unit Unit1; interface uses Winapi.Windows, Winapi.Messages, System.SysUtils, System.Variants, System.Classes, Vcl.Graphics, Vcl.Controls, Vcl.Forms, Vcl.Dialogs, Vcl.StdCtrls, Vcl.ComCtrls, XLSSheetData5, XLSReadWriteII5, Xc12Utils5, Xml.xmldom, Xml.XMLIntf, Xml.Win.msxmldom, Xml.XMLDoc; type TXMLLoader = class(TObject) private FXmlDoc: TXMLDocument; FRootNode: IXMLNode; public constructor Create(); constructor destory(); function readFromFile(filename: String): IXMLNode; end; type TForm1 = class(TForm) Label1: TLabel; Edit1: TEdit; Label2: TLabel; Edit2: TEdit; Button1: TButton; ProgressBar1: TProgressBar; XLSReadWriteII51: TXLSReadWriteII5; xmldoc: TXMLDocument; Button2: TButton; Memo1: TMemo; procedure Button1Click(Sender: TObject); procedure Button2Click(Sender: TObject); procedure FormCreate(Sender: TObject); private { Private declarations } public { Public declarations } end; var Form1: TForm1; implementation {$R *.dfm} { TXMLParser } constructor TXMLLoader.Create; begin inherited; FXmlDoc := TXMLDocument.Create(application); end; constructor TXMLLoader.destory; begin FXmlDoc.Free; end; function TXMLLoader.readFromFile(filename: String): IXMLNode; begin if assigned(FXmlDoc) then begin FXmlDoc.LoadFromFile(filename); FRootNode := FXmlDoc.DocumentElement; Result := FRootNode; end; end; type TDelFlags = set of (dfDelBefore, dfDelAfter); function Delstr(var ms: String; endstr: String; Flags: TDelFlags; bself: Boolean = True): String; var l: Integer; begin l := length(endstr); if dfDelBefore in Flags then begin if bself then begin Result := copy(ms, 1, pos(endstr, ms) + l - 1); Delete(ms, 1, pos(endstr, ms) + l - 1); end else begin Result := copy(ms, 1, pos(endstr, ms) - 1); Delete(ms, 1, pos(endstr, ms) - 1); end; end else begin if bself then begin Result := copy(ms, pos(endstr, ms), length(ms)); Delete(ms, pos(endstr, ms), length(ms)); end else begin Result := copy(ms, pos(endstr, ms) + l, length(ms)); Delete(ms, pos(endstr, ms) + l, length(ms)); end; end; end; function Matchstrings(Source, pattern: String): Boolean; var pSource: array[0..255] of Char; pPattern: array[0..255] of Char; function MatchPattern(element, pattern: PChar): Boolean; function IsPatternWild(pattern: PChar): Boolean; begin Result := StrScan(pattern, '*') <> nil; if not Result then Result := StrScan(pattern, '?') <> nil; end; begin if 0 = StrComp(pattern, '*') then Result := True else if (element^ = Chr(0)) and (pattern^ <> Chr(0)) then Result := False else if element^ = Chr(0) then Result := True else begin case pattern^ of '*': if MatchPattern(element, @pattern[1]) then Result := True else Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], pattern); '?': Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1]); else if element^ = pattern^ then Result := MatchPattern(@element[1], @pattern[1]) else Result := False; end; end; end; begin StrPCopy(pSource, Source); StrPCopy(pPattern, pattern); Result := MatchPattern(pSource, pPattern); end; procedure FindFiles(ASourceDir, SearchFileType: String; var List: TStrings); var FileRec: TSearchrec; Sour: String; xmlFile: String; begin Sour := ASourceDir; if Sour[length(Sour)] <> '\' then Sour := Sour + '\'; if FindFirst(Sour + '*.