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 1     void ScriptCompiler::processObjects(Ogre::AbstractNodeList *nodes, const Ogre::AbstractNodeListPtr &top)
 2     {
 3         for(AbstractNodeList::iterator i = nodes->begin(); i != nodes->end(); ++i)
 4         {
 5             if((*i)->type == ANT_OBJECT)
 6             {
 7                 ObjectAbstractNode *obj = (ObjectAbstractNode*)(*i).get();
 9                 // Overlay base classes in order.
10                 for (std::vector<String>::const_iterator baseIt = obj->bases.begin(), end_it = obj->bases.end(); baseIt != end_it; ++baseIt)
11                 {
12                     const String& base = *baseIt;
13                     // Check the top level first, then check the import table
14                     AbstractNodeListPtr newNodes = locateTarget(top.get(), base);
15                     if(newNodes->empty())
16                         newNodes = locateTarget(&mImportTable, base);
18                     if (!newNodes->empty()) {
19                         for(AbstractNodeList::iterator j = newNodes->begin(); j != newNodes->end(); ++j) {
20                             overlayObject(*j, obj);
21                         }
22                     } else {
23                         addError(CE_OBJECTBASENOTFOUND, obj->file, obj->line,
24                             "base object named \"" + base + "\" not found in script definition");
25                     }
26                 }
28                 // Recurse into children
29                 processObjects(&obj->children, top);
31                 // Overrides now exist in obj's overrides list. These are non-object nodes which must now
32                 // Be placed in the children section of the object node such that overriding from parents
33                 // into children works properly.
34                 obj->children.insert(obj->children.begin(), obj->overrides.begin(), obj->overrides.end());
35             }
36         }
37     }


     再来看一下具体的扩展过程,由于AbstractNodeList表示的是相应脚本文件中各脚本对象的树形结构,所以将基类对象数据扩展到派生类对象中的过程,实际上就是把基类对象的子结点链表插入到派生类对象子结点链表中的过程。问题在于,对于基类与派生类中的同名且同类型的子结点(如果存在的话)应该怎么处理?仍以material为例,假设material B从material A派生,而两者都有一个名为 nt的technique子结点,在这种情况下进行扩展就不能简单地将基类的子结点链表插入到派生类的子结点链表中去了。进行扩展操作的overlayObject()函数展开如下:

