Installation requirements for DB2 UDB 8.1 Enterprise Servers
Hardware, operating system, software, patch & kernel requirements for each platform are listed below:
Note: If you are installing on a st- boxes, remember to add the Application Development Tools.
For db2 8.1
db2setup --> Install Product
--> DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition
--> 1. Introduction
--> 2. Software License Agreement. check Accept
--> 3. Installation Type. Check Custom
--> 4. Installation Action. Check Install DB2 UDB ESE on this computer.
--> 5. Features. Check Application Development Tools.
For db2 7.1
db2setup --> To select products and their components, select Install. highlight Install and hit enter.
--> Select DB2 Application Development Client.
DB2 Version 8.1 Requirements for IBM AIX
Hardware Requirements:
eServer pSeries
256 MB of RAM
Operating System & Patch Level Requirements:
AIX Version 4.3.3 with maintenance level 9 or later (32-bit)
AIX Version 5.1.0 with maintenance level 3 or later (32 bit and 64 bit)
Software Requirements:
JRE Version 1.3.1
DB2 Version 8.1 Requirements for HP-UX
Hardware Requirements:
HP 9000 Series 700 or 800 system
256 MB of RAM
Operating System & Patch Level Requirements:
HP-UX 11.i with December 2002 GOLDBASE11i & December 2002 GOLDAPPS11i
HP-UX 11.i with
PHSS_26560 superceded by PHSS_28871 PHCO_29495 PHC0_27740 PHCO_24402 PHKL_28489 ( for problem cataloging database )
NOTE: If you have problems during the DB2 installation where the instance creation fails, you must make sure that you have the above patches installed. That should solve the problem. One thing you can also try if the instance creation still fails is to not select instance creation during the DB2 Installation and when the DB2 Software installation is complete then manually create the instance.
NOTE: If you are installing DB2 8.1 on an Itanium system running HP-UX 11.2X, use
/repos1/HP/ After installing DB2 8.1, you MUST install Fixpak 4a
and a special fix after that. Fixpak 4a is called /repos1/HP/db2-udb-hpi11.2x-8.1-FP4a.tar
and the special fix is /repos1/HP/db2-udb-hpi11.2x-8.1-9903.tar.Z. There is a readme file
in the tar that explains how to apply the special fix.
Software Requirements:
JRE Version 1.3.1
Kernel Requirements:
Before installing DB2 8.1 for HP-UX, you will need to modify the systems' kernel parameters and re-boot the system. The values below are IBM recommended values.
Kernel Parameter
Physical Memory
64 - 128 MB
128 - 256 MB
256 - 512 MB
512 MB +
(4 * ninode)
(4* ninode)
(4* ninode)
(4* ninode)
DB2 8.2GA Itanium Installation
Uninstall any previous DB2 software on the HP IA64 machine.
Untar the DB2 V8.2 GA (8.1 FP7) from /repos1/HP/db2-udb-ese-hpi-8.2ga-sbcs1.tar to a file system with enough space.
Copy the DB2 8.2 license file /repos1/Misc/db2-lic-hpi-11.2x-8.2_db2ese.lic to where you untarred the DB2 V8.2 GA software.
Install the DB2 8.2 GA using db2setup that is located in the directory where you untarred the DB2 8.2GA software.
Once the DB2 8.2GA installation completes then untar the DB2 8.2GA FP7p fixpak from /repos1/HP/db2-udb-hpi11.2x-8.2-ia64_FP7p.tar and follow the normal instructions to install the fixpak.
Refining kernel parameter settings after installation
After installation, the db2osconf utility can be used to recommend more accurate kernel parameters based on the size and configuration of your system. NOTE: the db2osconf utility does not change the /etc/system file and the system must be restarted in order for any changes to the /etc/system file take place.
db2osconf - Utility for Kernel Parameter Values Command
Makes recommendations for kernel parameter values based on the size of a system. The recommended values are high enough for a given system that they can accommodate most reasonable workloads. This command is currently available only for DB2(R) on Solaris systems.
To use this utility, you must have root access or be a member of the sys group.
