How to Sync Files with an Offline Storage Using Python

How to Sync Files with an Offline Storage Using Python

Guide to making a program for syncing files with offline storage

Photo by Samsung Memory on Unsplash

Long time no write articles on Medium. Today I wanna explain to you my new Python project about syncing files to offline storage such as an external hard drive or any shared folder.

The objective of this program is:

1. The program must have a config file for saving the path of the main folder and the backup folder.
2. The program must copy any files from the main folder to the backup folder. Any modification in the main folder must be updated in the backup folder.
3. The syncing process must happen every 5 minutes
4. The program must have log activity.

Time for Develop

Here are my steps for making this program.

Import the modules

The function of writing the log

The function for comparing two files

The function for comparing two folders

The function of checking the config file

The main looping script

Run the program

The program will output the prompt below on the first run.

config file: NOT FOUND
put your path in the computer:/home/user/folder
put your flashdisk path:/mnt/my_usb

And the config.txt will be created in the same directory as the

If you are lazy to write the script above, just download my full script below:

Full script

import os
import hashlib
import time

LOG = 'log.txt'

# function area
# -------------------------------------------------------------

# log function
def log(message):
    # write log
    now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
    with open(LOG, 'a') as f:

def compare2file(file1, file2):
    # compare 2 files with hash
    with open(file1, 'rb') as f1:
        with open(file2, 'rb') as f2:
            if hashlib.md5( == hashlib.md5(
                return True
                return False

def compareHashFolder(folder, backup):
    # compare hash folder
    # return True if all file is same
    # return False if any file is different
     # get all file in folder
    files = os.listdir(folder)
    # get all file in backup
    files_backup = os.listdir(backup)
    # compare 2 list
    if len(files) != len(files_backup):
        return False

    for file in files:
        if file in files_backup:
            if not compare2file(folder+'/'+file, backup+'/'+file):
                return False
            return False
    return True


if os.path.isfile('config.txt'):
    print("config file: OK")
    log ('config file: OK')
    # get variable from config
    with open('config.txt', 'r') as f:
        lines = f.readlines()
        folder = lines[0].split(':')[1].strip()
        backup = lines[1].split(':')[1].strip()

    log('config file: NOT FOUND')
    print("config file: NOT FOUND")
    # register folder
    folder = input('put your path in the computer:')
    backup = input('put your flashdisk path:')
    # check if folder is exist
    if not os.path.isdir(folder):
        log('folder: NOT FOUND')
        print('folder is not exist')
    # check if backup is exist
    if not os.path.isdir(backup):
        log('backup: NOT FOUND')
        print('backup is not exist')
    # write config
    with open('config.txt', 'w') as f:
    print('config file: CREATED')
    log('config file: CREATED')

# run loop every 5 minutes

while True:
    # check if folder is same with backup
    if compareHashFolder(folder, backup):
        now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
        print(f'[{now}] file is up to date')
        log('file is up to date')
        # sleep for 5 minutes

    # check folder
    if os.path.isdir(folder):
        print('folder: ONLINE')
        log('folder: ONLINE')
        print('folder is not exist')
        log('folder is not exist')
        print('please check your config file')

    # check backup
    if os.path.isdir(backup):
        print('backup: ONLINE')
        log('backup: ONLINE')
        print('backup is not exist')
        log('backup is not exist')
        print('please check your config file')

    # check file hash in folder and compare with backup
    countSync = 0
    updateFile = 0
    deleteFile = 0

    # get all file in folder
    files = os.listdir(folder)
    # get all file in backup
    files_backup = os.listdir(backup)
    # compare 2 list
    for file in files_backup:
        if file in files:
            if compare2file(folder+'/'+file, backup+'/'+file):
                log(f'{file} is up to date')
                countSync += 1
                # copy file from folder to backup
                updateFile += 1
                os.system('cp '+folder+'/'+file+' '+backup)
                log(f'{file} is updated')
        if file not in files:
            # delete file in backup
            log(f'{file} is deleted')
            deleteFile += 1

    for file in files:
        if file not in files_backup:
            # copy file from folder to backup
            updateFile += 1
            log(f'{file} is copied')
            os.system('cp '+folder+'/'+file+' '+backup)

    now = time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S", time.localtime())
    print(f'[{now}] sync: {countSync}; update: {updateFile}; delete: {deleteFile};')

    # sleep for 5 minutes


the full script

After running that python program, the text below is what log.txt looks like:

[2022-04-29 07:59:52]Start
[2022-04-29 07:59:52]config file: OK
[2022-04-29 07:59:52]file is up to date
[2022-04-29 08:04:52]folder: ONLINE
[2022-04-29 08:04:52]backup: ONLINE
[2022-04-29 08:04:52]test is deleted
[2022-04-29 08:04:52]coba2 is updated
[2022-04-29 08:09:52]folder: ONLINE
[2022-04-29 08:09:52]backup: ONLINE
[2022-04-29 08:09:52]coba2.txt is deleted
[2022-04-29 08:09:52]coba2 is copied
[2022-04-29 08:09:52]testing.txt is copied
[2022-04-29 08:14:52]file is up to date
[2022-04-29 08:19:52]file is up to date
[2022-04-29 08:24:52]file is up to date
[2022-04-29 08:29:52]file is up to date
[2022-04-29 08:34:52]file is up to date
[2022-04-29 08:39:53]file is up to date


This program is helpful whenever you wanna make automation in your offline backup syncing files. But one important thing is that the program has gone in one direction. The backup folder will update depending on the main folder, and not vice versa.

How the program works:


Thanks for reading.

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