
12. 流输入输出

12.1 Introduction

在C++ 程序中,首选C++样式的 I/O 而不是C样式的 I/O。

12.2 流(Streams)

C++ I/O occurs in streams, which are sequences of bytes. C++ provides both “low-level” and “high-level” I/O capabilities. Low-level I/O capabilities (i.e., unformatted I/O) specify that some number of bytes should be transferred device-to-memory or memory-to-device. In such transfers, the individual byte is the item of interest. Such low-level capabilities provide high-speed, high-volume transfers but are not particularly convenient. Programmers generally prefer a higher-level view of I/O (i.e., formatted I/O), in which bytes are grouped into meaningful units, such as integers, floating-point numbers, characters, strings and user-defined types. These type-oriented capabilities are satisfactory for most I/O other than high-volume file processing.

12.2.1 Classic Streams vs. Standard Streams

以前,C++经典流库(classic stream libraries)只支持char类型基础的I/O操作。因为char类型只占用一个字节,它只能表示有限的一组字符(例如ASCII码)。然而许多语言使用的字母表中包含的字符数量多于单个字节char所能表示的数量。The ASCII character set does not provide these characters, but the Unicode® character set does.Unicode is an extensive international character set that represents the majority of the world’s languages, mathematical symbols and much more. C++ provides Unicode support via the types wchar_t (the original C++ type for processing Unicode) and C++11 types char16_t and char32_t.

此外,标准流库(standard stream libraries)被实现为类模板式的类数组和向量。

12.2.2 iostream Library Headers

The<iostream> header defines the cin, cout, cerr and clog objects, which correspond to the standard input stream, the standard output stream, the unbuffered standard error stream and the buffered standard error stream, respectively.The <iomanip> header declares the parameterized stream manipulators such as setprecision and setw —for formatted I/O.

12.2.3 Stream Input/Output Classes and Objects

The iostream library defines each alias with the typedef specifier, which you'll sometimes use to create more readable type names. For example, the following statement defines the alias CardPtr as a synonym for type Card*:

typedef Card* CardPtr;

12.3 流输出(Stream Output)


格式化和非格式化的输出能力由ostream提供。Capabilities include output of standard data types with the stream insertion operator (<<); output of characters via the put member function; unformatted output via the write member function; output of integers in decimal, octal and hexadecimal formats; output of floatingpoint values with various precision, with forced decimal points, in scientific notation (e.g., 1.234567e-03) and in fixed notation (e.g., 0.00123457); output of data justified in fields of designated widths; output of data in fields padded with specified characters; and output of uppercase letters in scientific notation and hexadecimal notation.

C++中最重要的三个输出流:ostream\ofstream\ostringstream 还有三个预定义好的输出流对象:cout\cerr\clog

12.3.1. Output of char* Variables

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    const char* const word{"again"};

    cout<<"Value of word is: "<<word
       <<"\nValue of static_cast<const void*>(word) is:"
       <<static_cast<const void*>(word)<<endl;


在 C++ 程序中,字符串可以存储在字符数组中,我们可以用指针访问数组,自然也就可以用指针访问字符串。

字符串指针本质是一个 char 类型的指针,然后将它指向一个字符串的开头,即字符串中的第一个字符。

12.3.2 C风格字符串




char str[] = "http://c.biancheng.net";
char* p = str;//初始化字符指针,令其指向 str 数组中的字符串

char* q; // 定义一个字符指针
q = str; // 令其指向字符串的开头


char *p = "http://c.biancheng.net";

字符串“Hello World!”存放在内存中的常量区,指针 p 指向常量区中的这个字符串。

注意,常量区的内容是不允许修改的,因此对于上面定义的字符串 "http://c.biancheng.net",不可以通过指针 p 修改它。




例如:char *p = "I am happy";
这时字符串常量 "I am happy" 在内存中占用11个字节,以上初始化过程是将这段存储空间的首地址赋给字符型指针p,我们称指针p指向字符串"I am happy",存储示意图如下所示:

char c,*p=&c;
char *s="C Language";


char *p;
p = "I am happy";