Command Syntax
To get the list of currently supported options, simply enter db2osconf -h:
db2osconf -h
-c # Client only
-f # Compare to current
-h # Help screen
-l # List current
-m <mem in GB> # Specify memory in GB
-n <num CPUs> # Specify number of CPUs
-p <perf level> # Msg Q performance level (0-3)
-s <scale factor> # Scale factor (1-3)
-t <threads> # Number of threads
The '-c' switch is for client only installations.
Command Parameters
The '-f' switch can be used to compare the current kernel parameters with the values that would be recommended by the db2osconf utility. Only the kernel parameters that differ will be displayed. Since the current kernel parameters are taken directly from the live kernel, they may not match those in /etc/system, the Solaris system specification file. If the kernel parameters from the live kernel are different than those listed in the /etc/system, the /etc/system file might have been changed without a reboot or there might be a syntax error in the file.
The '-l' switch simply lists the current kernel parameters
The '-m' switch overrides the amount of physical memory in GB. Normally, the db2osconf utility will determine the amount of physical memory automatically.
The '-n' switch overrides the number of CPUs on the system. Normally, the db2osconf utilities will determine the number of CPUs automatically.
The '-p' switch sets the performance level for SYSV message queues. 0 (zero) is the default and 3 is the highest setting. Setting this value higher can increase the performance of the message queue facility at the expense of using more memory.
The '-s' switch sets the scale factor. The default scale factor is 1 and should be sufficient for almost any workload. If a scale factor of 1 is not enough, then the system may be too small to handle the workload. The scale factor sets the kernel parameters recommendations to that of a system proportionally larger then the size of the current system. For example, a scale factor of 2.5 would recommend kernel parameters for a system that is 2.5 times the size of the current system.
The '-t' switch provides recommendations for semsys:seminfo_semume and shmsys:shminfo_shmseg kernel parameter values. For multi-threaded programs with a fair number of connections, these kernel parameters may have to be set beyond their default values. They only need to be reset if the multi-threaded program requiring them is a local application:
Limit of semaphore undo structures that can be used by any one process
Limit on the number of shared memory segments that any one process can create.
These parameters are set in the /etc/system file. The following is a guide to set the values, and is what the db2osconf tool uses to recommend them. For each local connection DB2 will use one semaphore and one shared memory segment to communicate. If we assume the multi-threaded application is a local application and has X number of connections to DB2, then that application (process) will need X number of shared memory segments and X number of the semaphore undo structures to communicate with DB2. So the value of the two kernel Parameters should be set to X + 10 (the plus 10 provides a safety margin).
Without the '-l' or '-f' switches, the db2osconf utility displays the kernel parameters using the syntax of the /etc/system file. To prevent human errors, the output can be cut and pasted directly into the /etc/system file.
The kernel parameters are recommended based on both the number of CPUs and the amount of physical memory on the system. If one is unproportionately low, the recommendations will be based on the lower of the two.
DB2 Version 8.1 Requirements for LINUX
Hardware Requirements:
Intel 32 bit
Intel 64 bit
S/390 9672 Genertation 5 or higher, Multiprise 3000 or eServer z-Series
256 MB RAM
350 - 700 MB of Disk space
Operating System & Patch Level Requirements:
For Intel 32 bit --> kernel level 2.49 or later, glibc 2.2.4 or later & RPM 3 or later
For Intel 64 bit --> Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1, gcc 3.0.2, gcc3 libstdc++ runtime libraries
For z Series --> Red Hat Linux Advanced Server 2.1
For additional information on latest operating system and patch level requirements, see IBM's website:
Systems using a 2.4.x series kernel have a default value for the message queue parameter(msgmni) and semaphore array parameters that must be changed for DB2 to run successfully. To check shared memory segment, semaphore array, and message queue limits, issue the ipcs -l command:
------ Shared Memory Limits ------ max number of segments = 4096 // SHMMNI max seg size (kbytes) = 32768 max total shared memory (kbytes) = 8388608 min seg size (bytes) =1
------ Semaphore Limits ------ max number of arrays = 1024 // SEMMNI max semaphores per aray =250 max semaphores system wide = 128000 max ops per semop call = 32 semaphore max value = 32767
------ Message Limits ------ max queue system wide = 1024 // MSGMNI max size of message (bytes) = 65536 default max size of queue (bytes) 16283 // MSGMAX
Modify the kernel parameters by adding the following entries to the default system control configuration file /etc/sysctl.conf:
kernel.msgmni = 1024 kernel.msgmax = 65536 kernel.sem = 250 320000 32 1024 kernel.shmmax = 268435456 for 32 bit system; 1073741824 for 64 bit system fs.file.max = 8192
Run sysctl -p to load in sysctl settings from the default file /etc/sysctl.conf. The entries from the sysctl.conf file are read during startup by the network initialization script.
