typedef pcl::octree::OctreeLeafNode<OctreeContainerPointIndices> LeafNode;
typedef pcl::octree::OctreeBranchNode<OctreeContainerEmpty>BranchNode;
深度为1 深度为2 深度为3
a.这里我们设 预先设置的包围盒为boundingbox1(即我们所需获取的索引的包围盒),当前节点的包围盒为boundingbox2。
与包围盒有交集的叶子节点 包围盒里的数据点 整体效果
与包围盒有交集的叶子节点 包围盒里的数据点 整体效果
1 2 3 4 5 | std::sort(point_candidates.begin(), point_candidates.end()); if (point_candidates.size() > K) point_candidates.resize(K); if (point_candidates.size() == K) smallest_squared_dist = point_candidates.back().point_distance_; |
float disThread = smallest_squared_dist + voxelSquaredDiameter / 4.0 + sqrt(smallest_squared_dist * voxelSquaredDiameter);
if(search_heap.back().point_distance < disThread)
search_heap.back().point_distance<disThread 满足此条件
voxelSquaredDiameter 代表当前深度节点的包围盒的长度,smallest_squared_dist代表上次叶子节点获取的邻域点里第K个距离值(已经升序排序了,如果没找到K个邻域,那么smallest_squared_dist的值为初始化的值,一般设置较大)
search_heap.back().point_distance 代表当前层次的根节点包围盒的中心点与搜索点的距离
search_heap.back().point_distance - δ<smallest_squared_dist => search_heap.back().point_distance<smallest_squared_dist + δ
1.这里定义八叉树的最大深度为 maxDepth,查询点为Pt
红色部分为该节点,剩下为其兄弟节点 白色为父节点 整体效果
#pragma once #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> #include <pcl/point_types.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree_pointcloud_voxelcentroid.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree_impl.h> #include <pcl/common/time.h> #include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h> #include <pcl/visualization/point_cloud_handlers.h> #include <pcl/visualization/common/common.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree_pointcloud_voxelcentroid.h> #include <pcl/common/centroid.h> #include <pcl/filters/filter.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkCubeSource.h> #include <vtkCleanPolyData.h> #include "pcl/octree/octree_container.h" using namespace std; using namespace pcl; using namespace octree; namespace zx { typedef PointXYZ PointT; typedef pcl::octree::OctreeLeafNode<OctreeContainerPointIndices> LeafNode; typedef pcl::octree::OctreeBranchNode<OctreeContainerEmpty>BranchNode; float get2ptDis(PointT p1, PointT p2); class prioPointQueueEntry { public: /** \brief Empty constructor */ prioPointQueueEntry() : point_idx_(0), point_distance_(0) { } /** \brief Constructor for initializing priority queue entry. * \param[in] point_idx an index representing a point in the dataset given by \a setInputCloud * \param[in] point_distance distance of query point to voxel center */ prioPointQueueEntry(unsigned int& point_idx, float point_distance) : point_idx_(point_idx), point_distance_(point_distance) { } /** \brief Operator< for comparing priority queue entries with each other. * \param[in] rhs priority queue to compare this against */ bool operator< (const prioPointQueueEntry& rhs) const { return (this->point_distance_ < rhs.point_distance_); } /** \brief Index representing a point in the dataset given by \a setInputCloud. */ int point_idx_; /** \brief Distance to query point. */ float point_distance_; }; class prioBranchQueueEntry { public: /** \brief Empty constructor */ prioBranchQueueEntry() : node(), point_distance(0), key() { } /** \brief Constructor for initializing priority queue entry. * \param _node pointer to octree node * \param _key octree key addressing voxel in octree structure * \param[in] _point_distance distance of query point to voxel center */ prioBranchQueueEntry(OctreeNode* _node, OctreeKey& _key, float _point_distance) : node(_node), point_distance(_point_distance), key(_key) { } /** \brief Operator< for comparing priority queue entries with each other. * \param[in] rhs the priority queue to compare this against */ bool operator < (const prioBranchQueueEntry rhs) const { return (this->point_distance > rhs.point_distance); } /** \brief Pointer to octree node. */ /*const*/ OctreeNode* node; /** \brief Distance to query point. */ float point_distance; /** \brief Octree key. */ OctreeKey key; }; struct PtIdxAndDis { int idx; float dis; PtIdxAndDis() { idx = -1; dis =-0.01; } bool operator <(PtIdxAndDis b) { return (dis < b.dis); } }; extern bool PtIdxAndDis_sortDis(PtIdxAndDis a, PtIdxAndDis b); class OctreeStudy1 { public: OctreeStudy1(double resolution); OctreeStudy1(); OctreeStudy1(int depth); ~OctreeStudy1(); public: pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr inputCloud; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudVoxel; PointCloud<PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloudre; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> octree; BranchNode*rootNode; PointXYZ octreeMinPt, octreeMaxPt; int octreeMaxDepth; BranchNode*getRootNode(); vector<vector<int>> ptIndiceRsult; int curDepth; pcl::visualization::PCLVisualizer viz; bool show_cubes_; bool show_centroids_; bool show_original_points_; int point_size_; void setInputCloud(string path); void setMaxDepth(int depth); void saveDivideReSult(string path); void getVoxelCentroidsRecursive( BranchNode* branch_arg, pcl::octree::OctreeKey& key_arg, pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::AlignedPointTVector &voxel_centroid_list_arg, vector<int>&PtVEC ); void compute(); void