
Uninstalling the product from distributed operating systems using the command line

Last Updated: 2022-03-21

You can uninstall this product using the Installation Manager command line.


  1. Log on to your system.
  2. Stop all servers and applications on the WebSphere® Application Server installations that contain the product.
  3. Change to the eclipse/tools subdirectory in the directory where you installed Installation Manager.
  4. Use the imcl command to uninstall the product.
    imcl.exe uninstall,optional_feature_ID
      -installationDirectory installation_directory
    ./imcl uninstall,optional_feature_ID
      -installationDirectory installation_directory

    For the Express product, replace BASE in the command with EXPRESS.

    • You can remove a list of features that are separated by commas:
      • core.feature indicates the full WebSphere Application Server profile
        • samples indicates the sample applications feature
        • thinclient indicates the standalone thin clients and resource adapters
        • embeddablecontainer indicates the embeddable EJB container
        • ejbdeploy indicates the EJBDeploy tool for pre-EJB 3.0 modules
      • liberty indicates the Liberty profile.
      If a list of features is not specified, the entire product is uninstalled.
    • When you uninstall the IBM® WebSphere Application Server or IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express® package, you must uninstall all the packages under the same package group that are extensions to the IBM WebSphere Application Server or IBM WebSphere Application Server - Express package. IBM WebSphere SDK Java™ Technology Edition Version 7.0 is such an extension.

    Go to the IBM Installation Manager documentation for more information.

  5. Optional: Uninstall IBM Installation Manager.
    Important: Before you can uninstall IBM Installation Manager, you must uninstall all of the packages that were installed by Installation Manager.

    Read the IBM Installation Manager documentation for information about using the uninstall script to perform this procedure.

posted on 2022-07-19 11:03  红色MINI  阅读(149)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