*', faAnyfile, FileRec) = 0 then repeat if ((FileRec.Attr and faDirectory) <> 0) then begin if (FileRec.Name <> '.') and (FileRec.Name <> '..') then begin FindFiles(Sour + FileRec.Name, SearchFileType, List); end; end else begin if Matchstrings(LowerCase(FileRec.Name), SearchFileType) then begin xmlFile := changefileext(Sour + FileRec.Name, '.xml'); renamefile(Sour + FileRec.Name, xmlFile); List.Add(xmlFile); end; end; until FindNext(FileRec) <> 0; FindClose(FileRec); end; procedure reNameForFiles(Files: TStrings); var i: Integer; begin for i := 0 to Files.Count - 1 do begin renamefile(Files[i], changefileext(Files[i], '.ocr')); end; end; function getValueFromRowChars(row:IXMLNode):string; var i: Integer; charNode: IXMLNode; begin result:=''; for i := 0 to row.ChildNodes.Count-1 do begin charNode:=row.ChildNodes[i]; if vartostr(charNode.Attributes['Code'])<>'' then begin result:=result+vartostr(charNode.Attributes['Code']); end; end; end; function checkEmpty(list:TStringList;index:Integer):boolean; var strline2: string; begin strline2:=trim(list.Strings[index]); delstr(strline2,'|',[dfdelafter]); result:=false; if ''=trim(strline2) then result:=true; end; function getRowByInvoiceCode(xls:TXLSReadWriteII5;InvoiceCode:string):integer; var curCol:integer; iRow: Integer; begin curCol:=3; result:=-1; for iRow := 1 to xls.MaxRowCount do begin if trim(InvoiceCode)= trim(xls[0].AsString[curCol,iRow]) then begin result:=iRow; break; end; end; end; function getRealDataNum(list:TStringList):integer; var i: Integer; sline: string; begin result:=0; for i := 0 to list.Count-1 do begin sline:=trim(list[i]); delstr(sline,'|',[dfdelafter]); if ''<>sline then inc(result); end; end; procedure filterList(var list:TStringList); var i: Integer; slist:TStringList; begin slist:=TStringList.Create; try for i := 0 to list.Count-1 do begin if pos('|', trim(list[i]))=1 then begin end else begin slist.Add(list[i]); end; end; list.Clear ; list.Assign(slist); finally slist.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var xmlFiles: TStrings; XLS3: TXLSReadWriteII5; i: Integer; xmlFile: String; MLR: TXMLLoader; rootNode: IXMLNode; TextNodesList: IXMLNodeList; j: Integer; TextNodeName: string; numOfText:integer; RowNodeList: IXMLNodeList; Invoice_code: string; GoodsName: string; ColNum: Integer; specification: string; unitValue: string; NumValue: string; MoneyValue: string; TaxRate: string; TaxMoney: string; enterpriseName: string; tmpName: string; rowNum:integer; resultList:TStringList; tmpList: TStringList; curRow: Integer; k: Integer; trueDataNum: Integer; m: Integer; oldRowNum: Integer; begin if not directoryExists(edit1.Text) then begin showmessage('请输入发票OCR文件所在的路径!'); edit1.Clear ; exit; end; if not fileExists(edit2.Text) then begin showmessage('请输入xls文件的完整路径!'); edit2.SetFocus ; exit; end; button1.Caption:='正在提取'; button1.Enabled:=false; button2.Enabled:=false; xmlFiles := TStringList.Create; FindFiles(Edit1.Text, '*.ocr', xmlFiles); ProgressBar1.Position := 0; ProgressBar1.Max := xmlFiles.Count; numOfText:=0; ColNum:=7; rowNum:=0; resultList:=TStringList.Create; XLS3 := TXLSReadWriteII5.Create(nil); MLR := TXMLLoader.Create; tmpList:=TStringList.Create ; tmpList.StrictDelimiter:=true; try XLS3.LoadFromFile(edit2.Text); for i := 0 to xmlFiles.Count - 1 do begin ProgressBar1.Position := i + 1; application.ProcessMessages; xmlFile := xmlFiles[i]; rootNode := MLR.readFromFile(xmlFile); TextNodesList := rootNode.ChildNodes; if 'PAGE' = AnsiUpperCase(rootNode.NodeName) then begin numOfText:=0; rowNum:=0; resultList.Clear ; enterpriseName:=''; Invoice_Code:=''; GoodsName:=''; specification:=''; unitValue:=''; NumValue:=''; MoneyValue:='';TaxRate:=''; TaxMoney:=''; for j := 0 to TextNodesList.Count-1 do begin TextNodeName:= TextNodesList[j].NodeName; RowNodeList:=TextNodesList[j].ChildNodes; if 'TEXT'=ansiuppercase(TextNodeName) then begin inc(numOfText); if numOfText=1 then begin //发票代码 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then