Reboot the system after modifying the kernel parameters.
Special note for RedHat AS3 and DB2 8.1
Install the Java 1.4.2 rpm from the repository: rpm -ivh /repos1/Lnx/j2sdk-1_4_2_03-linux-i586.rpm
After mounting the CD from the jukebox, extract the files from the CD into a temporary directory. mount tl-sun04:/data1/cdroms/Lnx/db2-udb-lin-8.1.2_32bit /mnt mkdir /ds1/tmp chmod 1777 /ds1/tmp cd /ds1/tmp tar xf /mnt/ese.tar
Remove the java directory, and symlink the Java 1.4.2 directory in its place. rm -r /ds1/tmp/ese/db2/linux/java ln -s /usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2_03 /ds1/tmp/ese/db2/linux/java
Start the installer: /ds1/tmp/ese/db2setup
Installing DB2 8.1:
IMPORTANT: After installing the DB2 8.1 GA software, always apply FixPak4 unless told otherwise. It can be applied on top of any previous FixPak or GA Its readme are in /repos1/<platform>/db2-fixpak8.1-<platform>-FP4.tar.Z Once the FixPak installed, run the following as instance owner to make sure the remote access is enabled.
db2set DB2COMM=TCPIP If you are installing DB2 8.1on an Itaniums system running HP-UX 11.2x, you must install a special fix after installing FixPak 4a. The special fix which is located at /repos1/HP/db2-ydb-hpi11.2x-8.1-9903.tar.Z. The installation instructions are in the tar file.
NOTE: The cd in the jukebox1 for LINUX DB2 8.1 already has FIXPak 2 applied.
Login as root. Create the group db2grp with a gid of 900. (NOTE: Unlike version 2.1.2, DB2 user ids will be created during this installation process.)
Make sure the disk repository (/repos1) or (/jukebox1) is auto mounted. If not, manually mount the filesystem. Go to manual mounts for procedures.
Make a copy of the nodelock file if it exists:
cd /var/ifor
cp nodelock SV.nodelock
Set your DISPLAY variable. DISPLAY=<yourworkstation>:0.0;export DISPLAY
For Sun & HP-UX systems, create an installation directory under products:
# mkdir -p /products/db2/V8.1
Create a symbolic link under /opt/IBM/db2 to point to the installation directory. If /opt/IBM/db2 does not exist, create it first.:
# mkdir -p/opt/IBM/db2
# ln -s /products/db2/V8.1 /opt/IBM/db2
Make sure the /dbx/prod dirctory exists and create a symlink to it:
# mkdir -p /dbx/prod
# ln -s /products/db2/V8.1 /dbx/prod/8.1
Note: For AIX systems the product will be installed under /usr/opt/db2_08_01 so create the symlink from there:
# ln -s /usr/opt/db2_08_01 /dbx/prod/8.1
If DB2 7.1 is installed on the system, you must shut down all instances before attempting to install DB2 8.1 or the installation process will hang. Once DB2 8.1 is installed you can bring the instances back up.
The DB2 installation software is located under /jukebox1/db2-udb-<platform>-8.1.
Change to the directory where the CD-ROM is mounted by entering the following command:
# cd /jukebox1/db2-udb-<platform>-8.1.
Note: For AIX 4.3.3, please use: /repos1/Ibm/db2-udb-aix-4.3.3-8.1.tar file.
Note: For HP-UX 11.2x (Itanium systems), use /repos1/HP/
Enter the ./db2setup command to start the DB2 Setup wizard. For Solaris Operating Environment
Copy ese.tar.Z, to a temporary filesystem.
Enter the following command to start the DB2 Setup wizard:
zcat ese.tar.Z | tar -xf - ; ./ese/db2setup
For AIX Operating Environment
Copy ese.sbcs.tar.Z, to a temporary filesystem.