computeSpecifiedLayer(int layer); void computeToOctreeNodeVec(); void findLeafRecursive(const OctreeKey& key_arg, unsigned int depth_mask_arg, BranchNode* branch_arg, LeafNode* result_arg); void clearVisual(); void showCubes(double voxelSideLen, bool wireframe = true); void run(); void update(); int boxSearch(const Eigen::Vector3f &min_pt, const Eigen::Vector3f &max_pt, std::vector<int> &k_indices); void boxSearchRecursive(const Eigen::Vector3f &min_pt, const Eigen::Vector3f &max_pt, const BranchNode* node, const OctreeKey& key, unsigned int tree_depth, std::vector<int>& k_indices); void radiusSearch(PointXYZ pointT, float r, vector<PtIdxAndDis>&indice); void radiusSearchRecursive(PointXYZ pointT, float r, const BranchNode* node, const OctreeKey& key, unsigned int tree_depth, std::vector<PtIdxAndDis>& k_indices); void nearestKSearch(PointT pt,int k,vector<int>&indice,vector<float>&disVec); float getKNearestNeighborRecursive( PointT &point, int K, BranchNode* node, OctreeKey& key, int tree_depth, double &squared_search_radius, std::vector<zx::prioPointQueueEntry>& point_candidates); double getKNearestNeighborRecursivePcl( PointXYZ point, unsigned int K, const BranchNode* node, const OctreeKey& key, int tree_depth, const double squared_search_radius, std::vector<prioPointQueueEntry>& point_candidates); private: }; }
#include "octreeStudy.h" #include <pcl/io/pcd_io.h> #include <pcl/point_types.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree_pointcloud_voxelcentroid.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree_impl.h> #include <pcl/common/time.h> #include <pcl/visualization/pcl_visualizer.h> #include <pcl/visualization/point_cloud_handlers.h> #include <pcl/visualization/common/common.h> #include <pcl/octree/octree_pointcloud_voxelcentroid.h> #include <pcl/common/centroid.h> #include <pcl/filters/filter.h> #include <vtkRenderer.h> #include <vtkRenderWindow.h> #include <vtkCubeSource.h> #include <vtkCleanPolyData.h> #include "pcl/octree/octree_container.h" #include <boost/random/shuffle_order.hpp> using namespace std; using namespace pcl; using namespace octree; namespace zx { double random(double start, double end) { return start + (end - start)*rand() / (RAND_MAX + 1.0); } float get2ptDis(PointT p1, PointT p2) { return sqrt(pow(p1.x - p2.x, 2) + pow(p1.y - p2.y, 2) + pow(p1.z - p2.z, 2)); } bool PtIdxAndDis_sortDis(PtIdxAndDis a, PtIdxAndDis b) { return (a.dis < b.dis); } OctreeStudy1::OctreeStudy1(double resolution) : octree(resolution), inputCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()), cloudVoxel(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()), cloudre(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>()) { curDepth = 1; point_size_ = 1; viz.setWindowName("八叉树研究"); show_cubes_ = true; show_centroids_ = true; show_original_points_ = true; octreeMinPt = PointXYZ(0,0,0); octreeMaxPt = PointXYZ(0,0,0); octreeMaxDepth = -1; } OctreeStudy1::OctreeStudy1() : octree(1.0f), inputCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()), cloudVoxel(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()), cloudre(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZRGB>()) { curDepth = 1; point_size_ = 1; viz.setWindowName("八叉树研究"); show_cubes_ = true; show_centroids_ = true; show_original_points_ = true; octreeMinPt = PointXYZ(-9999, -9999, -9999); octreeMaxPt = PointXYZ(-9999, -9999, -9999); octreeMaxDepth = -1; } OctreeStudy1::OctreeStudy1(int resolution) : octree(resolution), inputCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()), cloudVoxel(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>()) { curDepth = 1; point_size_ = 1; viz.setWindowName("八叉树研究"); show_cubes_ = true; show_centroids_ = true; show_original_points_ = true; octreeMinPt = PointXYZ(-9999, -9999, -9999); octreeMaxPt = PointXYZ(-9999, -9999, -9999); octreeMaxDepth = -1; } OctreeStudy1::~OctreeStudy1() { } void OctreeStudy1::setInputCloud(string path) { pcl::io::loadPCDFile(/*"tz_all_0-Cloud-1cm-target.pcd"*/path, *inputCloud); } void OctreeStudy1::getVoxelCentroidsRecursive( BranchNode* branch_arg, pcl::octree::OctreeKey& key_arg, pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::AlignedPointTVector &voxel_centroid_list_arg, vector<int>&PtVEC ) { // child iterator unsigned char child_idx; // iterate over all children for (child_idx = 0; child_idx < 8; child_idx++) { // if child exist if (branch_arg->hasChild(child_idx)) { // add current branch voxel to key key_arg.pushBranch(child_idx); OctreeNode *child_node = branch_arg->getChildPtr(child_idx); switch (child_node->getNodeType()) { case BRANCH_NODE: { // recursively proceed with indexed child branch getVoxelCentroidsRecursive(static_cast<BranchNode*> (child_node), key_arg, voxel_centroid_list_arg, PtVEC); break; } case LEAF_NODE: { PointXYZ new_centroid; LeafNode* container = static_cast<LeafNode*> (child_node); vector<int> ptIndiceVec; container->getContainer().getPointIndices(ptIndiceVec); PtVEC.insert(PtVEC.end(), ptIndiceVec.begin(), ptIndiceVec.end()); //container->getContainer().getCentroid(new_centroid); //voxel_centroid_list_arg.push_back(new_centroid); break; } default: break; } // pop