试题编号: | 201912-1 |
试题名称: | 报数 |
时间限制: | 1.0s |
内存限制: | 512.0MB |
题解:7的倍数和含有数字7的 不算入计数内
1 num=int(input()) 2 3 ans=[0,0,0,0] 4 5 i=0 6 while num: 7 i+=1 8 if i%7==0 or '7'in str(i): 9 if i%4==0: 10 index=3 11 else: 12 index=i%4-1 13 ans[index]+=1 14 else: 15 num-=1 16 17 for a in ans: 18 print(a)
试题编号: | 201912-2 |
试题名称: | 回收站选址 |
时间限制: | 1.0s |
内存限制: | 512.0MB |
题解:一个点,8个方向的判断,对于(x, y)满足4个蓝色点才能建造垃圾厂,红色每满足一个点,加一分,
(x-1, y+1)(x, y+1)(x+1, y+1)
(x-1, y) (x, y) (x+1, y)
(x-1, y-1)(x, y-1) (x+1, y-1)
7 1 2 2 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 2 0 0 1
1 n=int(input()) 2 3 ans=[] 4 for _ in range(n): 5 tmp=list(map(int, input().split())) 6 ans.append(tmp) 7 score=[0,0,0,0,0] 8 for a in ans: 9 x,y=a[0],a[1] 10 if ([x-1,y] in ans) and ([x+1,y] in ans ) and ([x,y-1] in ans) and ([x,y+1] in ans): 11 summ=0 12 if ([x+1,y+1] in ans): 13 summ+=1 14 if ([x-1,y+1] in ans): 15 summ+=1 16 if ([x-1,y-1] in ans): 17 summ+=1 18 if ([x+1,y-1] in ans): 19 summ+=1 20 21 score[summ]+=1 22 23 for i in score: 24 print(i)