Almost Union-Find I hope you know the beautiful Union-Find structure. In this problem, you're to implement something similar, but not identical. The d 阅读全文
The kth great number Xiao Ming and Xiao Bao are playing a simple Numbers game. In a round Xiao Ming can choose to write down a number, or ask Xiao Bao 阅读全文
Feel Good Bill is developing a new mathematical theory for human emotions. His recent investigations are dedicated to studying how good or bad days in 阅读全文
Fence Repair Farmer John wants to repair a small length of the fence around the pasture. He measures the fence and finds that he needs N (1 ≤ N ≤ 20,0 阅读全文
Wireless Network An earthquake takes place in Southeast Asia. The ACM (Asia Cooperated Medical team) have set up a wireless network with the lap compu 阅读全文