以上赋值语句“p = "I am happy";”是将字符串存储空间的首地址赋给指针p,然后p便指向字符串。注意不是将字符串赋给指针p。


char a[20] = "I am happy", *p = a;

以上定义了字符数组a并为之初始化字符串"I am happy",然后定义了字符指针p,将p初始化为指向数组a的首地址,即指向了字符串的第一个字符 'I'。


char ch = 'A';
cout << &ch;  // A

对于上述代码,从类型的角度而言,&ch​的类型为char*​,而字符串的类型为const char*​,字符数组退化后的类型为char*​,因此类型的角度而言无法区分它指的是字符串的地址还是字符的地址,统一按字符串处理。

字符串的类型实际上是由常量字符构成的数组(array)。而字符数组的类型为const char* ,所以字符串的类型为const char*


12.3.2 Character Output Using Member Function put



会显示字符'A'。The put function also may be called with a numeric expression that represents an ASCII value, as in the following statement, which also outputs A:


12.4 流输入(Stream Input)

The stream extraction operator (>>) normally skips white-space characters (such as blanks, tabs and newlines) in the input stream.

12.4.1 get and getline 成员函数


不带参数的 get 成员函数从指定的流中输入一个字符(包括空格字符和其他非图形字符,例如表示文件末尾的键序列),并将其作为函数调用的值返回。当在流上遇到文件末尾时,此版本的 get 将返回 EOF。EOF 通常具有值 –1,并在标头中定义,该标头通过流库标头间接包含在代码中<iostream>。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int character; // **use int, because char cannot represent EOF**

// prompt user to enter line of text
    cout << "Before input, cin.eof() is "<<cin.eof()
       <<"\nEnter a sentence followed by Enter and end-of-file:\n";

    // use get to read each character; use put to display it

    // display end-of-file character
    cout << "\nEOF in this system is: " << character
       <<"\nAfter input of EOF, cin.eof() is " <<cin.eof() << endl;



  • cout.put()​输出单个字符,可以连续输出
  • cin.get()​读入一个字符(包括空白字符),返回读入成功的字符,如遇到文件结束符,返回 EOF
  • cin.get(ch)​读入一个字符并赋值给变量 ch,成功读入则返回真
  • cin.get​(字符数组或指针,字符个数 n,终止字符) 读入 n-1 个字符,如遇到终止字符则提前结束
  • cin.getline​(字符数组或指针,字符个数 n,终止字符) 与上面的 cin.get 类似,但是遇到终止字符时,字符指针会移到该终止字符后面,而 cin.get 则会停留在原位置
  • cin.eof()​如果到达文件末尾(遇文件终止符)返回真,否则返回假
  • cin.peek()​返回当前指针指向的字符,但只是观测,指针仍然停留在当前位置
  • cin.putback(ch)​将字符 ch 返回到输入流,插入到当前指针位置
  • cin.ignore​(n, 终止字符) 跳过输入流中 n 个字符,若遇到终止符提前结束,此时指向终止字符后面一个位置


  1. 无参数的;
  2. 有一个参数的;
  3. 有3个参数的。




用来从指定的输入流中提取一个字符(包括空白字符),函数的返回值就是读入的字符。 若遇到输入流中的文件结束符,则函数值返回文件结束标志EOF(End Of File),一般以-1代表EOF,用-1而不用0或正值,是考虑到不与字符的ASCII代码混淆,但不同的C++系统所用的EOF值有可能不同。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	char c;
	cout << "enter a sentence:" << endl;
	while ((c = cin.get()) != EOF){

	cout << "end" << endl;

	return 0;



其作用是从输入流中读取一个字符,赋给字符变量ch。如果读取成功则函数返回true,如失败(遇文件结束符) 则函数返回false(文件结束符 为 ctrl + z)。上面的例子可以改写如下:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
	char c;
	cout << "enter a sentence:" << endl;

	while (cin.get(c))//读取一个字符赋给字符变量c,如果读取成功,cin.get(c)为真
	                  //读取字符为文件结束符(Ctrl + z)时,cin.get(c)为假
	cout << "end" << endl;

	return 0;


    cin.get(字符数组, 字符个数n, 终止字符)
    cin.get(字符指针, 字符个数n, 终止字符)