current branch voxel from key key_arg.popBranch(); } } } void OctreeStudy1::compute() { //pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> octree(0.1); //create octree structure octree.setInputCloud(inputCloud); //update bounding box automatically octree.defineBoundingBox(); //add points in the tree octree.addPointsFromInputCloud(); int maxdepth = octree.getTreeDepth(); //开始提取八叉树节点里的数据 int depth = maxdepth; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it_end = octree.end(); pcl::PointXYZ pt_voxel_center; //pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudVoxel(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::PointXYZ pt_centroid; float gridLength = std::sqrt(octree.getVoxelSquaredSideLen(depth)); for (tree_it = octree.begin(depth); tree_it != tree_it_end; ++tree_it) { // If the iterator is not at the right depth, continue int curNodeDepth = tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth(); int sss = octree.getTreeDepth(); cout << "curNodeDepth:" << curNodeDepth << endl; cout << "octree.getTreeDepth():" << sss << endl; //if (tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth() != (unsigned int)depth) // continue; // Compute the point at the center of the voxel which represents the current OctreeNode Eigen::Vector3f voxel_min, voxel_max; octree.getVoxelBounds(tree_it, voxel_min, voxel_max); pt_voxel_center.x = (voxel_min.x() + voxel_max.x()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.y = (voxel_min.y() + voxel_max.y()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.z = (voxel_min.z() + voxel_max.z()) / 2.0f; cloudVoxel->points.push_back(pt_voxel_center); // If the asked depth is the depth of the octree, retrieve the centroid at this LeafNode if (/*octree.getTreeDepth() */curNodeDepth == (unsigned int)depth) { pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode* container = static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode*> (tree_it.getCurrentOctreeNode()); //container->getContainer().getCentroid(pt_centroid); std::vector<int> pointerVec; container->getContainer().getPointIndices(pointerVec); } else if (curNodeDepth == depth - 1) { vector<int >PtVec; pcl::octree::OctreeKey dummy_key; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::VectorType voxelCentroids; getVoxelCentroidsRecursive( static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::BranchNode*> (*tree_it), dummy_key, voxelCentroids, PtVec); } } } //OctreeNode void OctreeStudy1::computeToOctreeNodeVec() { //create octree structure octree.setInputCloud(inputCloud); //update bounding box automatically octree.defineBoundingBox(); //add points in the tree octree.addPointsFromInputCloud(); int maxdepth = octree.getTreeDepth(); pcl::PointXYZ pt_voxel_center; pcl::PointXYZ pt_centroid; float gridLength = std::sqrt(octree.getVoxelSquaredSideLen(maxdepth)); pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it; vector<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator> IteratorStateVec; while (tree_it != octree.end()) { //OctreeIteratorBase<pcl::PointXYZ> // tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth() IteratorStateVec.push_back(tree_it); //tree_it. //OctreeNodeVec.push_back(tree_it.getCurrentOctreeNode()); tree_it++; } for (tree_it = octree.begin(maxdepth); tree_it != octree.end(); ++tree_it) { // If the iterator is not at the right depth, continue int curNodeDepth = tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth(); int sss = octree.getTreeDepth(); cout << "curNodeDepth:" << curNodeDepth << endl; cout << "octree.getTreeDepth():" << sss << endl; //if (tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth() != (unsigned int)depth) // continue; // Compute the point at the center of the voxel which represents the current OctreeNode Eigen::Vector3f voxel_min, voxel_max; octree.getVoxelBounds(tree_it, voxel_min, voxel_max); pt_voxel_center.x = (voxel_min.x() + voxel_max.x()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.y = (voxel_min.y() + voxel_max.y()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.z = (voxel_min.z() + voxel_max.z()) / 2.0f; cloudVoxel->points.push_back(pt_voxel_center); // If the asked depth is the depth of the octree, retrieve the centroid at this LeafNode if (/*octree.getTreeDepth() */curNodeDepth == (unsigned int)maxdepth) { pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode* container = static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode*> (tree_it.getCurrentOctreeNode()); //container->getContainer().getCentroid(pt_centroid); std::vector<int> pointerVec; container->getContainer().getPointIndices(pointerVec); } else if (curNodeDepth == maxdepth - 1) { vector<int >PtVec; pcl::octree::OctreeKey dummy_key; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::VectorType voxelCentroids; getVoxelCentroidsRecursive( static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::BranchNode*> (*tree_it), dummy_key, voxelCentroids, PtVec); } } } void getLeafChildNodeItrater(BranchNode *parentNode,vector<int>&ptsVec) { for (int i = 0; i < 8;i++) { if (parentNode->hasChild(i)) { switch (parentNode->getChildPtr(i)->getNodeType()) { case BRANCH_NODE: getLeafChildNodeItrater(static_cast<BranchNode*>(parentNode->getChildPtr(i)), ptsVec); break; case LEAF_NODE: LeafNode*childNode=static_cast<LeafNode*>(parentNode->getChildPtr(i)); vector<int>ptsVecT; childNode->getContainer().getPointIndices(ptsVecT); ptsVec.insert(ptsVec.end(), ptsVecT.begin(), ptsVecT.end()); break; } } } } void getBranchChildNode(BranchNode *parentNode) { for (int i = 0; i < 8; i++) { if (parentNode->hasChild(i)) { switch (parentNode->getChildPtr(i)->getNodeType()) { case BRANCH_NODE: //zx::BranchNode *childNode = static_cast<zx::BranchNode*>(parentNode->getChildPtr(i)); break; case LEAF_NODE: zx::LeafNode*childNode1 = static_cast<zx::LeafNode*>(parentNode->getChildPtr(i)); break; } } } } void OctreeStudy1::findLeafRecursive(const OctreeKey& key_arg, unsigned int depth_mask_arg, BranchNode* branch_arg, LeafNode* result_arg) { // index to branch child unsigned char child_idx; // find branch child from key child_idx = key_arg.getChildIdxWithDepthMask(depth_mask_arg); OctreeNode* child_node = (*branch_arg)[child_idx]; if (child_node) { switch (child_node->getNodeType()) { case BRANCH_NODE: // we have not reached maximum tree depth BranchNode* child_branch; child_branch = static_cast<BranchNode*> (child_node); findLeafRecursive(key_arg, depth_mask_arg / 2, child_branch, result_arg); break; case LEAF_NODE: // return existing leaf node LeafNode* child_leaf; child_leaf = static_cast<zx::LeafNode*> (child_node); result_arg = child_leaf; //result_arg = child_leaf->getContainerPtr(); break; } } } BranchNode* OctreeStudy1::getRootNode() { octree.setInputCloud(inputCloud); //update bounding box automatically octree.defineBoundingBox(); //add points in the tree octree.addPointsFromInputCloud(); octreeMaxDepth = octree.getTreeDepth(); pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it_end = octree.end(); tree_it = octree.begin(octreeMaxDepth); rootNode = static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::BranchNode*> (*tree_it); // for (tree_it = octree.begin(maxdepth); tree_it != tree_it_end; ++tree_it) // { // } double min_x_arg, min_y_arg, min_z_arg, max_x_arg, max_y_arg, max_z_arg; min_x_arg = min_y_arg = min_z_arg = max_x_arg = max_y_arg = max_z_arg = 0.0; octree.getBoundingBox(min_x_arg, min_y_arg, min_z_arg, max_x_arg, max_y_arg, max_z_arg); octreeMinPt = PointXYZ(min_x_arg, min_y_arg, min_z_arg); octreeMaxPt = PointXYZ(max_x_arg, max_y_arg, max_z_arg); return rootNode; } void OctreeStudy1::computeSpecifiedLayer(int layerCurIdx) { curDepth = layerCurIdx; bool isLeaf = false; octree.setInputCloud(inputCloud); octree.defineBoundingBox(); octree.addPointsFromInputCloud(); int maxdepth = octree.getTreeDepth(); if (layerCurIdx > maxdepth) { layerCurIdx = maxdepth; isLeaf = true; } if (layerCurIdx == maxdepth) { isLeaf = true; } int depth = maxdepth; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it_end = octree.end(); pcl::PointXYZ pt_voxel_center; pcl::PointXYZ pt_centroid; float gridLength = std::sqrt(octree.getVoxelSquaredSideLen(layerCurIdx)); for (tree_it = octree.begin(depth); tree_it != tree_it_end; ++tree_it) { // If the iterator is not at the right depth, continue int curNodeDepth = tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth(); int sss = octree.getTreeDepth(); if (curNodeDepth == layerCurIdx) { Eigen::Vector3f voxel_min, voxel_max; octree.getVoxelBounds(tree_it, voxel_min, voxel_max); pt_voxel_center.x = (voxel_min.x() + voxel_max.x()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.y = (voxel_min.y() + voxel_max.y()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.z = (voxel_min.z() + voxel_max.z()) / 2.0f; cloudVoxel->points.push_back(pt_voxel_center); } // If the asked depth is the depth of the octree, retrieve the centroid at this LeafNode vector<int >PtVec; if (curNodeDepth == layerCurIdx) { if (isLeaf) { pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode* container = static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode*> (tree_it.getCurrentOctreeNode()); if (container) { container->getContainer().getPointIndices(PtVec); } } else { pcl::octree::OctreeKey dummy_key; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::VectorType voxelCentroids; getVoxelCentroidsRecursive( static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::BranchNode*> (*tree_it), dummy_key, voxelCentroids, PtVec); } } ptIndiceRsult.push_back(PtVec); } cloudVoxel->width = cloudVoxel->points.size(); cloudVoxel->height =1; cloudVoxel->is_dense = false; PCDWriter write; write.write("cloudVoxel.pcd", *cloudVoxel); } void OctreeStudy1::setMaxDepth(int depth) { PointXYZ minpt, maxpt; getMinMax3D(*inputCloud,minpt,maxpt); float xlen = maxpt.x - minpt.x; float ylen = maxpt.y - minpt.y; float zlen = maxpt.z - minpt.z; float maxLen = 0; if (xlen>ylen) { maxLen = xlen; } else { maxLen = ylen; } if (maxLen<zlen) { maxLen = zlen; } float resolutionT = (maxLen / pow(2, depth))*1.01; octree.setResolution(resolutionT); } void OctreeStudy1::saveDivideReSult(string path) { PointCloud<PointXYZRGB>::Ptr cloudre(new PointCloud<PointXYZRGB>()); int pcSize = inputCloud->points.size(); for (int i = 0; i < ptIndiceRsult.size(); i++) { int