Enter the following command to start the DB2 Setup wizard:
zcat ese.sbcs.tar.Z | tar -xf - ; ./ese/db2setup
After a moment, the IBM DB2 Setup Launchpad opens. From this window, you can view installation prerequisites and the release notes, or you can proceed directly to the installation.
Once you have initiated the installation, proceed through the DB2 Setup wizard installation panels and make your selections.
Note: For AIX 4.3.3 DB2 Server installs, create db2udb8, db2as8 and db2fenc8 users before the installation. Make sure there is a .profile created in each user's home directory.
Note: For Linux AS 2.1 and AS 3 DB2 Server installs, create db2udb8, db2as8 and db2fenc8 users before the installation. Make sure there is a .profile created in each user's home directory.
From the IBM DB2 Setup Welcome, select the option Install Products.
Click on the selection, DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition
Click Next
Welcome Page
Click Next
Click to Accept License Agreement
Click Next
Select Installation Type as Custom
Click Next
Select the Installation action as Install DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition on ths computer
Click Next
Select the features to install as default DB2 UDB Enterprise Server Edition Server Support Client Support Adminstration Tools Getting Started
Click Next
Don't make any changes to the Languages screen
Click Next
The next screen you will see is:
Set user Information for the DB2 Administrator
Cick on New User
User Name: db2as8 UID: 251 GroupName: db2grp Password: db2as8 Confirm Password: db2as8 Home Directory: ie: /ds1/home/db2as8
Click Next
The next screen you will see is:
Setup a DB2 Instance.
Click on Create a DB2 instance (32 bit or 64 bit)
Click Next
Select how the instance will be used
Click on Single partition instance
Click Next
Set User information for the DB2 instance owner
Click on New User
Enter the following:
User Name: db2udb8 UID: 249 GroupName: db2grp Password: db2udb8 Confirm Password: db2udb8 Home Directory: ie: /ds1/home/db2udb8
Click Next
Set User information for the fenced User
Click on New User
Enter the following:
User Name: db2fenc8 UID: 250 GroupName: db2grp Password: db2fenc8 Confirm Password: db2fenc8 Home Directory: ie: /ds1/home/db2fenc8
Click Next
Configure DB2 Instance TCP/IP Communication
Configure Service Name db2c_db2udb8
Port Number 50004
Click Next
Set Instance Properties
Select Authentication type Server
Click Autostart the instance at system startup
Click Next
Prepare the DB2 Tools Catalog
Click on Use a local database
Click Next
Specify a local database to store the DB2 Tools Catalog
Instance: db2udb8
Database: New: TOOLSDB
Schema: New: SYSTOOLS
Click Next
Setup the Administration contact list
Administration contact list location select Local - Create a contact list on this system.
Notification SMTP Server select enable Notification
Notificaton SMTP Server: <hostname>
Click Next
Spcecify a contact for health monitor notification
A message displays "Copying files", when complete click on Finish.
10. When the installation has completed, remove the temporary directory created for the installation.
11. Add license information:
# cd /dbx/prod/8.1/adm
# ./db2licm -a /repos1/Misc/db2-lic-all-8.1_db2ese.lic
# ./db2licm -a /repos1/Misc/db2-lic-all-8.1_db2conee.lic
Note: For Redhat 3.0, use the following two license files.
We've found that this license only covers one processor. In order to avoid license errors in the log, IBM suggests that we do the following after installing the licenses. You can determine how many processors your system has by checking in SETI.
./db2licm -n db2ese <number of processors>
Example: ./db2licm -n db2ese 4
12. NOTE: If a manual mount was performed, please unmount the filesystem now.
13. Create entries in /etc/dbmap and /etc/dbxtab for db2udb8. These files may need to be created, with permissions 777:
In /etc/dbmap, add the following: dbx:db2udb8:db2udb8
In /etc/dbxtab, add the following: db2udb8:/<homedir>/db2udb8:N
Then chown db2udb8:db2grp /etc/dbxtab.
14. Change to the db2udb8 home directory and then to sqllib. Edit the /sqllib/db2profile file to reflect the following:
15. Check the /etc/services file. It should have five entries for the DB2 instance, created automatically during the installation:
For db2udb8 (version 8.1):
DB2_db2udb8 60000/tcp
DB2_db2udb8_1 60001/tcp
DB2_db2udb8_2 60002/tcp
DB2_db2udb8_END 60003/tcp
db2c_db2udb8 50004/tcp
16.During the db2setup, DB2 user ids were created, each with a .profile. For the user id db2udb8 move its .profile so that /etc/profile will be used:
cd [db2udb's-home-directory]
NOTE: We should not be moving DB2's .profile because during the creation of DB2 Instance the .profile gets updated with db2 commands, ie: executing the db2profile or dasprofile for the db2as8 admin server.