其作用是从输入流中读取n-1个字符,赋给指定的字符数组(或字符指针指向的数组),如果在读取n-1个字符之前遇到指定的终止字符,则提前结束读取。如果读取成功则函数返回true(真),如失败(遇文件结束符) 则函数返回false(假)。如果在函数原型中省略终止字符,默认为'\n'。

具有三个参数(字符数组、大小限制和分隔符(具有默认值换行符))的成员函数 get 从输入流中读取字符,最多读(大小限制数目-1)个字符,或直到读取分隔符。输入字符串以 null 字符结尾。分隔符不放置在字符数组中,而是保留在输入流中。


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
int main()
	char ch[20];
	cout << "enter a sentence:" << endl;
	cin.get(ch, 10, '\n');//指定换行符为终止字符
	cout << ch << endl;
	return 0;
#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    // create two char arrays, each with 80 elements
    const int SIZE{80};
    char buffer1[SIZE];
    char buffer2[SIZE];

    // use cin to input characters into buffer1
    cout << "Enter a sentence:\n";
    cin >> buffer1;

    // display buffer1 contents
    cout << "\nThe string read with cin was:\n" << buffer1 << "\n\n";

    // use cin.get to input characters into buffer2
    cin.get(buffer2, SIZE);

    // display buffer2 contents
    cout << "The string read with cin.get was:\n" << buffer2 << endl;

cin​ 这个函数输入取数据的过程:

// cin如何读取
	int a, b;
	cin >> a >> b;

大家肯定知道,假定我们在这里输入3 5 8 9 11,a最终会读取的数字是 3。但是实际上cin是将3 5 8 9 11都放入了缓冲区,等待a去读取,a从头开始读,读到int类型的数据,并将3拿出来赋给a,这时候缓冲区内还剩下:5 8 9 11。注意:这里3后面的' '是存在的,缓冲区内的字符会一直留着直到后面被读取。然后接着b再读取,读到的是数字5,然后5便赋给b,剩下的字符留在缓冲区等待程序后续操作。

成员函数 getline的操作类似于三参数 get 成员函数。getline 函数从输入流中删除分隔符,但不将其存储在字符串中。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    const int SIZE{80};
    char buffer[SIZE]; // create array of 80 characters

    // input characters in buffer via cin function getline
    cout << "Enter a sentence:\n";
    cin.getline(buffer, SIZE);
    cout << "\nThe sentence entered is:\n" << buffer << endl;

12.4.2 istream Member Functions peek, putback and ignore



2.停止忽略字符的分隔符 - 默认分隔符为 EOF。



istream & ignore(int n =1, int delim = EOF);

此函数的作用是跳过输入流中的 n 个字符,或跳过 delim 及其之前的所有字符,哪个条件先满足就按哪个执行。两个参数都有默认值,因此 cin.ignore() 就等效于 cin.ignore(1, EOF), 即跳过一个字符。



这里的意思是说从缓冲区的第一个字符开始读,读到第6个字符,这些字符我们就全部从缓冲区里舍去,假如这段字符长这样hello c++,那么现在缓冲区里还剩下c++,这里的字符是一个一个来的,假如是数字,例如:13 1 89 72,调用了cin.ignore(6,'\n')之后呢,缓冲区里还剩下9 72,没错,89变成了9,就是因为舍去的是前六位字符而不是数字,所以这里也是很多人容易错的地方,觉得是舍弃6个整数。

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	int a, b;
	cin >> a; 
	cin.ignore(5, '\n'); 
	cin >> b;
	cout << "a is : " << a << endl;
	cout << "b is : " << b << endl;
	return 0;

输入25 86 91 12​,首先25​被a​从缓冲区中拿出来,此时缓冲区剩下 86 91 12​,然后开始舍弃,数到第五位,也就是91​中9​的位置,9​和它之前的数据被全部舍弃,b再进去读取,便读取到1​,输出正确。



