


BibTeX 是一个使用数据库的的方式来管理参考文献程序, 用于协调LaTeX的参考文献处理.


BibTeX 文件的后缀名为 .bib . 先来看一个例子:

author = {Jim Gettys and Phil Karlton and Scott McGregor},
title = {The {X} Window System, Version 11},
journal = {Software Practice and Experience},
volume = {20},
number = {S2},
year = {1990},
abstract = {A technical overview of the X11 functionality. This is an update of the X10 TOG paper by Scheifler /& Gettys.}



第一行@article 告诉 BibTeX 这是一个文章类型的参考文献. 还有其它格式, 例如 article, book, booklet, conference, inbook, incollection, inproceedings, manual, misc, mastersthesis, phdthesis, proceedings, techreport, unpublished 等等.
接下来的"Gettys90", 就是你在正文中引用这个条目的名称.

为了在 LaTeX 中使用BibTeX 数据库, 你必须先做下面三件事情:

1) 设置参考文献的类型 (bibliography style). 标准的为 plain:


其它的类型包括unsrt – 基本上跟 plain 类型一样, 除了参考文献的条目的编号是按照引用的顺序, 而不是按照作者的字母顺序.
alpha – 类似于 plain 类型, 当参考文献的条目的编号基于作者名字和出版年份的顺序.
abbrv – 缩写格式 .
2) 标记引用 (Make citations). 当你在文档中想使用引用时, 插入 LaTeX命令


"引用文章名称" 就是前边定义@article后面的名称.

3) 告诉 LaTeX 生成参考文献列表 . 在 LaTeX 的结束前输入


这里bibfile 就是你的 BibTeX 数据库文件 bibfile.bib .


运行 BibTeX分为下面四步

1.用LaTeX编译你的 .tex 文件 , 这是生成一个 .aux 的文件, 这告诉BibTeX 将使用那些引用.
2.用BibTeX 编译 .bib 文件.
3.再次用LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 这个时候在文档中已经包含了参考文献, 但此时引用的编号可能不正确.
4.最后用 LaTeX 编译你的 .tex 文件, 如果一切顺利的话, 这是所有东西都已正常了.

例子: 将上面的 BibTeX 的的例子保存为 bibfile.bib.

We cite /cite{name1} and /cite{name2}.

将上面的内容保存为bibtex-example.tex .

latex编译一次, bibtex 编译一次, 再用 latex编译两次就大功告成了!






关于文献类型: (摘自TeXGuru的Latex2e用户手册)
    不可少域author, title, journal, year.
    可省略域volume, number, pages, month, note.

 author = {a and b},
 title = {title},
 journal = {journal name},
 volume = {42},
 number = {1},
 year = {2008},
 issn = {0110-0101},
 pages = {1--8},
 doi = {http://doi.xxx.org},
 publisher = {ACM},
 address = {New York, NY, USA},

    不可少域author或editor, title, publisher, year.
    可省略域volume或number, series, address, edition, month, note.

    可省略域author, howpublished, address, month, year, note.


    不可少域author或editor, title, chapter和/或pages, publisher,year.
    可省略域volume或number, series, type, address, edition, month,note.

    不可少域author, title, booktitle, publisher, year.
    可省略域editor, volume或number,series, type, chapter, pages,address, edition, month, note.

    不可少域author, title, booktitle, year.
    可省略域editor, volume或number, series, pages, address, month,
                organization, publisher, note.

    author = {a and b},
    title = {title},
    booktitle = {Proceedings of the conference},
    address = {Sydney, Australia},
    month = Nov,
    year = 2008,
    pages = {1-2},
    affiliation = {Uni-name, Country},
    URL = {http://url/}

    可省略域author, organization, address, edition, month, year, note.

    不可少域author, title, school, year.
    可省略域type, address, month, note.

      可省略域author, title, howpublished, month, year, note.

    author = "a",
    title = "title",
    howpublished = "Website",
    year = {2008},
    note = {/url{https://www.mysite.org}}

    不可少域author, title, school, year.
    可省略域type, address, month, note.

    不可少域title, year.
    可省略域editor,volume或number, series, address, month,
                organization, publisher, note.

    不可少域author, title, institution, year.
    可省略域type, number, address, month, note.

 author = {a and b}
 title = {title},
 institution = {institution rpt no.}
 year = {2008}


    不可少域author, title, note.
    可省略域month, year.





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