Invoice_Code:=getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0]); end else begin if numOfText>1 then begin if (numofText+(ColNum-1))-ColNum=1 then begin //货物品名 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then GoodsName:=trim(getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0])); end; if (numofText+(ColNum-1))-ColNum=2 then begin //规格型号 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then begin specification:=trim(getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0])); end; end; if (numofText+(ColNum-1))-ColNum=3 then begin //单位 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then begin unitValue:=trim(getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0])); end; end; if (numofText+(ColNum-1))-ColNum=4 then begin //数量 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then begin NumValue:=trim(getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0])); end; end; if (numofText+(ColNum-1))-ColNum=5 then begin //金额 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then begin MoneyValue:=trim(getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0])); end; end; if (numofText+(ColNum-1))-ColNum=6 then begin //税率 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then begin TaxRate:=trim(getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0])); end; end; if (numofText+(ColNum-1))-ColNum=7 then begin //税额 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then begin TaxMoney:=trim(getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0])); end; end; end; //numOfText>1 end; end;//TEXT end if TextNodesList.Count=j+1 then begin //最后一个<text> 销方企业名称 //最后一行 if RowNodeList.Count>0 then begin enterpriseName:= getValueFromRowChars(RowNodeList[0]); // showmessage(enterpriseName); end; GoodsName:=''; specification:=''; unitValue:=''; NumValue:=''; MoneyValue:='';TaxRate:=''; TaxMoney:=''; end; if numofText mod 8=0 then begin //第一行 { showmessage( slinebreak+'发票代码='+Invoice_Code +slinebreak+'货物品名='+GoodsName +slinebreak+'规格型号='+specification +slinebreak+'单位='+unitValue +slinebreak+'数量='+NumValue +slinebreak+'金额='+MoneyValue +slinebreak+'税率='+TaxRate +slinebreak+'税额='+TaxMoney );} numofText:=1; inc(rowNum); resultList.Add(GoodsName+'|'+specification+'|'+unitValue+'|'+NumValue+'|'+MoneyValue+'|'+TaxRate+'|'+TaxMoney); GoodsName:=''; specification:=''; unitValue:=''; NumValue:=''; MoneyValue:='';TaxRate:=''; TaxMoney:=''; end ; end;//for j end end; //PAGE end trueDataNum:=0; curRow:=0; XLS3.Version:=xvExcel2007; if resultList.Count>1 then begin tmpList.Clear ; tmpList.Delimiter:='|'; curRow:=0; curRow:= getRowByInvoiceCode(XLS3,Invoice_Code); if curRow<0 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('错误:在'+changefileext(xmlFiles[i],'.ocr')+'找不到发票代码 '+Invoice_Code); end; if curRow>0 then begin trueDataNum:=getRealDataNum(resultList); if trueDataNum>1 then begin Memo1.Lines.Add('-----------'+Invoice_Code+'在'+inttostr(curRow)+'行后插入'+inttostr(trueDataNum-1)+'行---------------'); Memo1.Lines.Add(resultList.Text); application.ProcessMessages ; XLS3[0].InsertRows(curRow+1,trueDataNum-1); //一次性插入全部需要新增的行 (在插入新时会报错!) end; XLS3[0].AsString[9, curRow]:=enterpriseName; //销方企业名称 for m := 1 to trueDataNum-1 do begin XLS3[0].AsString[9, curRow+m]:=enterpriseName; //销方企业名称 新增的 end; oldRowNum:=0; oldRowNum:=curRow; // showmessage(resultList.Text); filterList(resultList); //过滤掉整行内容为空的 if (1=resultList.Count) then begin tmpList.DelimitedText:=resultList[0]; // showmessage(resultList[0]); if ( (''=trim(tmpList[4])) and (''=trim(tmpList[5])) and (''=trim(tmpList[6]))) then begin XLS3[0].AsString[10, curRow]:=tmpList[0]; //货物品名 