// 代码差不多
#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

int main()
	int a, b;
	cin >> a;
	cin.ignore(); //唯一的区别在这!
	cin >> b;
	cout << "a is : " << a << endl;
	cout << "b is : " << b << endl;
	return 0;



12.5 Unformatted I/O Using read, write and gcount


char buffer[]{"HAPPY BIRTHDAY"}; 
cout.write(buffer, 10);





#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    const int SIZE{80};
    char buffer[SIZE];

    // use function read to input characters into buffer
    cout << "Enter a sentence:\n";
    cin.read(buffer, 20);

    // use functions write and gcount to display buffer characters
    cout << "\nThe sentence entered was:\n";
    cout.write(buffer, cin.gcount());
    cout << endl;


12.6 Stream Manipulators(操纵符): 格式化输出

12.6.1 Integral Stream Base: dec, oct, hex and setbase

#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int number;

    cout<<"Enter a decimal number: ";
    cin >> number; // input number

    // use hex stream manipulator to show hexadecimal number
    cout << number << " in hexadecimal is: " << hex<< number << "\n";

    // use oct stream manipulator to show octal number
    cout << dec << number << " in octal is: " << oct << number << "\n";

    // use setbase stream manipulator to show decimal number
    cout << setbase(10)<< number << " in decimal is: " << number << endl;

12.6.2 设置浮点数精度(precision, setprecision)



#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <cmath>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    double root2{sqrt(2.0)}; // calculate square root of 2

    cout << "Square root of 2 with precisions 0-9.\n"
       << "Precision set by ostream member function precision:\n";
    cout << fixed; // use fixed-point notation

    // display square root using ostream function precision
    for (int places{0}; places <= 9; ++places){
        cout << root2 << "\n";

    cout << "\nPrecision set by stream manipulator setprecision:\n";

    // set precision for each digit, then display square root
    for (int places{0}; places <= 9; ++places){
        cout <<setprecision(places) << root2 << "\n";


12.6.3 Field Width (width, setw)

istream和ostream类的成员函数width()设置field width(即,应输出值的字符位置数或应输入的最大字符数)。

If values output are narrower than the field width, fill characters are inserted as padding.A value wider than the designated width will not be truncated—the full number will be printed.The width function with no argument returns the current setting.

宽度设置仅适用于下一次插入或提取(即宽度设置not sticky);之后,将宽度隐式设置为 0(即,输入和输出将使用默认设置执行)。假设宽度设置适用于所有后续输出是一个逻辑错误。

如果输出的数值占用的宽度超过setw(int n)设置的宽度,则按照实际宽度输出。

float f=0.364823;



cin.width()遇到空格自动停止接收。例如对于下列代码,输入This is a test of the width member function。cin.width(5),遇到空格停止读入,所以只读入了This,使用cout.width(widthValue++)输出,widthValue先使用再递增,所以此时为cout.width(4)。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int widthValue{4};
    char sentence[10];

    cout << "Enter a sentence:\n";
    cin.width(5); // input only 5 characters from sentence

    // set field width, then display characters based on that width

12.6.4 User-Defined Output Stream Manipulators

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

// bell manipulator (using escape sequence \a)
ostream& bell(ostream& output){
    return output << '\a'; // issue system beep

// carriageReturn manipulator (using escape sequence \r)
ostream& carriageReturn(ostream& output){
    return output << '\r'; // issue carriage return

// tab manipulator (using escape sequence \t)
ostream& tab(ostream& output) {
    return output << '\t'; // issue tab

// endLine manipulator (using escape sequence \n and flush stream
// manipulator to simulate endl)
ostream& endLine(ostream& output){
    return output << '\n' << flush; // issue endl-like end of line

int main(){
    // use tab and endLine manipulators
    cout << "Testing the tab manipulator:" <<endLine

    cout << "Testing the carriageReturn and bell manipulators:"

    cout<<bell;//use bell manipulator

    // use carriageReturn and endLine manipulators
    cout << carriageReturn<< "-----" << endLine;



12.7 格式化输出(Stream Format States and Stream Manipulators)