r = rand() % 255 + 1; int g = rand() % 255 + 1; int b = random(0, 1) * 255; for (int j = 0; j < ptIndiceRsult[i].size(); j++) { int id = ptIndiceRsult[i][j]; if (id>=pcSize) { continue; } pcl::PointXYZRGB pt; pt.x = inputCloud->points[id].x; pt.y = inputCloud->points[id].y; pt.z = inputCloud->points[id].z; pt.r = r; pt.g = g; pt.b = b; cloudre->points.push_back(pt); } } cloudre->height = 1; cloudre->width = inputCloud->points.size(); cloudre->is_dense = false; ofstream outfile(path, ios::out); for (int i = 0; i < cloudre->points.size(); i++) { int r = cloudre->points[i].r; int g = cloudre->points[i].g; int b = cloudre->points[i].b; outfile << cloudre->points[i].x << " " << cloudre->points[i].y << " " << cloudre->points[i].z << " " << r << " " << g << " " << b << "\n"; } outfile.close(); cout << "结果存储成功!" << endl; } void OctreeStudy1::clearVisual() { //remove cubes if any vtkRenderer *renderer = viz.getRenderWindow()->GetRenderers()->GetFirstRenderer(); while (renderer->GetActors()->GetNumberOfItems() > 0) renderer->RemoveActor(renderer->GetActors()->GetLastActor()); //remove point clouds if any viz.removePointCloud("cloud"); viz.removePointCloud("cloud_centroid"); } void OctreeStudy1::showCubes(double voxelSideLen, bool wireframe) { vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData> appendFilter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkAppendPolyData>::New(); // Create every cubes to be displayed double s = voxelSideLen / 2.0; for (size_t i = 0; i < cloudVoxel->points.size(); i++) { double x = cloudVoxel->points[i].x; double y = cloudVoxel->points[i].y; double z = cloudVoxel->points[i].z; vtkSmartPointer<vtkCubeSource> wk_cubeSource = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCubeSource>::New(); wk_cubeSource->SetBounds(x - s, x + s, y - s, y + s, z - s, z + s); wk_cubeSource->Update(); #if VTK_MAJOR_VERSION < 6 appendFilter->AddInput(wk_cubeSource->GetOutput()); #else appendFilter->AddInputData(wk_cubeSource->GetOutput()); #endif } // Remove any duplicate points vtkSmartPointer<vtkCleanPolyData> cleanFilter = vtkSmartPointer<vtkCleanPolyData>::New(); cleanFilter->SetInputConnection(appendFilter->GetOutputPort()); cleanFilter->Update(); //Create a mapper and actor vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper> multiMapper = vtkSmartPointer<vtkPolyDataMapper>::New(); multiMapper->SetInputConnection(cleanFilter->GetOutputPort()); vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor> multiActor = vtkSmartPointer<vtkActor>::New(); multiActor->SetMapper(multiMapper); multiActor->GetProperty()->SetColor(1.0, 1.0, 0.0); multiActor->GetProperty()->SetAmbient(1.0); multiActor->GetProperty()->SetLineWidth(1); multiActor->GetProperty()->EdgeVisibilityOn(); multiActor->GetProperty()->SetOpacity(1.0); if (wireframe) { multiActor->GetProperty()->SetRepresentationToWireframe(); } else { multiActor->GetProperty()->SetRepresentationToSurface(); } // Add the actor to the scene viz.getRenderWindow()->GetRenderers()->GetFirstRenderer()->AddActor(multiActor); // Render and interact viz.getRenderWindow()->Render(); } void OctreeStudy1::run() { while (!viz.wasStopped()) { //main loop of the visualizer viz.spinOnce(100); boost::this_thread::sleep(boost::posix_time::microseconds(100000)); } } void OctreeStudy1::update() { clearVisual(); if (show_cubes_) { //show octree as cubes showCubes(std::sqrt(octree.getVoxelSquaredSideLen(curDepth))); } if (show_centroids_) { //show centroid points pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField<pcl::PointXYZ> color_handler(cloudVoxel, "x"); viz.addPointCloud(cloudVoxel, color_handler, "cloud_centroid"); viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, point_size_, "cloud_centroid"); } if (/*show_original_points_*/0) { //show origin point cloud pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField<pcl::PointXYZ> color_handler(inputCloud, "z"); viz.addPointCloud(inputCloud, color_handler, "cloud"); viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, point_size_, "cloud"); } if (show_original_points_) { //show origin point cloud //pcl::visualization::PointCloudColorHandlerGenericField<pcl::PointXYZ> color_handler(inputCloud, "z"); viz.addPointCloud(cloudre, "cloudre"); viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, 3, "cloudre"); //viz.setPointCloudRenderingProperties(pcl::visualization::PCL_VISUALIZER_POINT_SIZE, point_size_, "cloud"); } } int OctreeStudy1::boxSearch(const Eigen::Vector3f &min_pt, const Eigen::Vector3f &max_pt, std::vector<int> &k_indices) { OctreeKey key; key.x = key.y = key.z = 0; k_indices.clear(); getRootNode(); boxSearchRecursive(min_pt, max_pt, /*this->root_node_*/rootNode, key, 1, k_indices); return (static_cast<int> (k_indices.size())); } void OctreeStudy1::boxSearchRecursive(const Eigen::Vector3f &min_pt, const Eigen::Vector3f &max_pt, const BranchNode* node, const OctreeKey& key, unsigned int tree_depth, std::vector<int>& k_indices) { // child iterator unsigned char child_idx; // iterate over all children for (child_idx = 0; child_idx < 8; child_idx++) { const OctreeNode* child_node; child_node = node->getChildPtr(child_idx); if (!child_node) continue; OctreeKey new_key; int temp = 1; if (child_idx == 0 || child_idx == 1 || child_idx == 4 || child_idx == 5) { temp = 0; } new_key.x = key.x * 2 + (int)(child_idx / 4); new_key.y = key.y * 2 + temp; new_key.z = key.z * 2 + (int)(child_idx % 2); // voxel corners Eigen::Vector3f min_pt1; Eigen::Vector3f max_pt1; double min_x_arg, min_y_arg, min_z_arg, max_x_arg, max_y_arg, max_z_arg; min_x_arg=min_y_arg=min_z_arg=max_x_arg=max_y_arg=max_z_arg=0.0; octree.getBoundingBox(min_x_arg, min_y_arg, min_z_arg, max_x_arg, max_y_arg, max_z_arg); // get voxel coordinates //this->genVoxelBoundsFromOctreeKey(new_key, tree_depth, lower_voxel_corner, upper_voxel_corner); { // calculate voxel size of current tree depth double voxel_side_len = /*this->resolution_*/octree.getResolution() * static_cast<double> (1 << (octree.getTreeDepth() - tree_depth)); // calculate voxel bounds min_pt1(0) = static_cast<float> (static_cast<double> (new_key.x) * voxel_side_len + min_x_arg); min_pt1(1) = static_cast<float> (static_cast<double> (new_key.y) * voxel_side_len + min_y_arg); min_pt1(2) = static_cast<float> (static_cast<double> (new_key.z) * voxel_side_len + min_z_arg); max_pt1(0) = static_cast<float> (static_cast<double> (new_key.x + 1) * voxel_side_len + min_x_arg); max_pt1(1) = static_cast<float> (static_cast<double> (new_key.y + 1) * voxel_side_len + min_y_arg); max_pt1(2) = static_cast<float> (static_cast<double> (new_key.z + 1) * voxel_side_len + min_z_arg); } // test if search region overlap with voxel space if (!((min_pt1(0) > max_pt(0)) || (min_pt(0) > max_pt1(0)) || (min_pt1(1) > max_pt(1)) || (min_pt(1) > max_pt1(1)) || (min_pt1(2) > max_pt(2)) || (min_pt(2) > max_pt1(2)))) { if (tree_depth < /*this->octree_depth_*/octree.getTreeDepth()) { // we have not reached maximum tree depth boxSearchRecursive(min_pt, max_pt, static_cast<const BranchNode*> (child_node), new_key, tree_depth + 1, k_indices); } else { // we reached leaf node level size_t i; std::vector<int> decoded_point_vector; bool bInBox; const LeafNode* child_leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode*> (child_node); // decode leaf node into decoded_point_vector (**child_leaf).getPointIndices(decoded_point_vector); ptIndiceRsult.push_back(decoded_point_vector); // Linearly iterate over all decoded (unsorted) points for (i = 0; i < decoded_point_vector.size(); i++) { const PointT& candidate_point = inputCloud->points[decoded_point_vector[i]]/* this->getPointByIndex(decoded_point_vector[i])*/; // check if point falls within search box bInBox = ((candidate_point.x >= min_pt(0)) && (candidate_point.x <= max_pt(0)) && (candidate_point.y >= min_pt(1)) && (candidate_point.y <= max_pt(1)) && (candidate_point.z >= min_pt(2)) && (candidate_point.z <= max_pt(2))); if (bInBox) // add to result vector k_indices.push_back(decoded_point_vector[i]); } } } } } void OctreeStudy1::radiusSearch(PointXYZ pointT, float r, vector<PtIdxAndDis>&indice) { OctreeKey key; key.x = key.y = key.z = 0; indice.clear(); getRootNode(); radiusSearchRecursive(pointT, r, static_cast<BranchNode*>(rootNode), key, 1, indice); sort(indice.begin(), indice.end()); } void OctreeStudy1::radiusSearchRecursive(PointXYZ pointT, float r, const BranchNode* node, const OctreeKey& key, unsigned int tree_depth, std::vector<PtIdxAndDis>& k_indices) { int child_idx; for (child_idx = 0; child_idx < 8; child_idx++) { OctreeNode *childNode = node->getChildPtr(child_idx); if (!childNode) { continue; } OctreeKey new_key; int temp = 1; if (child_idx == 0 || child_idx == 1 || child_idx == 4 || child_idx == 5) { temp = 0; } new_key.x = key.x * 2 + (int)(child_idx / 4); new_key.y = key.y * 2 + temp; new_key.z = key.z * 2 + (int)(child_idx % 2); double min_x_arg, min_y_arg, min_z_arg, max_x_arg, max_y_arg, max_z_arg; min_x_arg = min_y_arg = min_z_arg = max_x_arg = max_y_arg = max_z_arg = 0.0; octree.getBoundingBox(min_x_arg, min_y_arg, min_z_arg, max_x_arg, max_y_arg, max_z_arg); float boxLen = (float)pow(2, octree.getTreeDepth() - tree_depth)*octree.getResolution(); PointXYZ minPt, maxPt; minPt.x = new_key.x*boxLen + min_x_arg; minPt.y = new_key.y*boxLen + min_y_arg; minPt.z = new_key.z*boxLen + min_z_arg; maxPt.x = (new_key.x + 1)*boxLen + min_x_arg; maxPt.y = (new_key.y + 1)*boxLen + min_y_arg; maxPt.z = (new_key.z + 1)*boxLen + min_z_arg; //预设一个包围盒 PointXYZ preMinpt, preMaxpt; preMinpt.x = pointT.x - r; preMinpt.y = pointT.y - r; preMinpt.z = pointT.z - r; preMaxpt.x = pointT.x + r; preMaxpt.y = pointT.y + r; preMaxpt.z = pointT.z + r; bool isInbox = ( preMinpt.x > maxPt.x || preMinpt.y > maxPt.y || preMinpt.z > maxPt.z || preMaxpt.x < minPt.x || preMaxpt.y < minPt.y || preMaxpt.z < minPt.z ); if (!isInbox) { if (tree_depth<octree.getTreeDepth())//如果是根节点 { radiusSearchRecursive(pointT, r, static_cast<BranchNode*>(childNode), new_key, tree_depth + 1, k_indices); } else //如果是叶子节点 { vector<int> ptVec; LeafNode *child_leaf = static_cast<LeafNode*>(childNode); (*child_leaf)->getPointIndices(ptVec); ptIndiceRsult.push_back(ptVec); for (int i = 0; i < ptVec.size();i++) { PointXYZ curPt = inputCloud->points[ptVec[i]]; if (get2ptDis(curPt, pointT)<=r) { PtIdxAndDis