(mv .profile SV.profile) do not do this step.
17. Login as user id db2udb8. Source the db2profile, located in the sqllib directory, to set the environment variables:
. sqllib/db2profile
18. Now execute the db2 command and check that the service name has been added by the install process. If the service name is incorrect, that is, is not db2c_db2udb8, then execute the following command to change it:
db2=> get dbm cfg db2=> terminate
19. Now stop and restart the instance you created during db2setup:
db2 force application all
(This will shutdown the TOOLSDB database that was created during the installation. You cannot issue a db2stop with databases running.)
db2set DB2_REDUCED_OPTIMIZATION=YES ( This should be done on every instance. It fixes some performance issues )
NOTE: At this point, if installing db2 v8.1 on HP Itanium, update the instance and Administrative Server as follows (otherwise the instance will crash when creating a database):
Be sure all db2 v8.1 processes are down, including db2as8 (via "db2admin stop").
cd /dbx/prod/8.1/instance
./db2iupdt db2udb8
./dasupdt db2as8
db2start (should get "DB2START processing was successful.")
Be sure you don't get warning messages about having a temporary license....this must be fixed.
20. Then execute the db2 command again to create a database and table and to test connectivity:
NOTE: Instead of executing db2 and then entering each command while within db2, you may type db2 "[command]" for each command. This allows you to use ksh to correct typing errors easily if needed.
$ db2 db2=> create database db2test DB20000I the CREATE DATABASE command completed sucessfuly db2=> connect to db2test Database Connection Information Database server = DB2/6000 5.2.0 SQL authorization ID = DB2UDB1 Local database alias = DB2TEST db2=> create table t1 (name char(20)) DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully db2=> insert into t1 values ('Viva Nina') DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2=> select * from t1 NAME -------------------- Viva Nina 1 record(s) selected. db2=> commit DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2=> disconnect db2test DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully. db2=> drop database db2test DB20000I The SQL command completed successfully.
db2=>list applications The system should echo "No data was returned by Database System Monitor."
db2=> force application all db2=> quit
Terminate the db2 server and agents:
db2 => terminate db2stop
The installation of DB2 is complete.
Remove ese.sbcs directory from the temporary installation directory.
Steps to do before/after applying a DB2 Fixpak
NOTE:Applying FP4 on AIX:
The installFixPak script requires the following filesets to be at The installFixPak script will fail if these filesets are not at or above.
If the filesets are at the script will continue, it will only fail if the filesets are below
Run the following commands for each instance:
su - [instance name], ie: db2udb8 . $HOME/sqllib/db2profile
db2 force applications all
db2 terminate
db2licd -end # run at each physical node
su - [admin name], ie: db2as8
. $HOME/das/dasprofile
db2admin stop
On Aix systems run the following command:
On Aix systems, Clean up all the IPCs owned by the instance owner.
Use ipcs and ipcrm
Start the Fixpak installation by doing the following:
Follow the readme file on how to install a DB2 patch, ie: Copy DB2 Fixpak to a temporary location and untar.
Run - ./installFixPak
Post Installation Steps, update instances to use the new level of DB2:
cd DB2HOME/instance
./db2iupdt [instance name], ie: db2udb8
./dasupdt [admin name], ie: db2as8
You should now start up the instances.
su - [instance name], ie: db2udb8
cd sqllib
. ./db2profile
Special note for DB2 8.1FP4 on RedHat AS3 -- Run the following command: db2set DB2_SCATTERED_IO=ON -- This is fixed in FP5
db2level (Make sure that the db2 level shows the correct Fixpak Level), ie:
$ db2level DB21085I Instance "db2udb8" uses "32" bits and DB2 code release "SQL08014" with level identifier "02050106". Informational tokens are "DB2 v8.1.0.32", "s031027", "U488487", and FixPak "4". Product is installed at "/opt/IBM/db2/V8.1".
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