12.7.1 Trailing Zeros and Decimal Points (showpoint)

流操作符showpoint是一个sticky setting,强迫浮点数数字以其小数点和尾随零输出。例如,浮点数79.0输出为79,在不使用showpoint的情况下。或者使用showpoint输出79.00000。重置showpoint设置,使用流操作符noshowpoint。默认的浮点数精度为6,不使用fixed和scientific操作符,精度表示的是有效数字,而不是小数点以后的。例如9.9000,输出9.9。9.990输出9.99。例如下列程序:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    // display double values with default stream format
    cout << "Before using showpoint"
       <<"\n9.9900 prints as: " << 9.9900
       << "\n9.9000 prints as: " << 9.9000
       <<"\n9.0000 prints as: " << 9.0000;

    // display double value after showpoint
       <<"\n\nAfter using showpoint"
       <<"\n9.9900 prints as: " << 9.9900
       <<"\n9.9000 prints as: " << 9.9000
       <<"\n9.0000 prints as: " << 9.0000 << endl;

12.7.2 Justification (left, right and internal)


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;
int main() {
    int x{12345};

    // display x right justified (default)
    cout << "Default is right justified:\n\"" <<setw(10) << x << "\"";

    // use left manipulator to display x left justified
    cout << "\n\nUse left to left justify x:\n\""
         << left << setw(10) << x << "\"";

    // use right manipulator to display x right justified
    cout << "\n\nUse right to right justify x:\n\""
       << right << setw(10) << x << "\"" << endl;


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main(){
// display value with internal spacing and plus sign



12.7.3 设置填充字符(fill, setfill)


#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
using namespace std;

int main() {
    int x{10000};

    // display x
    cout << x << " printed as int right and left justified\n"
         << "and as hex with internal justification.\n"
         << "Using the default pad character (space):\n";

    // display x
    cout << setw(10) << x << "\n";

    // display x with left justification
    cout << left << setw(10) << x << "\n";

    // display x with base as hex with internal justification
    cout << showbase << internal<< setw(10) << hex << x << "\n\n";

    cout << "Using various padding characters:" << endl;

    // display x using padded characters (right justification)
    cout << setw(10) << dec << x << "\n";

    // display x using padded characters (left justification)
    cout << left << setw(10) <<setfill('%') << x << "\n";

    // display x using padded characters (internal justification)
    cout <<internal << setw(10) <<setfill('^') << hex << x << endl;

12.7.4 Integral Stream Base (dec, oct, hex, showbase)


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int x{100};

    // use showbase to show number base
    cout << "Printing octal and hexadecimal values with showbase:\n"

    cout << x << endl; // print decimal value
    cout << oct << x << endl; // print octal value
    cout << hex << x << endl; // print hexadecimal value


12.7.5 Floating-Point Numbers; Scientific and Fixed Notation (scientific, fixed)

浮点值可以四舍五入到若干位有效数或精度,这是出现在小数点前后的总位数。可以通过使用 setprecision 操作符来控制显示浮点数值的有效数的数量。

// This program demonstrates how the setprecision manipulator
// affects the way a floating-point value is displayed.
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip> // Header file needed to use setprecision
using namespace std;

int main()
    double number1 = 132.364, number2 = 26.91;
    double quotient = number1 / number2;
    cout << quotient << endl;
    cout << setprecision(5) << quotient << endl;
    cout << setprecision(4) << quotient << endl;
    cout << setprecision(3) << quotient << endl;
    cout << setprecision(2) << quotient << endl;
    cout << setprecision(1) << quotient << endl;
    return 0;

程序中的第一个值显示在第 11 行,没有设置 setprecision 操作符(默认情况下,系统使用 6 个有效数显示浮点值)。后续的 cout 语句打印相同的值,但四舍五入为 5、4、3、2 和 1 个有效数。

