msg N            start N workers passing messages using System V messages
       --msg-ops N        stop msg workers after N bogo messages completed
       --mq N             start N workers passing messages using POSIX messages
       --mq-ops N         stop mq workers after N bogo messages completed
       --mq-size N        specify the size of the POSIX message queue
       --nice N           start N workers that randomly re-adjust nice levels
       --nice-ops N       stop when N nice bogo operations completed
       --no-madvise       don't use random madvise options for each mmap
       --null N           start N workers writing to /dev/null
       --null-ops N       stop when N /dev/null bogo write operations completed
 -o,   --open N           start N workers exercising open/close
       --open-ops N       stop when N open/close bogo operations completed
 -p N, --pipe N           start N workers exercising pipe I/O
       --pipe-ops N       stop when N pipe I/O bogo operations completed
 -P N, --poll N           start N workers exercising zero timeout polling
       --poll-ops N       stop when N poll bogo operations completed
       --procfs N         start N workers reading portions of /proc
       --procfs-ops N     stop procfs workers after N bogo read operations
       --pthread N        start N workers that create multiple threads
       --pthread-ops N    stop pthread workers after N bogo threads created
       --pthread-max P    create P threads at a time by each worker
 -Q,   --qsort N          start N workers exercising qsort on 32 bit random integers
       --qsort-ops N      stop when N qsort bogo operations completed
       --qsort-size N     number of 32 bit integers to sort
 -q,   --quiet            quiet output
 -r,   --random N         start N random workers
       --rdrand N         start N workers exercising rdrand instruction (x86 only)
       --rdrand-ops N     stop when N rdrand bogo operations completed
 -R,   --rename N         start N workers exercising file renames
       --rename-ops N     stop when N rename bogo operations completed
       --sched type       set scheduler type
       --sched-prio N     set scheduler priority level N
       --seek N           start N workers performing random seek r/w IO
       --seek-ops N       stop when N seek bogo operations completed
       --seek-size N      length of file to do random I/O upon
       --sem N            start N workers doing semaphore operations
       --sem-ops N        stop when N semaphore bogo operations completed
       --sem-procs N      number of processes to start per worker
       --sendfile N       start N workers exercising sendfile
       --sendfile-ops N   stop after N bogo sendfile operations
       --sendfile-size N  size of data to be sent with sendfile
       --sequential N     run all stressors one by one, invoking N of them
       --sigfd N          start N workers reading signals via signalfd reads
       --sigfd-ops N      stop when N bogo signalfd reads completed
       --sigfpe N         start N workers generating floating point math faults
       --sigfpe-ops N     stop when N bogo floating point math faults completed
       --sigsegv N        start N workers generating segmentation faults
       --sigsegv-ops N    stop when N bogo segmentation faults completed
 -S N, --sock N           start N workers doing socket activity
       --sock-ops N       stop when N socket bogo operations completed
       --sock-port P      use socket ports P to P + number of workers - 1
       --sock-domain D    specify socket domain, default is ipv4
       --stack N          start N workers generating stack overflows
       --stack-ops N      stop when N bogo stack overflows completed
 -s N, --switch N         start N workers doing rapid context switches
       --switch-ops N     stop when N context switch bogo operations completed
       --symlink N        start N workers creating symbolic links
       --symlink-ops N    stop when N symbolic link bogo operations completed
       --sysinfo N        start N workers reading system information
       --sysinfo-ops N    stop when sysinfo bogo operations completed
 -t N, --timeout N        timeout after N seconds
 -T N, --timer N          start N workers producing timer events
       --timer-ops N      stop when N timer bogo events completed
       --timer-freq F     run timer(s) at F Hz, range 1000 to 1000000000
       --tsearch          start N workers that exercise a tree search
       --tsearch-ops      stop when N tree search bogo operations completed
       --tsearch-size     number of 32 bit integers to tsearch
       --times            show run time summary at end of the run
 -u N, --urandom N        start N workers reading /dev/urandom
       --urandom-ops N    stop when N urandom bogo read operations completed
       --utime N          start N workers updating file timestamps
       --utime-ops N      stop after N utime bogo operations completed
       --utime-fsync      force utime meta data sync to the file system
 -v,   --verbose          verbose output
       --verify           verify results (not available on all tests)
 -V,   --version          show version
 -m N, --vm N             start N workers spinning on anonymous mmap
       --vm-bytes N       allocate N bytes per vm worker (default 256MB)
       --vm-hang N        sleep N seconds before freeing memory
       --vm-keep          redirty memory instead of reallocating
       --vm-ops N         stop when N vm bogo operations completed
       --vm-locked        lock the pages of the mapped region into memory
       --vm-method m      specify stress vm method m, default is all
       --vm-populate      populate (prefault) page tables for a mapping
       --wait N           start N workers waiting on child being stop/resumed
       --wait-ops N       stop when N bogo wait operations completed
       --zero N           start N workers reading /dev/zero
       --zero-ops N       stop when N /dev/zero bogo read operations completed

Example: stress-ng --cpu 8 --io 4 --vm 2 --vm-bytes 128M --fork 4 --timeout 10s

Note: Sizes can be suffixed with B,K,M,G and times with s,m,h,d,y


--oom-score-adj=-1000~1000    为容器设定一个oom-score-adj的分值

-m,--memory #b\k\m\g          限制最大可用内存

这张图片中我给docker-stress-ng加了--vm 5 --vm-bytes 1g ,也就是启动5个work,每个work使用1G内存,并没有对容器做任何限制,宿主机内存马上就被占满了,并且系统严重卡顿,还抛出了oom,一直在kill进程




 这次加上了-m 512m  限制最多使用512m内存



--memory-reservation #b\k\m\g   软限制

--memory-swap #b\k\m\g | 0 | unset | -1




       如果设置为unset,如果宿主机开启了swap,则实际容器的swap值为2x( --memory),即两倍于物理内存大小,但是并不准确(在容器中使用free命令所看到的swap空间并不精确,毕竟每个容器都可以看到具体大小,但是宿主机的swap是有上限而且不是所有容器看到的累计大小)。



--memory-swappiness            设置使用swap的倾向性

--cpus                                     限制可用cpu数量,1为100%,2为200%,0.5为50%

这张图片中我给docker-stress-ng加了--vm 2 --cpu2 ,也就是启动2个work,每个work使用2个(200%)cpu,并没有对容器做任何限制,宿主机CPU马上就被占满了 




-c, --cpu-shares                       CPU共享值

--cpuset-cpus                          CPU亲和性绑定,写CPU编号,多个CPU用逗号隔开



在 /sys/fs/cgroup/system.slice/docker-ID.scope目录下

root@docker1:/home/z9999# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/system.slice/docker-739027b8ce9cd63cf7e501f4b87c41f59b3760de537101b1543973f9bb81047a.scope/cpu.max
100000 100000

root@docker1:/home/z9999# cat /sys/fs/cgroup/system.slice/docker-739027b8ce9cd63cf7e501f4b87c41f59b3760de537101b1543973f9bb81047a.scope/memory.max


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