Python 基础之函数、深浅copy,set及练习
三元运算符通常在Python里被称为条件表达式,这些表达式基于真(true)/假(not)的条件判断,在Python 2.4以上才有了三元操作。
X if C else Y
x, y = 3, 4 if x<y : smaller= x else smaller =y
现在 只需一句:
smaller = x if x<y else y
基本数据类型补充之 set
class set(object): """ set() -> new empty set object set(iterable) -> new set object Build an unordered collection of unique elements. """ def add(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Add an element to a set,添加元素 This has no effect if the element is already present. """ pass def clear(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove all elements from this set. 清除内容""" pass def copy(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return a shallow copy of a set. 浅拷贝 """ pass def difference(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the difference of two or more sets as a new set. A中存在,B中不存在 (i.e. all elements that are in this set but not the others.) """ pass def difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove all elements of another set from this set. 从当前集合中删除和B中相同的元素""" pass def discard(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove an element from a set if it is a member. If the element is not a member, do nothing. 移除指定元素,不存在不保错 """ pass def intersection(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the intersection of two sets as a new set. 交集 (i.e. all elements that are in both sets.) """ pass def intersection_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Update a set with the intersection of itself and another. 取交集并更更新到A中 """ pass def isdisjoint(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return True if two sets have a null intersection. 如果没有交集,返回True,否则返回False""" pass def issubset(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Report whether another set contains this set. 是否是子序列""" pass def issuperset(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Report whether this set contains another set. 是否是父序列""" pass def pop(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove and return an arbitrary set element. Raises KeyError if the set is empty. 移除元素 """ pass def remove(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Remove an element from a set; it must be a member. If the element is not a member, raise a KeyError. 移除指定元素,不存在保错 """ pass def symmetric_difference(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the symmetric difference of two sets as a new set. 对称差集 (i.e. all elements that are in exactly one of the sets.) """ pass def symmetric_difference_update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Update a set with the symmetric difference of itself and another. 对称差集,并更新到a中 """ pass def union(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Return the union of sets as a new set. 并集 (i.e. all elements that are in either set.) """ pass def update(self, *args, **kwargs): # real signature unknown """ Update a set with the union of itself and others. 更新 """ pass
s = set([1,2,3]) s = {1,2,3}
s.add(x) #添加元素x到集合s s.clear() #删除所有元素集 s.copy() #新设置的浅拷贝 s.difference(t) #差分操作: s 中的元素,而不是t 中的元素,通俗讲s中有的,t中没有的-->s - t s.difference_update(t) #返回删除元素后集合s t-->s -= t s.discard(t) #如果t是集合s 中的元素,从集合s 中删除t s.intersection(t) #返回交集到新集合-->s & t s.intersection_update(t) #取交集并更更新到s中-->s &= t s.isdisjoint(t) #如果没有交集,返回True,否则返回False s.issubset(t) #s 中所有的元素都是t 的成员,子集 -->s <= t s.isupperset(t)# t 中所有的元素都是s 的成员,父集 --> s >= t s.pop() #删除集合s 中的任意一个对象,并返回它 s.remove(x) #从集合s 中删除对象x;如果x 不是集合s 中的元素(obj not in s),将引发KeyError 错误 s.symmetric_difference(t) #对称差分操作:s 或t 中的元素,但不是s 和t 共有的元素-->s ^ t symmetric_difference_update #s 中的成员更新为那些包含在s 或t中,但不是s和t 共有的元素-->s ^= t s.union(t) #合并操作:s 或t 中的元素--> s | t s.update(t) #用t 中的元素修改s, 即s 现在包含s 或t 的成员--> s |= t
1. copy.copy 浅拷贝 只拷贝父对象,不会拷贝对象的内部的子对象。
2. copy.deepcopy 深拷贝 拷贝对象及其子对象
ps:str,int 深浅copy内存地址都是一样的