请注意,与 setw 不同的是,setprecision 不计算小数点。例如,当使用 setprecision(5) 时,输出包含 5 位有效数,但是需要 6 个位置来显示 4.9188。如果一个数字的值可以由少于 setprecision 指定的精度位数来表示,则操作符将不起作用。


setprecision函数指明了浮点数应该显示的小数点后的位数,使用此函数,需要头文件。setprecision是一个parameterized stream manipulator。而endl是一个nonparameterized stream manipulator。
当使用fixed和setprecision时,打印的值为四舍五入到由 setPrecision 的参数指示的小数位数,但内存中的值保持不变,例如87.946和67.543的输出分别为87.95和67.54,也可以使用showpoint和fixed实现上述功能,如果没有fixed,后面的零不会打印。例如7.3000会打印为7.3。

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    double x{0.001234567};
    double y{1.946e9};

    // display x and y in default format
    cout << "Displayed in default format:\n" << x << '\t' << y;

    // display x and y in scientific format
    cout << "\n\nDisplayed in scientific format:\n"
            <<scientific << x << '\t' << y;

    // display x and y in fixed format
    cout << "\n\nDisplayed in fixed format:\n"
            << fixed<< x << '\t' << y << endl;  

12.7.6 Uppercase/Lowercase Control (uppercase)


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    cout << "Printing uppercase letters in scientific\n"
       << "notation exponents and hexadecimal values:\n";

// use std::uppercase to display uppercase letters; use std::hex and
    // std::showbase to display hexadecimal value and its base
    cout << 4.345e10 << "\n"
       << hex << showbase << 123456789 << endl;


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    cout << "Printing uppercase letters in scientific\n"
       << "notation exponents and hexadecimal values:\n";

// use std::uppercase to display uppercase letters; use std::hex and
    // std::showbase to display hexadecimal value and its base
    cout <<uppercase<< 4.345e10 << "\n"
       << hex << showbase << 123456789 << endl;

12.7.7 Specifying Boolean Format (boolalpha)


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    bool booleanValue{true};

    // display default true booleanValue
    cout << "booleanValue is " << booleanValue;

    // display booleanValue after using boolalpha
    cout << "\nbooleanValue (after using boolalpha) is "

    cout << "\n\nswitch booleanValue and use noboolalpha\n";
    booleanValue = false; // change booleanValue
    cout << noboolalpha; // use noboolalpha

    // display default false booleanValue after using noboolalpha
    cout << "\nbooleanValue is " << booleanValue;

    // display booleanValue after using boolalpha again
    cout << "\nbooleanValue (after using boolalpha) is "


12.7.8 Setting and Resetting the Format State via Member Function flags


#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int integerValue{1000};
    double doubleValue{0.0947628};

    // display flags value, int and double values (original format)
    cout << "The value of the flags variable is: " << cout.flags()
       <<"\nPrint int and double in original format:\n"
       <<integerValue << '\t' << doubleValue;

    // use cout flags function to save original format
    ios_base::fmtflags originalFormat{cout.flags()};
    cout << showbase << oct << scientific; // change format

    // display flags value, int and double values (new format)
    cout << "\n\nThe value of the flags variable is: "<<cout.flags()
       <<"\nPrint int and double in a new format:\n"
       <<integerValue << '\t' << doubleValue;

    cout.flags(originalFormat); // restore format

    // display flags value, int and double values (original format)
    cout << "\n\nThe restored value of the flags variable is: "
       <<cout.flags()<<"\nPrint values in original format again:\n"
       <<integerValue << '\t' << doubleValue << endl;

12.8 Stream Error States(流的错误状态)

每个流对象都包含一组状态比特以表示流的状态---sticky format settings,error indicators等。以下述代码为例:

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main(){
    int integerValue;

