1.numberoperator () * / + -2.logic make decisions in codecompare values to produce a boolean value===(同类型) !== > = <=3.Conditionalif else//注释 indicate commentIf some logic(the contion)is true,run a {block} of codeCondition is not true ,ignore if block ,only the else block will be runUsed to ru 阅读全文
1.Variablesname :name it in a way that tells what you've stored therevalue:2.Create a variable => assign/set its valuedeclaration & initialization3.DeclarationDeclaring a variable to existPicking an empty shelf in a massive warehouse and putting a name on it.var variableName;4.Initializat 阅读全文
1.JS(JavaScript) is for interactivity2.How does JS relate to HTML&CSS?script tagscript element contain JS interal & external3.Internal4.External5.alert(" ");var **=prompt(' '); 阅读全文
1.Layout with CSS is easy. You just take a chunk of your page and shove it wherever you choose2.position property3.static valuerenders a box in the normal order of things4.relativemuch like static but the box can be offset from its original positiontop/right/bottom/left properties5.absolutepulls a b 阅读全文
1.selector:pseudo element{property:value;}2.first-letter first-lineCSS3:: 与pseudo class 区别 old browser not do well3.before afterproperty=content4. 阅读全文
1display :inline/block/none2.inline valueCause all list items in a list to appear next to each other in one continuous linerather than each one having its own line.3.BlockMake a box standalone,fitting the entire width of its containing box,with an effectve line break before and after it.4.inline-blo 阅读全文
1.More Specific=Greater Precedence =>nested selectors2. the selectors are the same then the last one will always take precedence3.Calculating SpecificityID Selector =100class Selector=10HTML Selector=1 阅读全文
1.background:background-colorurl-background-imagebackground-repeat(repeat/repeat-y/repeat-x/no-repeat)background-position(top/center/bottom/left/right(combination/length/percentage)background-attachment(sroll(default)/fixed)2.egbackground:white url(http://) no-repeat fixe top right 阅读全文
1.Margins and Paddingproperty: top right bottom left;property: top/bottom right/left;2.Borderborder(-top/right):border-width,border-style,border-color;3.Fontfont:font-style(inherit/normal/italic/oblique),font-weight(inherit/normal400/bolder/bold700/lighter/100~900,font-size(inherit/[percentage]/[len 阅读全文