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5.1 Lua执行过程概述




// lauxlib.c:111
// lual_loadfile 函数用于进行词法和语法分析以生成字节码, 
// lua_pcall 字节码放到虚拟机中执行
#define luaL_dofile(L, fn) \
  (luaL_loadfile(L, fn) || lua_pcall(L, 0, LUA_MULTRET, 0))

// ldo.c:490
// luaL_loadfile -> lua_load -> luaD_protectedparser -> f_parser
// f_parser : 生成 Proto 并将其压入栈中
static void f_parser (lua_State *L, void *ud) {
  struct SParser *p = cast(struct SParser *, ud);
  int c = luaZ_lookahead(p->z);
  Proto *tf = ((c == LUA_SIGNATURE[0]) ? luaU_undump : luaY_parser)
                 (L, p->z,&p->buff, p->name);
  Closure * cl = luaF_newLclosure(L, tf->nups, hvalue(gt(L)));
  cl->l.p = tf;  // 将生成的 Proto (含有字节码等相关数据) 绑定到 Closure 上 
  for (int i = 0; i < tf->nups; i++)  /* initialize eventual upvalues */
    cl->l.upvals[i] = luaF_newupval(L);
  setclvalue(L, L->top, cl); //压入栈中

// lapi.c:805
// lua_pcall -> luaD_pcall -> luaD_rawrunprotected -> f_call -> luaD_call -> luaV_execute
LUA_API int lua_pcall (lua_State *L, int nargs, int nresults, int errfunc) {
  // struct CallS c; ......
  c.func = L->top - (nargs+1);  /* function to be called:由 f_parser 最后两行得到 */
  c.nresults = nresults;
  int status = luaD_pcall(L, f_call, &c, savestack(L, c.func), func);
  adjustresults(L, nresults);
  return status;

// ldo.c:455
// lua_pcall -> luaD_pcall -> luaD_rawrunprotected -> f_call -> luaD_call -> luaV_execute
int luaD_pcall (lua_State *L, Pfunc func, void *u, ptrdiff_t old_top, ptrdiff_t ef) {
  // ......
  int status = luaD_rawrunprotected(L, func, u); 
  // ......

// ldo.c:111
// lua_pcall -> luaD_pcall -> luaD_rawrunprotected -> f_call -> luaD_call -> luaV_execute
int luaD_rawrunprotected (lua_State *L, Pfunc f, void *ud) {
  struct lua_longjmp lj;
  lj.status = 0;
  lj.previous = L->errorJmp;  /* chain new error handler */
  L->errorJmp = &lj;
  LUAI_TRY(L, &lj,
    (*f)(L, ud);   // f: f_call
  L->errorJmp = lj.previous;  /* restore old error handler */
  return lj.status;

// lapi.c:798
// lua_pcall -> luaD_pcall -> luaD_rawrunprotected -> f_call -> luaD_call -> luaV_execute
static void f_call (lua_State *L, void *ud) {
  struct CallS *c = cast(struct CallS *, ud);
  luaD_call(L, c->func, c->nresults);

** Call a function (C or Lua). The function to be called is at *func.
** The arguments are on the stack, right after the function.
** When returns, all the results are on the stack, starting at the original
** function position.

// ldo.c:369
// lua_pcall -> luaD_pcall -> luaD_rawrunprotected -> f_call -> luaD_call -> luaV_execute
void luaD_call (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nResults) {
  // ......
  if (luaD_precall(L, func, nResults) == PCRLUA)  /* is a Lua function? */
    luaV_execute(L, 1);  /* call it */

// ldo.c:264
// lua_pcall -> luaD_pcall -> luaD_rawrunprotected -> f_call -> luaD_call -> luaV_execute
// luaD_precall 为 luaV_execute 做准备工作
// 从 lua_State 的 CallInfo 数组中得到一个新的 CallInfo 结构体,设置它的 func、base、top 指针
int luaD_precall (lua_State *L, StkId func, int nresults) {
  // ......
  LClosure *cl = &clvalue(func)->l;
  L->ci->savedpc = L->savedpc;
  if (!cl->isC) {  /* Lua function? prepare its call */
    StkId base;
    Proto *p = cl->p;
    // ......
    CallInfo *ci = inc_ci(L);  /* now 'enter' new function */
    ci->func = func;
    L->base = ci->base = base;
    ci->top = L->base + p->maxstacksize;
    lua_assert(ci->top <= L->stack_last);
    L->savedpc = p->code;  /* starting point, code 即为字节码 */
    ci->tailcalls = 0;
    ci->nresults = nresults;
    for (StkId st = L->top; st < ci->top; st++) // 多余的未传入的参数置为 nil
    L->top = ci->top;
    // ......
    return PCRLUA;
  else {  /* if is a C function, call it */
    // ......

