HEVC学习(1)——Intra Prediction






官方当前标准(JCTVC-J1003)draft sample substitution process for intra sample prediction)   Reference sample substitution process for intra sample prediction

Inputs to this process are:

–         reference samples p[ x ][ y ] with x = −1, y = −1..nT*2−1 and x = 0..nT*2−1, y = −1 for intra sample prediction,

–         a transform block size nT.

Outputs of this process are:

–         the modified reference samples p[ x ][ y ] with x = −1, y = −1..nT*2−1 and x = 0..nT*2−1, y = −1 for intra sample prediction.

The values of the samples p[ x ][ y ] with x = −1, y = −1..nT*2−1 and x = 0..nT*2−1, y = −1 are modified as follows:

–         If all samples p[ x ][ y ] with x = −1, y = −1..nT*2−1 and x = 0..nT*2−1, y = −1 are marked as "not available for intra prediction," the value ( 1 << ( BitDepthY − 1 ) ) is substituted for the values of all samples p[ x ][ y ].

–         Otherwise (at least one but not all samples p[ x ][ y ] are marked as "not available for intra prediction"), the following ordered steps are performed:

  1. If p[ −1 ][ nT*2−1 ] is marked as "not available for intra prediction", searching sequentially starting from x = −1, y = nT*2−1 to x = −1, y = −1, then from x = 0, y = −1 to x = nT*2−1, y = −1. As soon as a sample p[ x ][ y ] marked as "available for intra prediction" is found, the search is terminated and the value of p[ x ][ y ] is assigned to p[ −1 ][ nT*2−1 ].
  2. For x = −1, y = nT*2−2...−1, if p[ x ][ y ] is marked as "not available for intra prediction", the value of p[ x ][ y+1 ] is substituted for the value of p[ x ][ y].
  3. For x = 0..nT*2−1, y = −1, if p[ x ][ y ] is marked as "not available for intra prediction", the value of p[ x−1 ][ y ] is substituted for the value of p[ x ][ y ].

All samples p[ x ][ y ] with x = −1, y = −1..nT*2−1 and x = 0..nT*2−1, y = −1 are marked as "available for intra prediction".



1 << ( BitDepthY − 1 ) ,其中 BitDepthY指的是Y分量的bitdepth,通常都是8bit,所以 BitDepthY − 1 为7;<< 代表位运算左移,每左移一次相当于乘以2,所以最后的值为128.




    a. 如果左下角的unavailable,那么按照从下往上,从左往右的顺序搜索,找到第一个available的,复制给左下角;

    b. 左下角的填充完了之后,按照从下往上,从左往右的顺序依次填充,如果某个sample是unavailable的,那么用它的前一个去填充它。

posted on 2013-06-18 13:42  蓝色泡泡兔  阅读(1150)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报