  1     void ScriptCompiler::overlayObject(const AbstractNodePtr &source, ObjectAbstractNode *dest)
  2     {
  3         if(source->type == ANT_OBJECT)
  4         {
  5             ObjectAbstractNode *src = reinterpret_cast<ObjectAbstractNode*>(source.get());
  7             // Overlay the environment of one on top the other first
  8             for(map<String,String>::type::const_iterator i = src->getVariables().begin(); i != src->getVariables().end(); ++i)
  9             {
 10                 std::pair<bool,String> var = dest->getVariable(i->first);
 11                 if(!var.first)
 12                     dest->setVariable(i->first, i->second);
 13             }
 15             // Create a vector storing each pairing of override between source and destination
 16             vector<std::pair<AbstractNodePtr,AbstractNodeList::iterator> >::type overrides; 
 17             // A list of indices for each destination node tracks the minimum
 18             // source node they can index-match against
 19             map<ObjectAbstractNode*,size_t>::type indices;
 20             // A map storing which nodes have overridden from the destination node
 21             map<ObjectAbstractNode*,bool>::type overridden;
 23             // Fill the vector with objects from the source node (base)
 24             // And insert non-objects into the overrides list of the destination
 25             AbstractNodeList::iterator insertPos = dest->children.begin();
 26             for(AbstractNodeList::const_iterator i = src->children.begin(); i != src->children.end(); ++i)
 27             {
 28                 if((*i)->type == ANT_OBJECT)
 29                 {
 30                     overrides.push_back(std::make_pair(*i, dest->children.end()));
 31                 }
 32                 else
 33                 {
 34                     AbstractNodePtr newNode((*i)->clone());
 35                     newNode->parent = dest;
 36                     dest->overrides.push_back(newNode);
 37                 }
 38             }
 40             // Track the running maximum override index in the name-matching phase
 41             size_t maxOverrideIndex = 0;
 43             // Loop through destination children searching for name-matching overrides
 44             for(AbstractNodeList::iterator i = dest->children.begin(); i != dest->children.end(); )
 45             {
 46                 if((*i)->type == ANT_OBJECT)
 47                 {
 48                     // Start tracking the override index position for this object
 49                     size_t overrideIndex = 0;
 51                     ObjectAbstractNode *node = reinterpret_cast<ObjectAbstractNode*>((*i).get());
 52                     indices[node] = maxOverrideIndex;
 53                     overridden[node] = false;
 55                     // special treatment for materials with * in their name
 56                     bool nodeHasWildcard=node->name.find('*') != String::npos;
 58                     // Find the matching name node
 59                     for(size_t j = 0; j < overrides.size(); ++j)
 60                     {
 61                         ObjectAbstractNode *temp = reinterpret_cast<ObjectAbstractNode*>(overrides[j].first.get());
 62                         // Consider a match a node that has a wildcard and matches an input name
 63                         bool wildcardMatch = nodeHasWildcard && 
 64                             (StringUtil::match(temp->name,node->name,true) || 
 65                                 (node->name.size() == 1 && temp->name.empty()));
 66                         if(temp->cls == node->cls && !node->name.empty() && (temp->name == node->name || wildcardMatch))
 67                         {
 68                             // Pair these two together unless it's already paired
 69                             if(overrides[j].second == dest->children.end())
 70                             {
 71                                 AbstractNodeList::iterator currentIterator = i;
 72                                 ObjectAbstractNode *currentNode = node;
 73                                 if (wildcardMatch)
 74                                 {
 75                                     //If wildcard is matched, make a copy of current material and put it before the iterator, matching its name to the parent. Use same reinterpret cast as above when node is set
 76                                     AbstractNodePtr newNode((*i)->clone());
 77                                     currentIterator = dest->children.insert(currentIterator, newNode);
 78                                     currentNode = reinterpret_cast<ObjectAbstractNode*>((*currentIterator).get());
 79                                     currentNode->name = temp->name;//make the regex match its matcher
 80                                 }
 81                                 overrides[j] = std::make_pair(overrides[j].first, currentIterator);
 82                                 // Store the max override index for this matched pair
 83                                 overrideIndex = j;
 84                                 overrideIndex = maxOverrideIndex = std::max(overrideIndex, maxOverrideIndex);
 85                                 indices[currentNode] = overrideIndex;
 86                                 overridden[currentNode] = true;
 87                             }
 88                             else
 89                             {
 90                                 addError(CE_DUPLICATEOVERRIDE, node->file, node->line);
 91                             }
 93                             if(!wildcardMatch)
 94                                 break;
 95                         }
 96                     }
 98                     if (nodeHasWildcard)
 99                     {
100                         //if the node has a wildcard it will be deleted since it was duplicated for every match
101                         AbstractNodeList::iterator deletable=i++;
102                         dest->children.erase(deletable);
103                     }
104                     else
105                     {
106                         ++i; //Behavior in absence of regex, just increment iterator
107                     }
108                 }
109                 else 
110                 {
111                     ++i; //Behavior in absence of replaceable object, just increment iterator to find another
112                 }
113             }
115             // Now make matches based on index
116             // Loop through destination children searching for name-matching overrides
117             for(AbstractNodeList::iterator i = dest->children.begin(); i != dest->children.end(); ++i)
118             {
119                 if((*i)->type == ANT_OBJECT)
120                 {
121                     ObjectAbstractNode *node = reinterpret_cast<ObjectAbstractNode*>((*i).get());
122                     if(!overridden[node])
123                     {
124                         // Retrieve the minimum override index from the map
125                         size_t overrideIndex = indices[node];
127                         if(overrideIndex < overrides.size())
128                         {
129                             // Search for minimum matching override
130                             for(size_t j = overrideIndex; j < overrides.size(); ++j)
131                             {
132                                 ObjectAbstractNode *temp = reinterpret_cast<ObjectAbstractNode*>(overrides[j].first.get());
133                                 if(temp->name.empty() && temp->cls == node->cls && overrides[j].second == dest->children.end())
134                                 {
135                                     overrides[j] = std::make_pair(overrides[j].first, i);
136                                     break;
137                                 }
138                             }
139                         }
140                     }
141                 }
142             }
144             // Loop through overrides, either inserting source nodes or overriding
145             insertPos = dest->children.begin();
146             for(size_t i = 0; i < overrides.size(); ++i)
147             {
148                 if(overrides[i].second != dest->children.end())
149                 {
150                     // Override the destination with the source (base) object
151                     overlayObject(overrides[i].first, 
152                         reinterpret_cast<ObjectAbstractNode*>((*overrides[i].second).get()));
153                     insertPos = overrides[i].second;
154                     insertPos++;
155                 }
156                 else
157                 {
158                     // No override was possible, so insert this node at the insert position
159                     // into the destination (child) object
160                     AbstractNodePtr newNode(overrides[i].first->clone());
161                     newNode->parent = dest;
162                     if(insertPos != dest->children.end())
163                     {
164                         dest->children.insert(insertPos, newNode);
165                     }
166                     else
167                     {
168                         dest->children.push_back(newNode);
169                     }
170                 }
171             }
172         }
173     }


     到了overlayObject()函数的后期,如果overrides中相应pair的second值仍指向end,说明在派生类子结点中没有与基类的此子结点同名且同类型者,故只需将此结点直接插入派生类子结点链表中即可(157-170);如果相应的pair的second值不再指向end,则说明派生类子结点中有与基类的某子结点同名且同类型的结点, 此时就需要对这两个同名子结点再进行overlayObject()操作了(148-155行)。





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