XLS3[0].AsString[11, curRow]:=tmpList[1]; //规格型号 XLS3[0].AsString[12, curRow]:=tmpList[2]; //单位 if ''=trim(tmpList[3]) then else XLS3[0].AsFloat[13, curRow]:=strtofloatdef(tmpList[3],0); //数量 end else begin XLS3[0].AsString[10, curRow]:=tmpList[0]; //货物品名 XLS3[0].AsString[11, curRow]:=tmpList[1]; //规格型号 XLS3[0].AsString[12, curRow]:=tmpList[2]; //单位 if ''=trim(tmpList[3]) then else XLS3[0].AsFloat[13, curRow]:=strtofloatdef(tmpList[3],0); //数量 XLS3[0].AsFloat[14, curRow]:=strtofloatdef(tmpList[4],0.0); //金额 XLS3[0].AsString[15, curRow]:=tmpList[5]; //税率 XLS3[0].AsFloat[16, curRow]:=strtofloatdef(tmpList[6],0.0); //税额 end; end else begin if resultList.Count>1 then begin for k := 0 to resultList.Count-1 do begin tmpList.DelimitedText:=resultList[k]; if oldRowNum<curRow then begin XLS3[0].AsString[0, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[0, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[1, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[1, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[2, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[2, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[3, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[3, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[4, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[4, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[5, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[5, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[6, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[6, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[7, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[7, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[8, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[8, oldRowNum]; end; XLS3[0].AsString[10, curRow]:=tmpList[0]; //货物品名 XLS3[0].AsString[11, curRow]:=tmpList[1]; //规格型号 XLS3[0].AsString[12, curRow]:=tmpList[2]; //单位 if ''=trim(tmpList[3]) then else XLS3[0].AsFloat[13, curRow]:=strtofloatdef(tmpList[3],0); //数量 XLS3[0].AsFloat[14, curRow]:=strtofloatdef(tmpList[4],0.0); //金额 XLS3[0].AsString[15, curRow]:=tmpList[5]; //税率 XLS3[0].AsFloat[16, curRow]:=strtofloatdef(tmpList[6],0.0); //税额 if oldRowNum<curRow then begin XLS3[0].AsString[17, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[17, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[18, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[18, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[19, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[19, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[20, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[20, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[21, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[21, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[22, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[22, oldRowNum]; XLS3[0].AsString[23, curRow]:=XLS3[0].AsString[23, oldRowNum]; end; // sleep(50); application.ProcessMessages ; curRow:=curRow+1; //行数加1 end; //for k end end; end; end;//curRow>0 XLS3.SaveToFile(edit2.Text); resultList.Clear ; end; end; //for i end if ProgressBar1.Max = ProgressBar1.Position then begin ShowMessage('处理完毕!'); button1.Caption:='开始提取'; end; finally button1.Enabled:=true; button2.Enabled:=true; MLR.Free; freeandnil(tmpList); freeandnil(resultList); reNameForFiles(xmlFiles); FreeAndNil(xmlFiles); XLS3.Free; end; end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin edit1.Clear ; edit2.Clear ; edit1.SetFocus ; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin memo1.Clear ; end; end.