1.Headingsh1 h2 h3 h4 h5 h6 h1 being the almighty emperor of headings h6 being the lowest pled Note that theh1tag is only used once,as the main heading of the page.h2 to h6,however ,can be used as often as desired,but they should always be used in order 阅读全文
1.Paragraphs distinct blocks of the text Think of the HTML contents as if it were a book-with paragraphs where appropriate.2.Emphasisin italicsin bold3.Line breakscould be tempting to over-use.br shouldn't be used if two blocks of text are intended to be separate from one another 阅读全文
1 page title contains informationaboutthe pagethe title of the document 阅读全文
HTML(Hypertext Text Mark-up Language)&(How To Make L)HTML is used formeaningand CSS is used forpresentationLearn fromhtmldog1.Tagsopening tag:kicks things offcontentclosing tagdocument type declarationlet the browser know which flavor of HTML you're using(HTML5,in this case)tell the browser 阅读全文