ptInfo; ptInfo.idx = ptVec[i]; ptInfo.dis = get2ptDis(curPt, pointT); k_indices.push_back(ptInfo); } } } } } } void OctreeStudy1::nearestKSearch(PointT pt, int k, vector<int>&indice, vector<float>&disVec) { indice.clear(); disVec.clear(); indice.resize(k); disVec.resize(k); OctreeKey key; key.x = key.y = key.z = 0; getRootNode(); vector<zx::prioPointQueueEntry> point_candidates; double initialDis = 10000000; getKNearestNeighborRecursive(pt, k, rootNode, key, 1, initialDis, point_candidates); for (int i = 0; i < point_candidates.size();i++) { indice[i] = point_candidates[i].point_idx_; disVec[i] = point_candidates[i].point_distance_; } } float OctreeStudy1::getKNearestNeighborRecursive(PointT &point, int K, BranchNode* node, OctreeKey& key, int tree_depth, double &squared_search_radius, std::vector<zx::prioPointQueueEntry>& point_candidates) { std::vector<prioBranchQueueEntry> search_heap; search_heap.resize(8); double smallest_squared_dist = squared_search_radius; // get spatial voxel information double voxelSquaredDiameter = (float)pow(2, octree.getTreeDepth() - tree_depth)*octree.getResolution(); for (int child_idx = 0; child_idx < 8; child_idx++) { OctreeNode *childNode = node->getChildPtr(child_idx); if (childNode) { PointT voxel_center; OctreeKey new_keyT; int temp = 1; if (child_idx == 0 || child_idx == 1 || child_idx == 4 || child_idx == 5) { temp = 0; } new_keyT.x = key.x * 2 + (int)(child_idx / 4); new_keyT.y = key.y * 2 + temp; new_keyT.z = key.z * 2 + (int)(child_idx % 2); voxel_center.x = (new_keyT.x + 1.0 / 2)*voxelSquaredDiameter + octreeMinPt.x; voxel_center.y = (new_keyT.y + 1.0 / 2)*voxelSquaredDiameter + octreeMinPt.y; voxel_center.z = (new_keyT.z + 1.0 / 2)*voxelSquaredDiameter + octreeMinPt.z; search_heap[child_idx].node = childNode; search_heap[child_idx].point_distance = pow(get2ptDis(point, voxel_center), 2); search_heap[child_idx].key = new_keyT; } else { search_heap[child_idx].point_distance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); } } sort(search_heap.begin(), search_heap.end()); //降序 float disThread = smallest_squared_dist +voxelSquaredDiameter / 4.0 + sqrt(smallest_squared_dist * voxelSquaredDiameter); while ( (!search_heap.empty()) && (search_heap.back().point_distance <disThread) ) { cout << "当前节点深度:" << tree_depth << ",,距离阈值:" << disThread << endl; OctreeNode* child_node; // read from priority queue element child_node = search_heap.back().node; OctreeKey new_key = search_heap.back().key; if (tree_depth < octreeMaxDepth) { // we have not reached maximum tree depth smallest_squared_dist = getKNearestNeighborRecursive(point, K, static_cast<BranchNode*> (child_node), new_key, tree_depth + 1, smallest_squared_dist, point_candidates); cout << "####进入根节点:" << tree_depth << ",," << smallest_squared_dist << endl; } else { cout << "----进入子节点:" << tree_depth <<",,"<< smallest_squared_dist << endl; float squared_dist; vector<int> decoded_point_vector; LeafNode* child_leaf = static_cast<LeafNode*> (child_node); (*child_leaf)->getPointIndices(decoded_point_vector); for (int i = 0; i < decoded_point_vector.size(); i++) { PointT candidate_point = inputCloud->points[decoded_point_vector[i]]; squared_dist = pow(get2ptDis(point, candidate_point), 2); //squared_dist = get2ptDis(candidate_point, point)/**get2ptDis(candidate_point, point)*/; // check if a closer match is found if (squared_dist < smallest_squared_dist) { prioPointQueueEntry point_entry; point_entry.point_distance_ = squared_dist; point_entry.point_idx_ = decoded_point_vector[i]; point_candidates.push_back(point_entry); } } std::sort(point_candidates.begin(), point_candidates.end()); if (point_candidates.size() > K) point_candidates.resize(K); if (point_candidates.size() == K) smallest_squared_dist = point_candidates.back().point_distance_; } search_heap.pop_back(); } //while end return smallest_squared_dist; } double OctreeStudy1::getKNearestNeighborRecursivePcl( PointXYZ point, unsigned int K, const BranchNode* node, const OctreeKey& key, int tree_depth, const double squared_search_radius, std::vector<prioPointQueueEntry>& point_candidates) { std::vector<prioBranchQueueEntry> search_heap; search_heap.resize(8); int child_idx; OctreeKey new_key; double smallest_squared_dist = squared_search_radius; // get spatial voxel information double voxelSquaredDiameter = /*this->getVoxelSquaredDiameter(tree_depth);*/ (float)pow(2, octree.getTreeDepth() - tree_depth)*octree.getResolution(); // iterate over all children for (child_idx = 0; child_idx < 8; child_idx++) { OctreeNode *childNode = node->getChildPtr(child_idx); if (childNode) { PointT voxel_center; search_heap[child_idx].key.x = (key.x << 1) + (!!(child_idx & (1 << 2))); search_heap[child_idx].key.y = (key.y << 1) + (!!(child_idx & (1 << 1))); search_heap[child_idx].key.z = (key.z << 1) + (!!