
SharpReader Plug-in

Posted on 2005-12-04 18:36  yysun  阅读(523)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

To Installed WB Editor 2 as SharpReader  Plug-in

  1. Find a folder named plugins from the SharpReader's installation folder, by default it is C:\Program Files\SharpReader\plugins.

  2. If not found the plugins folder, then create new folder under the SharpReader's installation folder and name it plugins.

  3. Copy all files include sub-folders from the WB Editor 2's installation folder to the plugins folder of SharpReader.

  4. Delete the file blogExtension.dll from the plugins folder of SharpReader. (This step is very important!)

  5. Start SharpReader, right click on subjects of right top panel, WB Editor 2 will show under the Blog This menu for you to use.

 WB Editor 2 generates hyper linked subject line and loads the content of RSS item from SharpReader for you to blog.