import copy # ######### 数字、字符串 ######### n1 = 123 # n1 = "i am alex age 10" print(id(n1)) # ## 赋值 ## n2 = n1 print(id(n2)) # ## 浅拷贝 ## n2 = copy.copy(n1) print(id(n2)) # ## 深拷贝 ## n3 = copy.deepcopy(n1) print(id(n3))
对于字典、元祖、列表 而言,进行赋值、浅拷贝和深拷贝时,其内存地址的变化是不同的。
n1 = {"k1": "wu", "k2": 123, "k3": ["alex", 456]} n2 = n1
import copy n1 = {"k1": "wu", "k2": 123, "k3": ["alex", 456]} n3 = copy.copy(n1)
def fib3(a): if a ==0 or a ==1: return a else: return (fib3(a-1)+fib3(a-2)) ret = fib3(10) print(ret)
import copy n1 = {"k1": "wu", "k2": 123, "k3": ["alex", 456]} n4 = copy.deepcopy(n1)
- 函数代码块以 def 关键词开头,后接函数标识符名称和圆括号()。
- 任何传入参数和自变量必须放在圆括号中间。圆括号之间可以用于定义参数。
- 函数的第一行语句可以选择性地使用文档字符串—用于存放函数说明。
- 函数内容以冒号起始,并且缩进。
- return [表达式] 结束函数,选择性地返回一个值给调用方。不带表达式的return相当于返回 None。
- 必备参数 :必备参数须以正确的顺序传入函数。调用时的数量必须和声明时的一样。
- 关键字参数 :关键字参数和函数调用关系紧密,函数调用使用关键字参数来确定传入的参数值。
- 默认参数 :调用函数时,缺省参数的值如果没有传入,则被认为是默认值。 放在参数的尾部
- 不定长参数:*args ,**kwargs
- 全局变量
- 局部变量
#!/usr/bin/python # -*- coding: UTF-8 -*- TOTAL = 0; # 这是一个全局变量 def sum( arg1, arg2 ): #返回2个参数的和." total = arg1 + arg2; # total在这里是局部变量. print "函数内是局部变量 : ", total return total; #调用sum函数 sum( 10, 20 ); print "函数外是全局变量 : ", TOTAL >>>函数内是局部变量 : 30 >>>函数外是全局变量 : 0
# 数据库中原有 old_dict = { "#1":{ 'hostname':'c1', 'cpu_count': 2, 'mem_capicity': 80 }, "#2":{ 'hostname':'c1', 'cpu_count': 2, 'mem_capicity': 80 }, "#3":{ 'hostname':'c1', 'cpu_count': 2, 'mem_capicity': 80 } } # cmdb 新汇报的数据 new_dict = { "#1":{ 'hostname':'c1', 'cpu_count': 2, 'mem_capicity': 800 }, "#3":{ 'hostname':'c1', 'cpu_count': 2, 'mem_capicity': 80 }, "#4":{ 'hostname':'c1', 'cpu_count': 2, 'mem_capicity': 80 } }
# old_set = set(old_dict.keys()) # new_set = set(new_dict.keys()) #需要删除 # old_dict_a = old_set.difference(new_dict) #删除old_dict ,new_dict中没有的 , # old_set.remove(*old_dict_a) # print(old_set) #需要新建:? # ret = new_set.difference(old_set) # old_set.add(*ret) # print(old_set) #需要更新:? #old_set.intersection_update(new_set)#new_dit中的值,old_set中 -->取交集更新到a 。
普通参数 :普通参数须以正确的顺序传入函数。调用时的数量必须和声明时的一样。 指定参数 :指定参数和函数调用关系紧密,函数调用使用指定参数来确定传入的参数值。 默认参数 :调用函数时,缺省参数的值如果没有传入,则被认为是默认值。 放在参数的尾部 动态参数:*args ,**kwargs
2、写函数,计算传入字符串中【数字】、【字母】、【空格] 以及 【其他】的个数
def check_type(object): int_all = 0 str_all = 0 space_all = 0 other_all = 0 for i in object: if i.isdigit(): int_all+=1 elif i.isalpha(): str_all+=1 elif i.isspace(): space_all+=1 else: other_all+=1 return ('数字:%s,字符串:%s,空格%s,其他:%s'%(int_all,str_all,space_all,other_all)) ret = check_type('asfa asddfa asf 23423 #@asf ') print(ret)
def is_object(object): if len(object) >=5: #print(object) return ('对象大于等于5') else: return ('对象小于5') a = (11,22,33,4,5,) ret = is_object(a) print(ret)
def check_object(object): for i in a: i = str(i) if ' ' in i: return ('空格元素:',i) else: return ('没有空格') a = ('q wer','adf') ret = check_object(a) print(ret)
def check_split(object): if len(object) >2: return (object[0:2]) else: return object ret = check_split(('11','113',12)) print(ret)
def ol_num(object): rec = [] for i in range(len(object)): if i %2 ==1: rec.append(object[i]) return rec ret = ol_num([11,222,3,4,5,6,78,89,9]) print(ret)
dic = {"k1": "v1v1", "k2": [11,22,33,44]} PS:字典中的value只能是字符串或列表
def dic_lent(**object): new_dict = {} for k,v in object.items(): if type(v) ==str: new_dict[k] =v[0:2] #print(new_dict) elif type(v) == list: new_dict[k] =v[0:2] return (new_dict) dic = {"k1": "v1v1", "k2": [11,22,33,44]} ret = dic_lent(**dic) print(ret)
def dic_lent(**object): new_dict = {} for k,v in object.items(): new_dict[k] =v[0:2] return (new_dict) dic = {"k1": [222,333,44,5,4], "k2": [11,22,33,44]} ret = dic_lent(**dic) print(ret)
8、写函数,利用递归获取斐波那契数列中的第 10 个数,并将该值返回给调用者。
def fib3(a): if 1 == a: return 0 elif 2 ==a: return 1 else: return (fib3(a-1)+fib3(a-2)) ret = fib3(10) print(ret)
def func(arg1,arg2): if arg1 == 0: print arg1, arg2 arg3 = arg1 + arg2 print arg3 func(arg2, arg3) func(0,1)