(child_idx & (1 << 0))); // generate voxel center point for voxel at key //this->genVoxelCenterFromOctreeKey(search_heap[child_idx].key, tree_depth, voxel_center); voxel_center.x = (search_heap[child_idx].key.x + 1.0 / 2)*voxelSquaredDiameter + octreeMinPt.x; voxel_center.y = (search_heap[child_idx].key.y + 1.0 / 2)*voxelSquaredDiameter + octreeMinPt.y; voxel_center.z = (search_heap[child_idx].key.z + 1.0 / 2)*voxelSquaredDiameter + octreeMinPt.z; // generate new priority queue element search_heap[child_idx].node = /*this->getBranchChildPtr(*node, child_idx)*/childNode; search_heap[child_idx].point_distance =/* pointSquaredDist(voxel_center, point)*/pow(get2ptDis(point, voxel_center), 2); } else { search_heap[child_idx].point_distance = std::numeric_limits<float>::infinity(); } } std::sort(search_heap.begin(), search_heap.end()); // iterate over all children in priority queue // check if the distance to search candidate is smaller than the best point distance (smallest_squared_dist) while ((!search_heap.empty()) && (search_heap.back().point_distance < smallest_squared_dist + voxelSquaredDiameter / 4.0 + sqrt(smallest_squared_dist * voxelSquaredDiameter) /*- this->epsilon_*/)) { OctreeNode* child_node; // read from priority queue element child_node = search_heap.back().node; new_key = search_heap.back().key; if (tree_depth < /*this->octree_depth_*/octreeMaxDepth) { //static_cast</*const*/ BranchNode*> // we have not reached maximum tree depth smallest_squared_dist = getKNearestNeighborRecursivePcl(point, K, static_cast<BranchNode*> (child_node), new_key, tree_depth + 1, smallest_squared_dist, point_candidates); } else { // we reached leaf node level float squared_dist; size_t i; std::vector<int> decoded_point_vector; const LeafNode* child_leaf = static_cast<const LeafNode*> (child_node); // decode leaf node into decoded_point_vector (*child_leaf)->getPointIndices(decoded_point_vector); // Linearly iterate over all decoded (unsorted) points for (i = 0; i < decoded_point_vector.size(); i++) { const PointT& candidate_point = /*this->getPointByIndex(decoded_point_vector[i])*/inputCloud->points[decoded_point_vector[i]]; // calculate point distance to search point squared_dist = /*pointSquaredDist(candidate_point, point);*/ pow(get2ptDis(point, candidate_point), 2); // check if a closer match is found if (squared_dist < smallest_squared_dist) { prioPointQueueEntry point_entry; point_entry.point_distance_ = squared_dist; point_entry.point_idx_ = decoded_point_vector[i]; point_candidates.push_back(point_entry); } } std::sort(point_candidates.begin(), point_candidates.end()); if (point_candidates.size() > K) point_candidates.resize(K); if (point_candidates.size() == K) smallest_squared_dist = point_candidates.back().point_distance_; } // pop element from priority queue search_heap.pop_back(); } return (smallest_squared_dist); } }
//测试用例 { pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ> octree(0.1); pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr inputCloud(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::io::loadPCDFile("tz_all_0-Cloud-1cm-target.pcd", *inputCloud);//create octree structure octree.setInputCloud(inputCloud); //update bounding box automatically octree.defineBoundingBox(); //add points in the tree octree.addPointsFromInputCloud(); int maxdepth = octree.getTreeDepth(); int depth = maxdepth; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it; pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Iterator tree_it_end = octree.end(); pcl::PointXYZ pt_voxel_center; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::Ptr cloudVoxel(new pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>); pcl::PointXYZ pt_centroid; float gridLength = std::sqrt(octree.getVoxelSquaredSideLen(depth)); for (tree_it = octree.begin(depth); tree_it != tree_it_end; ++tree_it) { // If the iterator is not at the right depth, continue int curNodeDepth = tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth(); int sss = octree.getTreeDepth(); cout << "curNodeDepth:" << curNodeDepth << endl; cout << "octree.getTreeDepth():" << sss << endl; //if (tree_it.getCurrentOctreeDepth() != (unsigned int)depth) // continue; // Compute the point at the center of the voxel which represents the current OctreeNode Eigen::Vector3f voxel_min, voxel_max; octree.getVoxelBounds(tree_it, voxel_min, voxel_max); pt_voxel_center.x = (voxel_min.x() + voxel_max.x()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.y = (voxel_min.y() + voxel_max.y()) / 2.0f; pt_voxel_center.z = (voxel_min.z() + voxel_max.z()) / 2.0f; cloudVoxel->points.push_back(pt_voxel_center); // If the asked depth is the depth of the octree, retrieve the centroid at this LeafNode if (/*octree.getTreeDepth() */curNodeDepth == (unsigned int)depth) { pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode* container = static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::LeafNode*> (tree_it.getCurrentOctreeNode()); //container->getContainer().getCentroid(pt_centroid); std::vector<int> pointerVec; container->getContainer().getPointIndices(pointerVec); } else if (curNodeDepth == depth - 2) { vector<int >PtVec; pcl::octree::OctreeKey dummy_key; pcl::PointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::VectorType voxelCentroids; getVoxelCentroidsRecursive( static_cast<pcl::octree::OctreePointCloud<pcl::PointXYZ>::BranchNode*> (*tree_it), dummy_key, voxelCentroids, PtVec); } } }
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