// lvm.c:373
// lua_pcall -> luaD_pcall -> luaD_rawrunprotected -> f_call -> luaD_call -> luaV_execute

void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, int nexeccalls) {
  LClosure *cl;
  StkId base;
  TValue *k;
  const Instruction *pc;
 reentry:  /* entry point */
  pc = L->savedpc;
  cl = &clvalue(L->ci->func)->l;
  base = L->base;
  k = cl->p->k;
  /* main loop of interpreter */
  for (;;) {
    const Instruction i = *pc++;
    StkId ra;
    if ((L->hookmask & (LUA_MASKLINE | LUA_MASKCOUNT)) &&
        (--L->hookcount == 0 || L->hookmask & LUA_MASKLINE)) {
      traceexec(L, pc);
      if (L->status == LUA_YIELD) {  /* did hook yield? */
        L->savedpc = pc - 1;
      base = L->base;
    /* warning!! several calls may realloc the stack and invalidate `ra' */
    ra = RA(i);

    lua_assert(base == L->base && L->base == L->ci->base);
    lua_assert(base <= L->top && L->top <= L->stack + L->stacksize);
    lua_assert(L->top == L->ci->top || luaG_checkopenop(i));
    switch (GET_OPCODE(i)) {
      case OP_MOVE: {
        setobjs2s(L, ra, RB(i));
  // ......

// ldo.c:342
// 最后,执行完毕后, 还会调用 luaD_poscall 函数恢复到上一次函数调用的环境:
int luaD_poscall (lua_State *L, StkId firstResult) {
  if (L->hookmask & LUA_MASKRET)
    firstResult = callrethooks(L, firstResult);
  CallInfo *ci = L->ci--;
  StkId res = ci->func;  /* res == final position of 1st result */
  int wanted = ci->nresults;
  L->base = (ci - 1)->base;  /* restore base */
  L->savedpc = (ci - 1)->savedpc;  /* restore savedpc */
  /* move results to correct place */
  for (int i = wanted; i != 0 && firstResult < L->top; i--)
    setobjs2s(L, res++, firstResult++);
  while (i-- > 0)
  L->top = res;
  return (wanted - LUA_MULTRET);  /* 0 iff wanted == LUA_MULTRET */

    Proto是分析阶段的产物,会有许多数据结构辅助生成Proto。luaY_parser -> Proto -> luaV_execute


5.2 数据结构与栈


    lua_State中有CallInfo base_ci[](大小是有限的),ci 则指向当前函数的CallInfo指针。

 在调用函数之前,一般会调用 luaD_precall 函数,它主要完成如下几个操作 。
  (1) 保存当前虚拟机执行的指令 savedpc 到ci->savedpc中 。 此处保存下来是为了后面调用完毕之后恢复执行。
  (2) 分别计算出待调用函数的 base 、 top值,这些值的计算依赖于函数的参数数量。
  (3) 从 lua_State 的 base_ci 数组中分配一个新的CallInfo指针,指向ci并切换到这个函数中准备调用。

    lua_State结构体中的top和 base指针始终指向当前执行函数的对应位置。


 5.3 指令的解析

    结构体 FuncState 用于在语法分析时保存解析函数之后相关的信息,根据其中的 prev 指针成员来串联起来
    FuneState等数据结构仅是用于分析过程中的临时数据结构,它们最终都是为了解析代码生成指令到 Proto结构体服务的。
    (1)保存常量用的数组;(2)保存分析之后生成的 OpCode 数组;(3)保存局部变量的数组;(4)保存 UpValue 的数组。
    下面的例子便于理解FuneState 和 Proto 的关系:
local function a()      -- fsa
  local function b()    -- fsb


5.4 指令格式



** size and position of opcode arguments.
#define SIZE_C        9
#define SIZE_B        9
#define SIZE_Bx        (SIZE_C + SIZE_B)
#define SIZE_A        8

#define SIZE_OP        6

#define POS_OP        0
#define POS_A        (POS_OP + SIZE_OP)
#define POS_C        (POS_A + SIZE_A)
#define POS_B        (POS_C + SIZE_C)
#define POS_Bx        POS_C

#define GET_OPCODE(i)    (cast(OpCode, ((i)>>POS_OP) & MASK1(SIZE_OP,0)))
#define SET_OPCODE(i,o)    ((i) = (((i)&MASK0(SIZE_OP,POS_OP)) | \
        ((cast(Instruction, o)<<POS_OP)&MASK1(SIZE_OP,POS_OP))))

