
与 Biztalk 搏斗

Posted on 2005-12-04 20:57  yysun  阅读(1202)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报

开发个 Biztalk 系统真是颇费周折。记下一些经验备用。

1. Error about enlisting DTC.
1) Turn off the RPC security on your Windows Server 2003 computers.
2) Turn off DTC authentication.
Error Messages:
Failed to execute SQL Statement. Please ensure that the supplied syntax is correct. An error occurred while enlisting in a distributed transaction.

2. Unable to deploy early bindings... Access is denied.
Solution: Add user id / group to Biztalk Admin group and SSO admin group
Error Messages:
[Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.DeploymentException] Unable to deploy early bindings.
[Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.Binding.BindingException] Failed updating binding information.
BindingException: Could not store transport type data for Primary Transport of Send Port 'xxSendPort' to config store. Access is denied.[Microsoft.BizTalk.ExplorerOM.BtsException] Could not store transport type data for Primary Transport of Send Port 'xxSendPort' to config store. Access is denied.

3. Event Log is full of ENTSSO events?
Solution: C:Program FilesCommon FilesEnterprise Single Sign-Onssoconfig -backupsecret mybackup.bak
Error Messages:
The master secret has not been backed up. If you lose the master secret all the information stored in the SSO system will be lost permanently and your systems may fail to work correctly. Please use the SSO admin tools to back up your master secret.

4. Cannot deploy without strong name
Solution: Assign strong name from within the BizTalk project's properties window.
Error Messages:
[Microsoft.BizTalk.Deployment.DeploymentException] Unable to install the "....dll" assembly into the Global Assembly Cache. Exception: A strongly-named assembly is required.
[Microsoft.BizTalk.Gac.GacException] A strongly-named assembly is required.

5. Cannot Access Schema Based Message's Property in the Expression Editor
Solution: Open the XSD, right click the property name, select Promote | Show Promotions ..
Promote the properties to be distinguished.