    // display results of cin functions
    cout << "Before a bad input operation:"
       <<"\ncin.rdstate(): " <<cin.rdstate()
       <<"\n cin.eof(): "<<cin.eof()
       <<"\n cin.fail(): "<<cin.fail()
       <<"\n cin.bad(): "<<cin.bad()
       <<"\n cin.good(): "<<cin.good()
       <<"\n\nExpects an integer, but enter a character: ";

    cin >> integerValue; // enter character value

    // display results of cin functions after bad input
    cout << "\nAfter a bad input operation:"
       <<"\ncin.rdstate(): "<<cin.rdstate()
       <<"\n cin.eof(): "<<cin.eof()
       <<"\n cin.fail(): "<<cin.fail()
       <<"\n cin.bad(): "<<cin.bad()
       <<"\n cin.good(): "<<cin.good();

    cin.clear(); // clear stream

    // display results of cin functions after clearing cin
    cout << "\n\nAfter cin.clear()" << "\ncin.fail(): "<<cin.fail()
       <<"\ncin.good(): "<<cin.good()<<endl;

rdstate成员函数: 成员函数rdstate返回流中的错误状态。例如,通过调用cout.rdstate返回流的状态,然后通过switch语句检查eofbit、badbit、failbit 和 goodbit来检查这些状态。检测流状态的首选方法是使用成员函数eof, fial, bad 和 good, 使用这些函数不要求了解具体的状态位。

eof成员函数判定是否在流中遇到了end-of-file。在此例中,一开始没有输入任何内容,函数返回0(false)。此函数检查流的eofbit数据成员的值,该值在输入流遇到文件结束符后被设置为真。Returns true if the associated stream has reached end-of-file.Specifically, returns true if eofbit​ is set in rdstate() .此函数仅报告最近 I/O 操作设置的流状态;它不检查关联的数据源。例如,最近的I/O操作是get(),get()函数返回文件的最后一个字节,eof()返回false。下一个get()函数从输入流中不会提取到任何字符,并且会设置eofbit.只有这样,eof()才会返回true。

#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::ifstream file("test.txt");
    if (!file) // operator! is used here
        std::cout << "File opening failed\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // typical C++ I/O loop uses the return value of the I/O function
    // as the loop controlling condition, operator bool() is used here
    for (int n; file >> n;)
       std::cout << n << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
    if (file.bad())
        std::cout << "I/O error while reading\n";
    else if (file.eof())
        std::cout << "End of file reached successfully\n";
    else if (file.fail())
        std::cout << "Non-integer data encountered\n";

fail成员函数判定一个流操作是否失败。此函数检查流的failbit数据成员,Returns true if an error has occurred on the associated stream.当在流中发生格式错误时,failbit位将被设置。例如程序要求输入整数,但是在输入流中有非整数的字符的情况。在遇到这种错误时,这些字符不会丢失。成员函数fail将报告流操作失败了,通常这种错误是可以恢复的。

#include <cstdlib>
#include <fstream>
#include <iostream>
int main()
    std::ifstream file("test.txt");
    if (!file) // operator! is used here
        std::cout << "File opening failed\n";
        return EXIT_FAILURE;
    // typical C++ I/O loop uses the return value of the I/O function
    // as the loop controlling condition, operator bool() is used here
    for (int n; file >> n;)
       std::cout << n << ' ';
    std::cout << '\n';
    if (file.bad())
        std::cout << "I/O error while reading\n";
    else if (file.eof())
        std::cout << "End of file reached successfully\n";
    else if (file.fail())
        std::cout << "Non-integer data encountered\n";


good成员函数: 如果流中的eofbit、failbit 和 badbit位都没有被设置,那么goodbit位将被设置,即如果函数eof, fail 和 bad都返回false值,则成员函数good返回true值。I/O操作只在“好的”流中才能进行。

clear成员函数: clear成员函数将流的状态重置为“好的”,使得流可以继续执行I/O操作。clear函数的默认参数是goodbit ,所以语句cin.clear()清空了cin, 并且为该流设置goodbit位。语句cin.clear(ios::failbit)则为流设置failbit位。

如果failbit位 和 badbit位其中至少一个被设置, 则basic_ios的成员函数operator!返回true;operator void*返回false值(0)


重载运算符可用于测试流在条件下的状态。operator!成员函数返回true如果badbit和failbit其一为true,或者两者均为true。如果badbit为真,failurebit为真或两者都为真,则operator bool成员函数返回false。当在选择语句或迭代语句的控制下测试真/假条件时,这些函数在 I/O 处理中非常有用。例如下列语句:

    //process invalid input stream


    //process valid input


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