#define GETARG_A(i)    (cast(int, ((i)>>POS_A) & MASK1(SIZE_A,0)))
#define SETARG_A(i,u)    ((i) = (((i)&MASK0(SIZE_A,POS_A)) | \
        ((cast(Instruction, u)<<POS_A)&MASK1(SIZE_A,POS_A))))

#define GETARG_B(i)    (cast(int, ((i)>>POS_B) & MASK1(SIZE_B,0)))
#define SETARG_B(i,b)    ((i) = (((i)&MASK0(SIZE_B,POS_B)) | \
        ((cast(Instruction, b)<<POS_B)&MASK1(SIZE_B,POS_B))))

#define GETARG_C(i)    (cast(int, ((i)>>POS_C) & MASK1(SIZE_C,0)))
#define SETARG_C(i,b)    ((i) = (((i)&MASK0(SIZE_C,POS_C)) | \
        ((cast(Instruction, b)<<POS_C)&MASK1(SIZE_C,POS_C))))

#define GETARG_Bx(i)    (cast(int, ((i)>>POS_Bx) & MASK1(SIZE_Bx,0)))
#define SETARG_Bx(i,b)    ((i) = (((i)&MASK0(SIZE_Bx,POS_Bx)) | \
        ((cast(Instruction, b)<<POS_Bx)&MASK1(SIZE_Bx,POS_Bx))))

#define GETARG_sBx(i)    (GETARG_Bx(i)-MAXARG_sBx)
#define SETARG_sBx(i,b)    SETARG_Bx((i),cast(unsigned int, (b)+MAXARG_sBx))


const lu_byte luaP_opmodes[NUM_OPCODES] = {
/*       T  A    B       C     mode           opcode    */
  opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgN, iABC)         /* OP_MOVE */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgK, OpArgN, iABx)        /* OP_LOADK */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgU, OpArgU, iABC)        /* OP_LOADBOOL */
 ,opmode(0, 1, OpArgR, OpArgN, iABC)        /* OP_LOADNIL */


     T: 是否是逻辑测试相关的指令,可能将pc指针自增1

     A: 是否赋值给R(A)

     B/C: B、C参数格式。


    mode: 这个OpCode的格式。


/*** some macros for common tasks in `luaV_execute'*/
#define runtime_check(L, c)    { if (!(c)) break; }
#define RA(i)    (base+GETARG_A(i))
/* to be used after possible stack reallocation */
#define RB(i)    check_exp(getBMode(GET_OPCODE(i)) == OpArgR, base+GETARG_B(i))
#define RC(i)    check_exp(getCMode(GET_OPCODE(i)) == OpArgR, base+GETARG_C(i))
#define RKB(i)    check_exp(getBMode(GET_OPCODE(i)) == OpArgK, \
    ISK(GETARG_B(i)) ? k+INDEXK(GETARG_B(i)) : base+GETARG_B(i))
#define RKC(i)    check_exp(getCMode(GET_OPCODE(i)) == OpArgK, \
    ISK(GETARG_C(i)) ? k+INDEXK(GETARG_C(i)) : base+GETARG_C(i))
#define KBx(i)    check_exp(getBMode(GET_OPCODE(i)) == OpArgK, k+GETARG_Bx(i))



void luaV_execute (lua_State *L, int nexeccalls) {
  LClosure *cl;
  StkId base;
  TValue *k;
  const Instruction *pc;
 reentry:  /* entry point */
  pc = L->savedpc; //保存当前指令的执行位置(即Proto的code成员变量)
  cl = &clvalue(L->ci->func)->l; //当前所在的函数环境
  base = L->base; //当前函数环境的栈base地址
  k = cl->p->k;   //当前函数环境的常量数组
  /* main loop of interpreter */
  for (;;) {


5.6 调试工具

    gdb断点关键函数:指令的生成luaK_code,指令的执行 luaV_execute



    ChunkSpy.lua:1120: mismatch in size_t size (needs 4 but read 8)

    需要将size_size_t = 4改为size_size_t = 8

[yoyu@localhost api]$ lua -v
Lua 5.1.4  Copyright (C) 1994-2008 Lua.org, PUC-Rio
[yoyu@localhost api]$ lua ChunkSpy.lua --source c_call_lua/a.lua --brief
; source chunk: c_call_lua/a.lua
; x86 standard (32-bit, little endian, doubles)

; function [0] definition (level 1)
; 0 upvalues, 0 params, 2 stacks
.function  0 0 2 2
.local  "a"  ; 0
.const  1  ; 0
[1] loadk      0   0        ; 1
[2] return     0   1      
; end of function

[yoyu@localhost api]$ cat c_call_lua/a.lua
local a = 1
[yoyu@localhost api]$ 


     ; 注释

    . 数据类型的定义

    [数字] OpCode

posted on 2021-01-23 22:41  zziii  阅读(300)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报