WAS 8880端口被占用问题


./startServer.sh server1  这个命令,报错,



When using IBM Lotus Learning Management System (LMS), the WebSphere Application Server (WAS) fails to start and the console indicates the following error message:

Conflict on port 8880 


This situation is caused by another application using the same port as WAS. You can work around this issue as follows:

1. Shut down WAS.

2. Browse to or search for the ServerIndex.XML file, for example, at C:\WAS\AppServer\config\cells\yourNode\nodes\yournode\serverindex.xml

3. Open the file and locate the following lines:

      <specialEndpoints xmi:id="NamedEndPoint_2"


      <endPoint xmi:id="EndPoint_2" host="your.server.com" port="8880"/>

4. Change "port 8880" to an available port.

5. Save the ServerIndex.XML file and restart WAS.

Another option is to shut down the other application that is using port 8880.

Product Alias/Synonym

Lotus Learning Management System

xialele 发表于 2009-6-18 21:53

AIX 的在 usr/IBM/WebSphere/AppServer/profiles/<yourserver>/config/cells/<yourcell>/nodes/<yournode>/serverindex.xml 

posted @ 2011-08-27 11:35  杨小邪  阅读(2074)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报